The heavens and the universe, countless audiences, are under the watchful eye of all people.

Vegeta's eyes softened and she said in a hoarse voice.

"Trunks, you've never had your dad hold you since you were a baby, right?"

"Let Daddy hug it once..."

Hearing the sudden words, Trunks was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned extremely red and he looked resistant.


"No, don't, it's embarrassing!"

Although he was refusing, his heart was beating violently and uncontrollably.

In the eyes of outsiders, Vegeta usually always looks fierce, a muscular maniac who doesn't know anything but training!

However, in Trunks' heart, Dad is the strongest and most handsome Saiyan warrior in the world!!

Will the father who is so longing for it really hold himself?

Then, under Trunks' incredulous gaze, Vegeta actually walked towards him and took him in his arms.

The picture freezes, as if time in the whole world has stopped flowing.

Immediately after, with a burst of mournful music...

At this moment, Vegeta looked at Trunks for a long time.

And in his heart, a trace of remorse suddenly rose.

I have been training feverishly day after day so far, just to surpass Kakarot and become the strongest warrior in the universe!!

But it would have been nice to have a little more time to spend with your family before...

Vegeta had never realized it before.

The reluctance to part with one's family is so painful...

Seeing this extremely affectionate and touching scene.

The discussions and discussions of many dimensions gradually fell silent, as if they were silently witnessing Vegeta's final farewell to her loved ones.

That's right, Vegeta is an evil Saiyan, a villain warrior who wants to destroy the Earth in order to fight for the Dragon Ball!!

However, this does not prevent the proud Saiyan prince from being evil forever!!

To protect the family.

To protect the earth.

At this moment, even the most cherished life, Vegeta felt that it didn't matter!!!

"Vegeta, unexpectedly a good father!"

In the hospital room, Bulma sighed with some surprise.

I didn't expect Vegeta to cherish her family so much in the future.

Seeing this kind of good man, Bulma's dislike for Vegeta also decreased a little.

Clin, who was next to him, also nodded, very rarely in agreement.

This scene is really surprising...

No wonder, Vegeta will become a Super Saiyan warrior who fights alongside Goku in the future!!

Trunks in the picture is already crazy with excitement.

As Vegeta's biological son, Daddy is simply his idol!!

His mood also changed from the beginning of the twisting and resisting, and gradually became happy and ecstatic, and the corners of his mouth were about to reach his ears.

Looking at this scene, Vegeta, who was sitting in the spaceship, was also silent for a long time, and his brain was unable to react.

It's just that his hands trembled slightly inadvertently.

No matter how hard you think about it, how can you become like this in the future!!

Obviously, he was bent on seizing the Dragon Ball and destroying the earth!!

I hate those guys at Kakarot!!

But he never imagined...

When you have a lover and a family, you actually feel that life on Earth is not bad!?

In the frame, Vegeta slowly stands up.

He felt that the aura of Majin Buu was gradually converging, and no matter how reluctant he was, he had to say goodbye.

"Trunks, take care!"


Unbeknownst to Trunks, Vegeta knocked him unconscious with a single blow of his hand.

Then, under the incredible gaze of Sun Wutian next to him, he punched him in the abdomen.


Both children fell to the ground and fell into a brief fainting.

And not just because Trunks is his own son...

It's also because now Goku and Gohan are dead.

If you die in battle, there will be no hope for the earth.

Therefore, Trunks and Goten, who have inherited the strongest bloodline of Super Saiyans, must not die in this place!!

As long as they are alive, they can avenge the earthlings.

Get the Dragon Balls and save everyone!!!

Vegeta decided to stay alone, dragging Majin Buu alone.

Suddenly, his affectionate face became serious again, and he turned to look at Vic, who was stunned next to him.

"Vic, you take them far away from here, the farther the better."


"Vic, I just want to ask you one last thing, if I die, will I meet Kakarot in the underworld?"

Hearing Vegeta's bland words, Vic's complexion suddenly became extremely complicated and strange.

But time was ticking, and he only hesitated for a moment before he gave it all the answers.

"At this point, it's useless for me to say anything, so I'll tell you the truth, it's impossible!!"

Bick said very solemnly: "Because you killed too many innocent people when you were alive, as soon as you die, not only will your body dissipate, but your soul will also be sent to a different world, and even your memories will be washed away, and you will be reincarnated!"

"Vegeta, once you die, you can't be resurrected!!"



"Hehe, yes, that's a shame. "

Vegeta laughed casually, and now he was not afraid of death.

It's just a pity that he hasn't become the strongest warrior in the universe yet...

Although there are some regrets, for the sake of my family and the earth, I will not hesitate to lose my soul!!

Suddenly, seeing the figure of the demon Buu reappearing in the distance, Vegeta immediately urged: "Enough, you go quickly, the speed must be fast!!"

Vic nodded solemnly, grabbed Trunks and Sun Wutian with both hands and began to flee.

Soon after, only Vegeta and Majin Buu were left in the vast desert area.

Wait, isn't it!?

Seeing that the Majin Buu in the picture was getting closer, Vic and Kling also flew away with the two children, and Vegeta, who was sitting in the spaceship, stared blankly.

In the future, am I going to be gone...?

Even with the power of the Dragon Ball, it cannot be reborn, and can only turn into a wisp of dust in the earthly world!!

How could such a thing be allowed to happen!?

Could it be that in the future, in my own mind, my family and the earth are more precious than my life?



"Vegeta, you're not really going to die here, are you?"

In the ward, Vic and Kling were also a little incredulous and worried.

No matter how much the people who resented Vegeta before, when they saw this scene in the picture, they couldn't afford to hate it anymore.

Vegeta is the proud Saiyan prince who fights for Earth in the distant future!!

Perhaps, it is because there is no longer a chance to live.

This scene can better reflect his determination and sadness to fight the demon Buu!

The way forward and retreat is poor,

Fight to the death!!!

"Vegeta, you actually made such a decision in order to protect the earth..."

Goku sighed helplessly, feeling extremely sorry for Vegeta.

You know, at this time, I haven't really beaten Vegeta...

Could it be that from now on, he will never be able to fight Vegeta again?

At the same time, Bulma, who was next to her, also changed her opinion of Vegeta slightly.

But she still can't understand this future development, and she can't believe that there would be a woman who falls in love with Vegeta.

What happened to completely change that guy's nature?

"It's unbelievable, how could Vegeta be willing to protect the Earth?

"How much he loves his wife and son, I really don't see that such a wicked person cares about family..."

Bulma said in a daze.

Earlier, he had just been furious because Goku and Klin let Vegeta go.

But now it seems that Goku really made the right decision to let Vegeta go in the first place!!!

At this moment, everyone in the Dragon Ball world felt a wave of pity for Vegeta.

I didn't expect Vegeta to have become a good person, but he would die at the hands of Majin Buu in the future...

After all, judging from the fact that Majin Buu's aura lit up the entire galaxy before, it is no longer possible for any creature to be the opponent of this Majin!!

The Heavens Dimension, under the nervous gaze of all the spectators...

Majin Buu didn't pay attention to Vegeta at all, but directly wanted to go to Trunks for revenge.

However, it had barely floated into the air when Vegeta's voice came from below.

"Listen to me, you ugly jet monster!!"

"Of course you can chase them, but... You have to beat me before you can !!"

Good guy, Vegeta is so arrogant and domineering even to stop Majin Buu!!!

Seeing this scene, many viewers couldn't help but laugh.

Vegeta's previous transformations and contrasts have already gained a large number of fans.

Sure enough, Majin Buu was also enraged by Vegeta's words, and his body spewed out white smoke like a giant baby.

"You're scolding me again, it's so arrogant!!!"

"I'm going to torture you well!!"

"Hehe, I know how to deal with you guy, who's afraid of you?"

Faced with Majin Buu's threat, Vegeta sneered with disdain.


In an instant, Vegeta used his greatest strength to burst out with his strongest breath!!

Golden beams of light flickered, and crackling purple arcs surrounded the surroundings, as if the gods had descended into the world.

However...... What was different from the past was that one golden flame after another appeared around Vegeta, as if the energy was condensed to the extreme.

The magnitude of the qi is completely different from before!!!!

At this scene, even Majin Buu's expression became surprised.

What does this guy want to do?

At the same time, looking at the picture of the future, Vegeta seemed to sense something, and her expression became extremely frightened.

"No, you can't!!"

"How could I do such a thing in the future!Is it because the Kakarot guys brainwashed me!?"

Under Vegeta's exclamation of disbelief, Vegeta, the future Vegeta in the picture, sneered.


"This time, I will definitely defeat you, and you will never be able to recover from !!"

"Majin Buu, I'm going to break you into a pile of pieces!!!"

When the words fell, many points of light like fireflies appeared near Vegeta!!

Illuminated by a peaceful light, Vegeta's expression seemed to be relieved.

That's fine...

"Goodbye, my favorite Bulma, Trunks, and you, Kakarot!!




At this moment, when the name of Bulma was said from Vegeta's mouth, everyone in the Dragon Ball world was stunned like fools, their faces were dull, and their mouths were wide open.

Wukong Gohan, Kiki, Klin, Vic, Tianjin Rice, Yamu Tea, Dumplings, Turtle Immortals...

Also, Bulma...

Wait, did Vegeta say Bulma?

Isn't it this Bulma right next to them?


Bulma blinked inexplicably, as if she hadn't reacted to what was happening.

It's really...

The suffocating revelations!!!!

The woman who will have a child with Vegeta in the future turns out to be Bulma!!?

"Ahh!!!!h Vegeta's wife is Bulma!!!"

In the long silence, Wukong suddenly jumped up from the sick bed and shouted in surprise.

"I see!!

"Bulma's future wife is Bulma, and the reason why Vegeta has become like this is because of Bulma's !!"

Goku's surprised voice also brought Bulma back to her senses, and her mouth opened wide with a flushed face: "Goku, you are talking nonsense or something!!This must be wrong!!"

How can it be!!

How could I possibly be Vegeta's wife!!!

Bulma's heart shook !!

Her brain set off a monstrous wave.

She hadn't forgotten that she seemed to have just said...

Whoever wants to marry Vegeta must be a madman!!

Could it be that I'm scolding myself!!

However, this is simply impossible, how can the future self like a combat maniac?



After learning the shocking news, Bulma almost fainted.

However, at the time of the horror, Bulma was also watching the video carefully.


If you ignore the fact that Vegeta was once an evil Saiyan who almost destroyed the earth, he is indeed a good man.

Cherish the family, dedication, hard work, and never give up the pride in your heart.

And now, his future man is fighting to the death with this demon Buu!!

How to say...

Isn't it possible that I want to cheer for Vegeta in my heart!?

That's a shame, isn't it!!

Because...... Vegeta just killed all of her companions!

So, Bulma shook her head like crazy, muttering something she didn't know.

After the shock, Wukong and the others didn't know what she was thinking, just laughing and talking silently beside them.

However, the scene that happened in the picture quickly pulled everyone in the Dragon Ball world back from the shock.

In the picture, Vegeta, the Saiyan prince, also seems to be facing the desperate situation of death!!

Face the most terrifying Majin Buu...

There is no way back in this battle!!!

At this moment, bathed in golden light, Vegeta's aura became stronger and stronger, lightning and thunder, and golden light was shining!!

The fireflies that appeared around him were as beautiful and dreamy as the light of the moon.

No matter how unforgivable Vegeta was in the past, evil, cruel, cold-blooded... But now, he's fighting for the whole earth!!!

If it's for your lover and children, why die!!

At this moment, Vegeta's eyes were extremely resolute, and he stared at the somewhat overwhelmed Majin Buu.

Facing the Majin Buu, who scared all the powerhouses of many anime dimensions into silly, Vegeta did not have the slightest fear in his heart!!!

"Majin Buu!!!! I'll take you to hell with me!!!"

Incomparably tragic music sounded, accompanied by Vegeta's roar...

Under the incredulous gaze of everyone, the golden light on his body flickered to the extreme!!!

At least......

In this short moment, Vegeta's energy has temporarily surpassed that of Majin Buu!!

"Don't!!" Bulma, who was watching the picture, said in a trembling voice.

Although she doesn't know what will go wrong in the future, she will be with Vegeta.

However, looking at the scene that was about to happen, she actually felt an inexplicable pain in her heart.


In an instant, divine golden light erupted from Vegeta's body.

By this time, everything is irretrievable!!

It's great...

Vic and Kling had already left the battlefield with Trunks and Goten, so that they could explode without any scruples.


Vegeta roared wildly, unleashing all energy frantically.

Use your body as a carrier and burst out with your last breath at all costs!!

Let's get a look, Majin Buu!!!

This is the last pride of the Saiyan prince!!!!!!

The golden light rose into the sky in an instant!!

The brilliant light is so rich that it is even more dazzling than the sun's rays!!

Like a three-legged golden crow, the blazing light slowly rose along the coastline.

The head-tingling glow of energy turned into a sea of light!!

Vegeta's light illuminates the entire planet.


"Vegeta !!!!!!!!"

Feeling the desperate burst of energy, Kling let out a miserable cry in the distance.

Vegeta, since () exploded...

At this moment, he used up all his energy and bloomed with the most beautiful golden holy light!!

As the golden light burst out like a wave of flames, everything around it was turned upside down, and a deafening roar continued to resound.

The light, compressed to the extreme, did not shake the earth...

In order not to hurt Trunks and the others, Vegeta manipulated all the qi to compress it into a limited range.

A few seconds later, under the horrified gaze of countless spectators, a huge crater appeared in view.

Vegeta's body gradually turned to ashes.


He managed to defeat Majin Buu!!!

In order not to harm the earth and his family, Vegeta compressed the energy of the self-explosion to the extreme, otherwise...

I'm afraid the entire galaxy will turn to dust in an instant!!

But it is precisely because of this condensed qi to the extreme that even Majin Buu can't resist Vegeta's self-explosion!!

The precision of this control is almost stupid to all the crazy people in other dimensions who can only blindly destroy.

At this moment, the breath of life of Majin Buu has vanished.

Every cell was dissolved into nothingness, and it was gone.

There will never be a chance of resurrection!!!

"Me, am I dead?"

Seeing this, Vegeta collapsed in the spaceship in disbelief.

I don't know if I feel sorry for my death, or if I am shocked because of my strength.


When she came to her senses, Bulma realized that tears had welled up in her eyes.

How can it be......

How could I be sad and cry because of Vegeta's death!!

Meanwhile, both Goku and Kling are saddened by Vegeta's death and hold back tears rolling in their eyes.

Of course, not only everyone in the Dragon Ball world, but also a proud and tragic warrior like Vegeta deserves to be shocked by all the powerhouses of many dimensions!!

"Vegeta!!! Vegeta is the strongest warrior in the universe!!! This energy will definitely be able to completely wipe out the Majin Buu!!"

Black Clover World, Roaring Emperor Asta roared loudly.

Glowing like the ocean!!

It's so dazzling!!!

It is obviously a power used to destroy the enemy, but it illuminates the hearts of everyone and brings hope to everyone!!

"Vegeta, is a warrior worthy of our respect!"

In the Demon Slayer Blade World, the members of the Demon Slayer Team all shed tears of excitement.

Facing more than the Ghost Slayer team is facing... Those demons are countless times stronger, and it is more difficult to kill hundreds of millions of times more enemies, and Vegeta will not hesitate to blow up Majin Buu into ashes!!

"What kind of energy is this!!! you can't really kill Majin Buu, right!?"

In the world of the Seven Deadly Sins, the bodies of the members of the Ten Commandments trembled violently at the same time.

Majin Buu is many times more powerful than their Demon God King!!

However...... Vegeta, this guy, actually used the means of self-explosion to kill the demon Buu alive!!

"It's so good!! an evil guy like Majin Buu can't let him live no matter what!"

In the Dragon Ball world, the king god of the Eastern Realm cried with joy.

He was so lucky!!

In the future, I can actually meet a warrior as powerful as Vegeta, so what if Majin Buu is resurrected?

Before he could bring despair to the whole universe, he had already been strangled in the cradle by Vegeta!!

That's right!!

Super Saiyans are the most powerful race in the universe!

Vegeta, well done!!

"Damn Vegeta, it's superfluous!!"

The Red Silk Legion, the No. 20 android has a cold face, and he can't wait to fight for the demon Buu directly.

It's just that he will definitely be abused by Vegeta.

I can only think about it in my heart...

"Vegeta, damn Vegeta, you've betrayed the evil !!!" One Punch Man World, the hungry wolf continues to go crazy.

Pirate World, Hokage World, Death World, Demon Tail World, Tutor World.

At the same time, almost all of the righteous sides were in tears, and they also witnessed everything from Vegeta's memories...

Vegeta has gone from being a bad guy who wants to destroy the earth to what she is now!!

The woman who had the biggest influence on him should be the woman called Bulma!?


The top6 of the shocking famous scenes should also come to a complete end, right!?

The battle between Majin Buu and Vegeta ended with Vegeta's self-explosion!!!

Unexpectedly, Majin Buu, as a villain, can actually make Vegeta explode (), and its desolation is above Kurosaki Ichigo's last crescent moon Tenchong No Moon!!

Three thousand worlds, the heavens and dimensions.

At this moment, both good and bad, good and evil, all remembered Vegeta's name!!

This guy actually burst out with a light that was even more dazzling than the sun, and he had already shocked everyone to the point of no return.

However, is this really the end of the TOP6 of the shocking famous scenes...?

Is Majin Buu's ultimate evil really only to this extent!?



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 rewards plus one change, kneeling and begging thank you family !!!!!)

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