Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 234 Methods of treating wear and tear

All three shops were closed, and everyone sat around the teahouse, looking at Lu Shiyuan silently and seriously.

After learning that the latter could not remember what happened, Mona immediately informed Lu Qianzhi of the matter and asked her to come.

After something like this happened, they naturally had no intention of opening a store, so they closed the door early today and asked the other shop assistants to go back.

"Then, next, I'm going to divine for you, Shi Yuan." Mona summoned her water fortune teller and said softly.

"Yes." Lu Shiyuan nodded. Although he actually knew the specific cause of his problem, it was more appropriate for the other party to use divination to confirm it himself.

As Mona drew tracks on the water chart, Lu Shiyuan's fate also appeared in the eyes of the astrologer.

The huge thread of fate, which spanned more than two thousand years, rushed into Mona's mind in an instant, turning her thoughts into a mess and causing her spirit to fall into a strong trance.

"Mona, are you okay?" Gan Yu asked worriedly.

"'s okay." Mona came back from her trance, her tone was a little bitter, "The one who's in trouble is Shi Yuan."

Under the surprised gazes of the two girls, Mona slowly said: "Although Shi Yuan only left us for about a month, his body and soul have spent a full two thousand years.

His fate has long since become a chaos that cannot be observed or predicted. "

The two were stunned. Mona explained it carefully, and Lu Shiyuan added that he had mastered the power of time, and finally they understood the situation.

"No wonder my brother suddenly asked Ms. Alice to come with a lot of words not long after he left." Lu Qianzhi lowered his head and said softly,

"At first, I didn't take it seriously, but now, those words are more like my brother saying goodbye to us, because he knows that he will spend a long time that no one knows."

"It seems that time has been worn away." Gan Yu said firmly, "Even if you master the power of time, your soul will still be washed away by time."

"Wear and tear?" Lu Qianzhi and Mona both looked at Gan Yu. As the only immortal among the people present, Gan Yu, who had lived for more than three thousand years, had an authoritative say on this matter.

Gan Yu was not afraid of the stage and calmly expressed his opinion, "Wear and tear is a natural principle of the Teyvat world and exists in everything.

To put it simply, it will make intelligent life gradually forget the past and lose its original intention under the erosion of time.

The sealed Dragon King is the most vivid example. "

Mona nodded slightly. She had witnessed the duel between Ruoduo Dragon King and her own kindness, and Mr. Zhongli.

The powerful Dragon King completely forgot what happened during the Demon God War. He only remembered that thousands of years ago, humans dug mineral veins and destroyed the habitat of himself and his kind, which led to madness.

This situation is so similar to the current era.

"This is true for things created by elements, let alone human beings." Gan Yu sighed, "Mortals will forget how to speak after living alone for ten years. After more than two thousand years of time, Shiyuan still vaguely remembers us. It is already Extremely rare.”

"Then what should we do to restore his memory?" Lu Qianzhi asked hurriedly.

"This..." Gan Yu shook his head, "I really don't know. Wear and tear can only be prevented. Immortals like Zhenjun Liuyun will often sit and talk about the past to consolidate their memories.

Also because Zhenjun Liuyun always told other immortals some... things about my childhood, so she remembered these things very firmly. "

As he spoke, Gan Yu's tone dropped, "Well, there may be a way to cure wear and tear, but my knowledge is still too shallow. If the emperor is here, he must have a good way.

After all, he is the ancestor of the immortals who has lived the longest, experienced the most, and been least worn out among us.


"What's such a pity?" Lu Qianzhi and Mona looked at each other, their eyes shining brightly.

"Isn't it a pity...?" Gan Yu blinked his big ignorant eyes.

"I'll call Mr. Zhongli over." Mona immediately stood up and walked out of the room.

"Brother, do you still remember me?" After Lu Qianzhi watched Mona leave, he pointed at himself and asked Lu Shiyuan.

The latter nodded and touched the stone bell on the tip of his hair, "You are my sister. Although my head is a little confused now, I can understand it when I see you."

"Hehe." Lu Qianzhi laughed with satisfaction, "As expected, the friendship between us brothers and sisters cannot be severed by time."

Lu Shiyuan smiled and nodded.

Before they could say anything else, Mona pushed open the door and led Zhong Li in.

So fast! Everyone was a little shocked.

Mona explained: "As soon as I went out, I saw Mr. Zhongli wandering around the door of the teahouse. He probably wanted to drink tea, but found that the teahouse was closed."

"I'm going to make tea now." Lu Qianzhi stood up and replied calmly.

As the aroma of tea rose, Mona told Zhongli the whole story.

Zhong Li sipped the tea, looked at Lu Shiyuan with calm eyes, and chuckled: "It seems that little friend Lu has had quite an adventure."

Feeling the majestic power of the other party hidden under his mortal appearance, Lu Shiyuan guessed the other party's identity, nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Zhongli, is there any way to help me restore my memory?"

"Wait...wait a minute." At this time, Gan Yu's shocked voice sounded at an inappropriate time, "Mr. Zhongli, what is his identity?"

Everyone explained to Gan Yu again, and then the half-immortal who had missed the emperor's dream understood the situation.

"So, is that so?" Gan Yu was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to face this matter.

But soon, she suppressed her chaotic thoughts, which were generally very joyful, and refocused her thoughts on Lu Shiyuan's affairs.

Zhongli said: "Wear and tear is a natural principle, and it is difficult to reverse. If other immortals show wear and tear, not even I can change it."

Everyone blinked, and Lu Qianzhi was the first to react, "Master, what you mean is that my brother is in a special situation? Is there room for change?"

"Yes." Zhongli nodded, "Take Ruotu as an example. Before it was worn out, it had thousands of years of experience and memory. As time went by, the things in its memory also turned into smoke.

How can it recall the past without something to place its emotions on?

But Lu Xiaoyou is different. Although he has suffered wear and tear, what is really important, the people or things that entrust his emotions, are always there.

His truly meaningful memories are only these twenty years. We can take Lu Xiaoyou on a new journey of life and let him witness everything he has ever seen.

Memory is like a seed. Once it is planted, even the thick rock formations cannot prevent it from breaking out of the ground and growing into a towering tree. "

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