In the face of such a fierce attack.

Katakuri is also not a vegetarian.

When the opportunity is made, the palms are merged, and then pushed.

Subsequently, his arm also turned into a rice cake and flew out.

Then, in the air, it continues to expand and thicken.

At the same time, it was dyed with a dark armed color.

It exudes a metallic luster.

And Katakuri's fist is obviously much larger than Luffy's!

Katakuri's bigger!


The fists of the two suddenly collided together.

Then, a terrifying flash bloomed.

The next moment, Luffy was pushed backwards one after another.

Katakuri's fists suddenly turned into rice cakes.

Then, quickly approached Luffy's fist.

Stick the latter's fist with rice cakes!

And then, flick!




Luffy was stuck to the rice cake and hit the wall by a powerful force.

Not only that, but with the continuous exertion of power by Katakuri.

Luffy was carried by the rice cake, almost around the wall, constantly rubbing.

The entire wall was covered with a terrifying ravine!

"He can't make a move now!"

The shrimp soldier crab will see Katakuri's almost crushing posture, and said excitedly.

However, Luffy, a hot-blooded teenager, how could he fall because of a small setback!

I saw him stepping on the wall with both feet and jumping out fiercely.

At the same time, the huge palm also changed back to its original size in a short time.

With this, he escaped from Katakuri's control.

Then, the gas in the teenager's arm did not dissipate.

Instead, under Luffy's control, it came to his feet.

"Rubber rubber, Tomahawk!!"

Once again, he bravely charged!

Attack on Titan World.

Eren stood up excitedly.

At this moment, he seemed to have crossed the limits of time and space and faced Katakuri with Luffy.


This fight, although Luffy fell into the downwind.

But the indomitable spirit of the latter also touched Allen, including the training corps and others.

All stand up!

Luffy's spirit was exactly what the Survey Corps needed.

Unyielding, unyielding.

Boldly explore the unknown and challenge the impossible.

Never give up to seek knowledge and understand!!

Understand how the enemy fights and never give up the opportunity to engage the enemy.

In this, hone yourself and improve yourself!

"I also want to be like him, majestic fighting."

Kony said enviously.

Marko encouraged Kony from the sidelines.

"You definitely can."

The world of Dragon Ball.

Sun Wukong shouted excitedly.


Originally sleepy, he suddenly became excited.

The world of Fairy Tail.

The fire dragon shook its wings excitedly.

"So burning, so hot-blooded!"

"I'm about to burst into flames!!"

The world of the Stone Age.

Qiankong was dumbfounded.

"It's really the same as the big tree, a guy who can't use up his energy

..." "But..."

Shishen Qiankong was silent for a moment at this moment.

"Isn't this a neon comic, a well-known migrant worker comic coming, including the previous videos..."

"Who is behind the scenes of this video?"

"Does it have anything to do with modern human society..." "

Could it have something to do with the secret of petrification?"

The stone god was empty, thinking about all possibilities.

Chrom next to him jumped up even more excitedly.

"So hot-blooded!"

And the golden wolf and silver wolf on the side.

His eyes were like stars, adoring Luffy.

His fighting heroism and spirit of not admitting defeat.

It can be said that it completely ignited the blood in the hearts of these two boys.

Let them ignite the mind to fight.


The Bone King looked at Luffy, who was full of strength and energy.

Suddenly a little crying and laughing.

"What a hot-blooded teenager."

He remembered when he played games with his union mates.

It should also be so hot-blooded and energetic.

"When it's really a time when youth is gone..."

he sighed silently.

But these are just his heart's words.

Although he is the number one powerhouse in the current world, he is unrivaled.

But in the end, it was still too lonely.

Everyone just saw his identity as the bone king.

But he didn't know that his heart was actually just a social animal.

Not a cold-blooded dictator.

It's a crosser who wants to talk to people.

Life in another world from scratch.

Lai Yueqian was equally excited.

Luffy, this kid, acts in a style that is very similar to him.

He died in this other world I don't know how many times, and I don't know how many times he was reborn.

Although I thought about giving up.

But he still gritted his teeth and persevered.

Looking at Luffy, for some reason.

He saw some shadows of himself.

Although it is said that I see the shadow, there is a feeling that the elders are looking at the child.

But Lai Yueqian did not have a trace of pride.

It's just for the purpose of appreciation, but also admiration.

Or rather, he admired Luffy quite a lot, and had this strength to dare to rush!

A world of perfect worlds.

Xiao Bu clapped his hands happily.

"What a strong boy!"

At that time, he was not young, although he was not young.

But he opened ten holes in the sky and became a rare existence of the Terrans, and even blazing like the scorching sun.

It's just that at this time, he hasn't let everyone know that he has opened ten caves.

After all, it's just opened.

Next, he needs to deal with other things....

The world of the Taoist priests.

Bruce Lee watched the video and was silent for a while, and then looked at Yang Jiannan, who was wearing a suit and pants.

"How do I feel, you're a bit like him?"

When Yang Jiannan heard this, he was a little unhappy.

"I'm talking like a neurotic."

Bruce Lee did not speak.

Instead, he looked at the underwear of his suit.

It was a white hospital gown.

At that time, he had just pulled Yang Jiannan as a partner.

In the video, the fighting continues.

Face the attack of the Tomahawk.

Katakuri stood on the ground. It is difficult to use the same move to counter Luffy's attack.

Grace watched Luffy's giant tomahawk fall abruptly!

Then, the sharp slash set off a puff of smoke.

It is difficult to see the situation inside.


The shrimp soldier and crab general is a sad cry with a very good mood.

Then, I saw a huge shadow on the ground!

Look up again.

Katakuri appeared behind Luffy at some point.

Moreover, he threw out an attack that was bigger than Luffy's Tomahawk!

"Katakuri-sama's feet, bigger!"

Katakuri's eyes flashed with a sharp red light.

It was as if he had seen through all the origins of this world.

"The odds of your future destiny are almost better than nothing!"


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