Faced with the attacks that could come from above, around, or even from below at any time, everyone felt their scalps go numb, but Kunjun was still calm, with no expression on his face.

Regardless of normal elemental attacks, those elemental reactions that were difficult to prevent caused great trouble to everyone.

Evaporation, melting, freezing, overloading, superconductivity, induction... Elemental reactions such as these are constantly occurring in this natural disaster, and you will be caught if you are not careful.

Seeing this situation, Lu Shiyuan made a prompt decision and directly released Diona's elemental combat skill "Frozen Cat Claws" and fired five "Frozen Cat Claws" towards the ground. After the cat claws hit the ground, an icy and cold spherical shape immediately followed. The shield appeared around him and his companions, and they gained a moment of peace in this hell-like scene.

"It's so comfortable!" Paimon was wrapped in a circular shield and floated in the air. She knew it was Shi Yuan's handiwork, so she lay happily in it and stretched out.

Everyone cast grateful glances at Lu Shiyuan, who nodded slightly and maintained the shield.

Attacks continued to hit the shield, causing the shield to tremble. However, it still maintained its strength and showed no signs of collapse under Lu Shiyuan's constant firing of frozen cat claws.

It's stable for the time being.

"It is indeed Ruotuo Dragon King. It has been sealed for thousands of years, but it is so powerful just after breaking through the seal. How terrifying was it in its heyday?" Lu Shiyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the space, when the attacks of the four elements continued to rage, forcing the creatures created by the rock element to retreat, Zhongli took action again!

The divine power vibrated, and the elemental attack that almost completely covered Zhongli was bounced away. Around him, the Yuzhang shield remained motionless. Zhongli's expression was indifferent, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes. He looked at Ruotuo Dragon King quietly. .

"Mola...Kes!!!" Ruotuo Dragon King seemed to be stimulated by such a look, and roared crazily. His huge body burrowed into the ground like a swimming fish and crashed towards Zhongli!

This huge impact made everyone feel cold, worried that Zhongli would be injured by such an attack.

Although they know that Zhongli is the God of Rocks, Zhongli is also their friend, and it is human nature to care about the safety of his friends.

Unfortunately, although they wanted to help, their strength was simply not enough to intervene in a battle of this level.

Seeing that Ruotuo Dragon King's body was about to collide with his own, Zhongli had no intention of avoiding it. His eyes were focused, and the tail of the long braid behind him suddenly lit up with light.

The next moment, a big hole suddenly appeared at the top of the underground space... No, it was not a big hole, but the sky somewhere, and Zhongli forcibly pulled it over.

The meteor falling from the sky penetrated the clouds, fell to the ground at an extremely terrifying speed, and collided with Ruotuo Dragon King.


The ground trembled again. However, such an attack was not painful at all for Ruotuo Dragon King. It only paused for a moment and then immediately continued to rush towards Zhongli.

Lu Shiyuan felt chilled in his heart. That was a star. Dragon King Ruotuo didn't take this seriously! Could it be said that it is really stronger than Zhongli?

The next moment he had this idea, he suddenly noticed that the sky at the top of the space had not disappeared.

This gave him a terrifying guess, and the next development confirmed his idea.

"The sky is moving and everything is moving." Zhongli's tone was full of calmness, like an eternal rock in the world.

As his voice fell, there was a whistling sound in the sky from far to near, and another star fell, hitting Ruotuo Dragon King's body buried in the ground impartially.

However, the second sky star is not the end, or rather, it is just the beginning!

The area of ​​​​the sky pulled from nowhere suddenly expanded, almost filling the top of the underground space. One after another, the stars fell from the sky at the same time with terrifying impact. They had only one goal, and the direction of landing was Extremely precise, their appearance became hot and red due to the violent friction with the air, setting off shrill sound waves.

Such an attack is like a divine punishment sent down by the gods on the world. No matter how glorious and splendid the civilization of the world is, under the authority of God, it is nothing more than a small ant nest made of ants, which will collapse at the first touch.

Dozens and hundreds of stars fell one after another, hitting the Ruotuo Dragon King hidden in the earth. This terrifying giant beast finally couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

Due to the fall of countless stars, the entire space began to tremble violently, more intensely than ever before, and it seemed that the place would collapse at any time.

Lu Shiyuan looked at this scene in shock, feeling a strong fear in his heart for no reason.

This is the power of God...

This is the real power of these social losers who usually do nothing but fish and fish in water...

So, what should he do if a god with similar strength and status to Zhongli comes to deal with him? Although the possibility is slim, it is not impossible.

He felt a little depressed in his heart. God is a big mountain pressing on the head of mankind. God can guide mankind or destroy mankind.

Perhaps, human civilization without gods is the civilization that truly belongs to mankind, and Canria is the best lesson.

Sensing the fear in the hearts of those around her, Mona raised her hand, shook hands with Lu Shiyuan, and asked softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Lu Shiyuan came back to his senses, held the girl's hand firmly, thought about it for a moment, and answered truthfully: "I was thinking, if we face such an attack, how should we respond?

Although I hate to say it, after witnessing a god-level battle, I feel that I am too powerless. "

Mona was silent for a while and said seriously: "We have the power to deal with demons. We have the power to fight demons like Osel.

But a god like Mr. Zhongli... to be honest, it would be easy for him to deal with Ossel, and it is not within our scope of consideration at all. If we are an enemy of such a god, the outcome is already doomed. "

"That's right." Lu Shiyuan nodded in agreement, thinking of the "Maintainer of Heavenly Law" in the game.

Regardless of whether it is Ying or Kong, they will definitely start another war with Tianli.

The Order of the Abyss, the Fools, Camrea, the Seven Archons of the World...

He found with some helplessness that none of these guys were fuel-efficient lamps. No one knew what the future of this world would be like.

"Can I really open a good store and live a happy and prosperous life in the future?" Lu Shiyuan asked himself in his heart.

His strength is very strong among humans, and women are no match for him.

However, this is far from ceiling-level combat power. Neither he nor the executive officer of the Fools are too weak in front of God.

He sighed softly, and then a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

Those were the two key factors that Alice told him about "detachment."

"Perhaps I should visit Inazuma," he thought.

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