[Shocking famous scene TOP7: One-punch man, hero association C-level hero Saitama vs universe overlord Poros].

[Saitama, the winner of the TOP7 shocking scene, will be rewarded, and a bottle of smooth maintenance agent will be rewarded, which can make the head shine after use].

This reward made the powerhouses of many dimensions stunned.

But soon, they reacted and couldn’t help but talk.

“Laughing to death, even the inventory is in order, this is not as good as hair tonic!!!”

“Everyone else is a reward that can become stronger, but for Saitama, there is no point in becoming stronger, right?

“Yes, it’s obviously a very funny thing, but there is an inexplicable sadness…”

“Saitama!! He’s really too strong!!!! It’s totally crushing! I feel that even if there is a shocking famous scene, the strength may not be able to surpass Saitama! ”

With the shocking famous scene TOP7 coming to an end, the entire world of One-Punch Man is boiling!

No one expected that this C-class hero with a poor reputation would be able to defeat the overlord who ruled the universe!

S-class hero devil transformed human, Genos said that his teacher had gods in his body….

It turned out to be true, and it is not an exaggeration at all!!!!

Look at his performance in the video, first jumping from the moon back into the region, and then punching through the atmosphere….

This terrifying power, even if he is above the gods, is not exaggerated!!!

“Saitama, it’s amazing!!”

“How does that invincible flesh exercise…?”

The eyes of the S-class hero Super Alloy Black Light were extremely adoring, and his body was constantly trembling because of excitement!!

Even if the video is over, his mind is full of Saitama’s powerful figure!

Several other S-class heroes were also no longer calm as before, and the battle between Saitama and Poros kept flashing in their minds.

It is clear that the picture of the shocking famous scene TOP7 happened in this world.

But in the future, they will …


That’s right!!!

These heroes are simply fools, ignorant of the coming disaster and Saitama’s strength!!!!

“Wait, did Blowing Snow mention a bald head some time ago…?”

The trembling tornado suddenly remembered something, and then revealed a slightly thoughtful expression.

At this time, it is estimated that the high-level of the Hero Association has begun to rush to Z City, how about going around by yourself…?

City of Z.

“Too powerful teacher, even that universe overlord is not an opponent at all!!!”

Genos clenched his fists excitedly, looking so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

But he shouted for a while, but soon found that there was something wrong with the teacher’s mood, so he quieted down very consciously.

It was clear that Saitama’s face was more of a look of disappointment than the excitement of finding an opponent.

Not even the overlord of the universe?

Not enough to be his opponent!?

In this way, I am afraid that there are no strong people in this dimension who can make themselves excited, right?

And so on….

This dimension…?

At this moment, Saitama’s pupils widened sharply, as if he suddenly realized something.

[Shocking famous scene TOP7: One-punch man, hero association C-level hero Saitama vs universe overlord Poros].

By the way, it’s the title at the end of the video!!!

If you are really invincible, why are you not ranked in the TOP1 position?

TOP7, which means that there are at least 6 stronger than themselves!!!!

In other dimensions, there may be more strong people!!!!

Thinking of this, Saitama’s mood suddenly became excited, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Suddenly, a mysterious voice sounded.

[Saitama joins the chat group].

[Poros joins the chat group].

[Hero Guild joins the chat group].

[Weird Association joins chat group].

Then, a virtual chat interface came to mind.

Chat group!?

“What is this place?” Saitama was a little curious.

When they saw Saitama among the members of the group, everyone immediately boiled.

This is the invincible god who defeated the overlord of the universe, Poros!!

Soon, Saitama also saw a familiar name pop up.

Straw Hat Luffy asked longingly, “It’s Saitama, big brother, how the hell did you cultivate!!!! ”

Madara Jiao: “Saitama big guy, both bald, please guide me!” ”

Night God Moon: “Saitama, you are a hero of justice!!!!! ”

Yuyi Fox: “Brother Saitama, are you willing to give birth to a powerful heir with me?” ”

As soon as Saitama entered the group, the chat group began to discuss wildly.

Looking at this scene, the members of the Hero Association and the Weird Association did not dare to show their faces at all.

After all…… The combat power of their world is too different from other unknown powerhouses.

In reality, Genos, who was standing on the side, said thoughtfully: “Teacher, this should be a channel to contact other dimensions, I saw Straw Hat Luffy and Kurosaki Ichigo, and Lan Dye who is also there!” ”

“Ah, is that so?”

“In that case, there should be other strong people, right?” Saitama flipped through the list of members with some excitement.

At this moment, Poros, who understood the function of the entire dimensional chat group, also came out.

Poros: “Saitama, I still have three months to reach Earth, I will try to get stronger during this time, and I will definitely not disappoint you this time!!! ”

Saitama was a little confused: “Ah, you guy is still coming!!? ”

The bubbling of Poros made the entire dimension stunned for a moment….

After a few seconds of silence, no one belittled him like they insulted Lan Ran.

After all, the terrifying strength of Poros has exceeded the world’s understanding, and Saitama’s strength has made the desperate people completely give up hope!

As the overlord of the universe, Poros is already at the apex of countless villains.

No, of course not….

“Poros, you noble, you actually lost to the hateful justice, I will stick you alive with my eyeballs!!!!” In the chat group, the hungry wolf barked like a mad dog.

It’s this hungry wolf again, what kind of person is he…?

The hungry wolf’s statement surprised all the villains, even if they saw the strength of Poros, could they still belittle it?

Looking at the avatar alone, this guy seems to be just an ordinary human, right?

Just looks a little like a villain….

But who would have thought that the hungry wolf’s speech would lead to several incredible existences.

“Is this the so-called cosmic overlord? It’s ridiculous!! “Saint Seiya World, Hades made a voice of pity.

“Poor waste, even going to heaven is not allowed!” JOJO World, Father Pucci scoffed unscrupulously.

“A trash fish that can only destroy the surface of the earth, and also dare to claim to be the overlord of the universe…? That’s because that’s the only level in your dimension!!! “In the Dragon Ball world, the Universe Emperor Frieza even made a speech that shocked everyone!

At this moment, many group members were stunned.

Could it be that even Poros’s terrifying strength is not worth mentioning in the face of these newly emerged villains?



[PS: Is there anyone else watching, will anyone give me a monthly pass? ] Can you give a monthly pass, kneel and beg your family!!!!! 】

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