In the picture, black smoke clouds erupted wildly from all over Kurosaki Ichigo’s body, and the moonless posture was officially displayed in the eyes of the world.

The bandage covers the whole body, and the chains wrap around the arms, which completely coincides with the black shadow image in the video cover!!

“Once again, nothing can be felt …”

“It’s like neither the God of Death nor the void can feel my spiritual pressure, and they are not in the same dimension at all!!”

At this moment, Lan Ran’s voice was slightly bleak….

“Has this guy evolved to a higher dimension than me?”

“Impossible to !!!”

“It’s impossible!!!! impossible”

“Kurosaki Ichigo !!!”

“You, as a human being, have surpassed me without permission!!!”

Blue dyeing, Yu Youjie.

At this moment, this man who claimed to be above God and stood in the sky actually began to roar!!

The people guarding all dimensions showed his embarrassment and gaffe for the first time!!

In the face of hysterical blue dyeing, Kurosaki Ichigo was silent.

With a pitying look, his arm turned into a black blade and slashed forward.



At this moment, the sound of the slashing knife echoed in Kurosaki Ichigo’s ears.

When this sword is cut, Kurosaki Ichigo will lose all spiritual pressure and become an ordinary person.

This is the price he paid to defeat Lan Ran….

But, does he regret it?


Ichigo held the sword in his hand precisely for the person he wanted to protect!!!

Go ahead!!!


We are invincible ahead!!!!!!

This is the crescent moon heavenly rush that uses his body as a sword blade and blooms everything.

Because the moonlight blooms with its last brilliance.

After that, there will never be a moon again.

Endless blackness began to spread.

At this moment, all the audience, the eyes of countless living beings, turned into a pure black color.


“Can’t hear anything!”

“Can’t see anything!”

“I don’t feel anything…”

The strongest slash changed the color of heaven and earth!!!

Everything in the world seemed to have been cut in half by this black crescent.

In the face of no moon… Lan Ran could no longer make any sound.

Hundreds of millions of living beings are watching this scene.

Everyone was witnessing with their own eyes that the blue dye of the jade was split in two by Wuyue…

The black slash that stretched for thousands of kilometers covered the entire sky area of Kuzacho.

Three thousand worlds, suddenly lost their voice.

“Is this trick called Wuyue?”

RE0 world, the knight’s sword in the hand of the sword saint Rhein Harut fell to the ground with a bang, even if he had the protection of the world, it was impossible to block the blow of Wuyue’s slashing concept.

“It seems that you can only seal the sword…”

In the world of the enchanter, the mummy of the Black Manglou silently threw away the samurai sword in his hand.

After seeing this scene, he finally understood how small the power he was pursuing was!

In the world of Death Note, the overly shocked Night God Moon almost wrote his name in Death Note.

“The Last Crescent Heavenly Chong and the Moon !!!”

Pirate World, Hawkeye Mihawk held a black knife and slashed out, wanting to see if he could imitate Shi Xianwuyue, but in the end he just cut off a mountain range.

I’m afraid that no swordsman in the three thousand worlds can survive in front of Wuyue!

This is the most terrifying slash across all dimensions, all concepts!

If he breaks his sword, there will be no martial arts in the world!!!

Finally and finally….

Under everyone’s silent gaze, the sky regained color.

Black, the curtain is over.

Ichigo Kurosaki’s hair gradually turned its original orange.

Accompanying his somewhat lonely expression, the slashing moon in his hand shattered and disappeared with the wind.

The king is chasing, cutting the shadows and shattering.

The armor was shaking, stepping on the bones and eating the flesh and blood.

When it creaks, the heart is crumbling.

Step into it alone, far away.



As the duty of the god of death, the life with spiritual power is over.

From now on, return to mortals.

After that, there is no moon!!!!!

In the next second, countless viewers stared at Kurosaki Ichigo’s somewhat sad face, and the chopping knife that fluttered in the wind turned into a line of big characters engraved on the screen.

【Shocking famous scenes TOP8!!!!!! 】

[Hongata Blue Dye VS Ichigo Mugetsu!!!!! 】



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

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