
In the picture, Poros’s embarrassed figure is on the verge of reaching its limit.

Being able to block Saitama’s punch has even exceeded his limit!!!

At this moment, countless viewers were moved and saddened for it!!

If it is among the first three famous scenes….

Ulquiora’s nothingness made everyone feel empty.

Douglas Barrett’s fury ignited the fighting spirit of the crowd!!

Lan Ran’s strength was already above the gods as he said.

These villains are not strong.

It’s a pity… They were defeated after all.

However, only Poros has shown such an unbearable performance since the moment he faced Saitama!!

This man, named Saitama, can destroy the faith of all villains with just one punch!!

This invincible power makes people feel deeply desperate!!

“Continuous ordinary punches!”

Facing Poros, whose body had recovered again, Saitama’s fist was destroyed like an afterimage.

Just like the cover of the video….

A fist that seems to be able to dye everything red!!!!

Boom, boom, boom!!!

It is obviously a seemingly ordinary power….

But in an instant, all the other party’s flesh exploded, turning into thick plasma, shattering and breaking the silk connection.

He’s really strong….

Watching the video, Poros and many of his men were completely stunned.


Perhaps it is precisely because of Saitama’s strength that he will do everything to defeat him!!

The video continues!!

In the picture….

Poros once again began to heal his body with energy, but this time he was unable to fully recover.

Because he had been hit hard countless times, he didn’t have much strength anymore.

“Saitama, that’s how you should !!!”

“It’s up to me to defeat !!!!!!”

Accompanied by passionate and tragic music, Poros said a very inspirational word, and humans who don’t know the situation probably think that he is the protagonist!

Under the spotlight.

Poros’s bloodied body rushed into the air, bursting out huge energy like a roaring thunder.

Purple thunder spread in the air.

The huge and incomparable aura exploded the ears and noses of the powerhouses of many dimensions in an instant!

“Burst all the energy in your body at once!!”

“I’m going to destroy the entire surface of your planet!!!!”



What the heck? Destroy the surface !!!!

How is this kind of thing possible?

It should be a bluff, right?

At this moment, the audience of countless dimensions were dumbfounded and trembled madly.

What does it really mean to destroy the surface!?

In that case, billions of human beings would die in an instant!!!

Does he want to directly wipe out all living beings on this planet!?


At this moment, Saitama’s heartbeat shook violently…

Facing Poros, who burst out with huge energy, a long-lost enthusiasm actually rose in his heart!

A fiery heartbeat, a sense of crisis, a sense of tension, a long-forgotten high fighting spirit!!!!

That’s what he’s after!!!!!

Of course, although it is far from the level that Saitama wants.

But at least .


“Poros, you’re really strong.”

In reality, Saitama, who was watching the video, also stood up from the sofa, and his eyes exuded strange colors.

To bring himself a long-lost fighting spirit, Poros has done well enough!

It is worthy of being the hegemon who rules the entire universe!!!

At this moment, the video has come to the last minute!

In the next second, thunder burst out from Poros’s body, and under everyone’s helpless gaze, I saw a terrifying blue particle rushing straight into the sky, quickly condensing into a thick pillar of light.

[Crashing Star Roaring Cannon!!!!! 】

In an instant, under the roar of Poros…

All the condensed dark blue star point cluster particles burst out, and a diffused dust explosion roared through the clouds, all the way through the fall.

And in the face of the huge energy descending overhead, Saitama’s face finally became serious.

“Must kill, serious series”

“Serious punch !!!”


The falling blue star collided violently with the coercion of the fist.

In this instant, everything around disappeared….

All living beings faced this punch as if they had lost their own perception and existence.

This is no longer a human power that can be witnessed with the naked eye!!!

Countless viewers stared directly at the harsh light in the picture, and nothing else in reality could be felt.

One punch in the air!!!!!

After a breath, the scene of the world burned completely.

The picture is gray and white, leaving only the black and white outline outlined by the comic strip lines, gradually abstracted and broken, falling apart.

Immediately after….

Under the almost dull gaze of the powerhouses of many dimensions.

I saw the clouds in the sky, behind Porus…

A huge opening was blasted out by a fist shadow that looked like a god.

The entire earth’s atmosphere was split in two by the fist that streaked across the sky!!



[PS: Is anyone still watching?] I don’t feel much heat, please comment!!! Please, family. Just type numbers in the comment section to see how many live people there are!!!! 】

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)

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