Boom, boom!!!!!

Under the rampage of Majin Buu and Babidi, the entire western capital was shattered, and huge buildings were uprooted by the airflow, and even directly turned into dust.

Although Babidi gave the three guys who hurt him a few days, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t slaughter ordinary people at will to vent his anger.

In just a few seconds, catastrophe struck!!!!

A large number of people fled in panic, like a scene of the end of the world.



Under the attention of everyone, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of Majin Buu.

At this moment, the evil magician Babidi and Majin Buu were both startled.

Majin Buu directly stopped flying, which also made Babidi hit him violently, turning into a blue nose and swollen face.

Under the anticipation of countless dimensions, a handsome man with black thorn hair blocked in front of Majin Buu.

Super Saiyan, Monkey King!!!!!

Next, you can only watch Goku’s…

If even Goku fails, there will be no one on Earth who is no match for Majin Buu!!

At this moment, Bike, Klin, Wutian and the others were all closing their eyes and watching with bated breath at the picture relayed by Babidi.

Trunks forgot his purpose even more, stopped directly in mid-air, and looked over there with a shocked face.

That uncle…

Goten’s father actually surpassed himself all of a sudden…

Teleportation, that’s too fast, right!!!?

Floating in the sky, Trunks looked at him with a dull expression, and even forgot to go home to get the Dragon Balls.

At the same time, Babidi also looked frightened, and then quickly reacted.

Really, Majin Buu is around, what are you afraid of…?

Majin Buu is the strongest existence in the entire universe, and he no longer needs to fear any strong enemies!!!!

Thinking of this, Babidi laughed proudly.

“So you guy is still alive!!!”

“However, I really have to thank you, thanks to your help, I was able to lift the seal of Majin Buu so easily!!!”

“Well, Vegeta and I underestimate the two of you too much, I didn’t expect Majin Buu to be so strong!!” Goku also admitted very calmly.

Before this, no matter how frightened the Realm King God explained, they still had a trace of curiosity in their hearts that wanted to discuss, and they did not do their best to stop it.

As the strongest fighting people in the universe, Saiyans are not afraid of any enemies!!!

However, until the moment Majin Buu lifted the seal.

Everyone understood that they were so wrong…

Such an evil creature must not exist in the universe!!!!!

It was too late when they reacted, and no amount of regret would help…

As Goku’s voice fell, Majin Buu laughed wildly a few times, looking very proud.

Seeing Goku showing weakness, Babidi gradually relaxed his vigilance.

“By the way, what are you doing here!?”

“Wait, I see!”

“You should have come to tell us the whereabouts of those three guys!!”

“Come, let’s listen!!”

Babidi said to himself, the rampant mania on his face lingering.

In his opinion, this guy named Goku must have been afraid of Majin Buu, so he specially came to surrender to himself!!!

Hehehe, kill him the moment he finishes explaining, so that this guy can feel remorse and unwillingness before he dies!!!



“How could I possibly tell you? One of the little children is my child. ”

“I’m here to give you advice!”

Goku’s tone was very calm, but his heart was a little speechless.

The IQ of these two guys in front of me doesn’t seem to be very good…

“Huh? Advice, what advice!? Just by you? Want advice for us? It’s really interesting!!! ”

Babidi first laughed arrogantly a few times, and then his color became extremely vicious:

“In that case, let all the earthlings listen to your advice!!”

“You listen… The three of them will definitely appear in the near future, and they are undergoing special training in order to defeat Majin Buu! So, until then, don’t destroy the city! Hear no! Goku said in a serious voice.

“Hahahahahaha, who cares about you!!”

“Get them out of here! Otherwise, I will kill the whole earth!!! ”

“Don’t worry!! I will broadcast live in front of all mankind the picture of Majin Buu killing you!! O earthlings! You all take a good look at what will happen to us if we resist! ”

Hearing Goku’s cruel words, Babidi and Majin Buu burst into crazy laughter again, simply two clown-like characters.

Such a low scene also made the villains of many dimensions really unbearable.

“Majin Buu’s low IQ doesn’t matter, this Babidi… What a beast that should be cut by a thousand cuts!! ”

In the world of the Grim Reaper, Lan Ran frowned.

You know, the self in the video is so high that he breaks through the sky.

Except for the embarrassing struggle when he lost to Wuyue in the end, he almost always maintained a state that made everyone in awe.

But now, this Babidi is really too mentally retarded!!

What if it had the power to destroy the entire universe?

It’s really not a big deal!!!!

“Babidi!! You waste, don’t show your might anymore!! Did you hear that! Otherwise, I’m going to write your whole family’s genealogy on it!” ”

In the world of Death Note, the night god moon directly exchanged the Eye of Death in anger, reducing the life span of several decades.

At this moment, all the audience was ashamed of Babidi’s behavior of piercing the center of the earth!!!

“Damn it, Goku, this guy just looks down on us!”

In the Dragon Ball world, Klin, who was lying on the hospital bed, frowned.

As a member of the Dragon Ball Warriors, he could not allow Babidi to wreak havoc on Earth so brazenly under any circumstances!!

It’s a pity…

It’s all because everyone is not strong enough to stop Babidi!!

It’s all because they’re too weak to help Goku!!!

Everything that follows can only be seen by Goku’s!!!!

Goku, you must win!!!!!

At this moment, almost all the earthlings secretly prayed in their hearts.

Even Vegeta clenched his fists, hoping that Kakarot would defeat this abominable scrap for him.

In the picture –

Seeing that Babidi and Majin Buu showed this arrogant and domineering mocking posture, Goku didn’t bother to persuade too much.

However, he must delay time until Trunks gets back the Dragon Ball radar!!!

It seems that this battle must be fought!!



Goku took a deep breath, and…


In an instant, the brilliant golden color blasted out like a thousand rays of light.

Crackling thunder surrounded him, and the scene like a god instantly blinded the entire city!!!

Light and thunder rushed straight into the sky, and the furious aura was no less than Vegeta!!!

“Goku !!!!”

“Dad!!! Is this daddy’s anger!? It’s actually so strong!! In the temple, Sun Wutian stammered in shock.

Dad is so good!!!!

It seems to be on a par with Uncle Vegeta!!!!

But…… He and Trunks had just mistaken Dad for a weak coward…

“Of course, your dad is very strong!!”

Vic said with a smile on the side, unable to hide the pride in his eyes.

He is one of the witnesses who watched Goku grow up and become what he is today.

It is normal that Goten and Trunks cannot understand Goku.

But for those of them who have come all the way to the present, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Monkey King is everyone’s hope!!!!

“Uncle Goku, it’s so strong!!!!”

At the same time, Trunks, who was flying and hurrying, also froze, and his figure stopped in place.

Goten’s father, too, is too powerful!!!

Super Saiyan above Super Saiyan, this is Super Saiyan II who has broken through the critical point!!

Seeing this scene, the audience of many anime dimensions also became excited, and infinite hope was born in their hearts.

Monkey King, but the first warrior to become a Super Saiyan, should be even more powerful than Vegeta!!

If it were him, maybe he could…

Battle with Majin Buu!!!!!!

“Kakarot, you can actually become this gesture!!”

“Didn’t he die early? Could it be that he has been cultivating in the prefecture all these years! ”

In the spaceship, Vegeta exclaimed incredulously.

He originally thought that he would finally be able to get ahead of Kakarot, but he didn’t expect that this guy was getting stronger even if he died.

Kakarot, this haunted and hateful fellow, is really incomprehensible!!!!!

“Sun Wukong, you must defeat Majin Buu!!!!”

At this moment, the audiences of countless worlds in the Heavenly Dimension were praying.

Pirate World, Straw Hat Luffy’s companions, countless navies in the naval headquarters, and even the Four Emperors of Pirates and Seven Wuhai are also cheering for Sun Wukong.

In the world of Death, the Thirteen Guardian Team and the Star Cross Knights all watched the video with bated breath.

Even Youhabach was preoccupied with the feeling, not allowing himself to miss a single frame of the picture.

Hokage World, the Otsuki clan, the residents of the Five Shinobi Villages.

Demon Tail World, various Wizard Guilds, Dark Guilds.

Ghost Destroyer World, Ghost Slayer Squad and Twelve Ghost Moon.

No matter what evil it is, how cold and ruthless the evil person is, they are supporting the side of the earthlings.

Because, the pure evil of Majin Buu has reached the level of unbearable heaven.

The viciousness and insidious of Babidi’s piercing of the center of the earth also disgust countless villains.

No matter who it is, as long as they can solve them quickly!!!!

Under the attention of everyone, Goku stepped into the realm of Super Saiyan II!!!!

However, what surprised and despaired countless viewers was…

Even if he saw the golden Super Saiyan in front of him, Majin Buu still had a hippie smile, and there was not even a little fighting intent in his heart.

Could it be that the Super Saiyans really don’t have a little way to take Majin Buu…?

Seeing this scene, Babidi also laughed loudly: “Hahahaha, your posture looks no different from Vegeta, it can’t be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said to be completely consistent!” What’s wrong, even you want to be killed by Majin Buu!!! ”

“Majin Buu, give this guy a hard beating!!”

Hearing Babidi’s order, Majin Buomo floated over with his fists in hand.

Suddenly, without warning, Goku suddenly dissipated the golden light on his body and changed into his original black-haired posture.

It was as if the transformation just now was just a mistake, pretending that nothing had happened.


This scene made everyone puzzled and puzzled.

What’s the matter with this guy Goku, did he see that Majin Buu was too strong and gave up fighting!!

Even the Super Saiyans couldn’t make Majin Buu feel threatened.

Returning to the original normal will only be powerless to fight back!!!!!

At this moment, Kiki, Bulma, Bidili, Eighteen and Klin, Vic and Goten all showed shocked expressions.

How could Goku lift his transformation at such a critical time!!

It didn’t feel like something he would do at all!!!!

Trunks hasn’t taken the Dragon Ball back yet, what if Majin Buu destroys Nishito without scruples!?

Under the puzzled gazes of countless viewers, Goku said with a casual and relaxed face: “Babidi, Majin Buu… I want to tell you something about Super Saiyan! ”

“Super Saiyan? Who wants to listen to you! Majin Buu, kill him for me! Babidi looked upset.

“Wait, don’t be in such a hurry, it’ll be fine soon~~~”

Goku smiled leisurely.

He could feel Trunks’ Qi still staying nearby.

This little ghost, his attention turned out to be so inattentive!!!

But fortunately, Majin Buu and Babidi are not very intelligent, and he came up with a way to delay time in a flash of inspiration.


In the next second, Goku’s hair was instantly dyed with a layer of gilded color, and the golden eyebrows and blue eyes were displayed in the minds of all earthlings.

The surrounding golden light continued to burst and roar, and the aura instantly increased several times compared to the normal.

At the same time, viewers from other dimensions also recognized that this was the form in which Friesha was defeated in the first place.

It’s just that they’ve never heard anything about Super Saiyan yet.

In the video, Goku is explaining it in a serious way

“This is the legendary Super Saiyan, I call it Super Saiyan Phase 1!!!”

“And then… It is a Super Saiyan who surpasses the Super Saiyan, and after breaking through the critical point, it will become the second stage of the Super Saiyan! ”


In the next second, more brilliant golden light bloomed.

Goku also had crackling thunder wrapped around him, just like the one he had just transformed.

Super Saiyan II !!!!!

This is Gohan’s first transformation posture…

Sharu’s Gohan is incredibly strong, and even Vegeta and Goku combined may not be able to beat Gohan with one hand.

Even now, Vegeta and Goku are only close to the level of Gohan, and they have not completely surpassed it.

It’s a pity…

Even if it is entering the second stage of Super Saiyan…

Goku still can’t be a match for Majin Buu!!

Because Vegeta, who is comparable to him, has no way to fight back in the hands of Majin Buu!!!!

Babidi was stunned for a while, and then scoffed disapprovingly: “Hahahaha, is this your strongest form?” It seems that almost nothing has changed, give up, you can’t be the opponent of Majin Buu! ”

He doesn’t care how powerful the Super Saiyan is, anyway, Majin Buu is the strongest existence in this universe!!!!

Babidi now just wants to find out Goten, Trunks and others to torture fiercely, so he doesn’t want to hear Goku talk nonsense here!!!

“Majin Buu, give it to me!!”

“Next, you guys have to watch it…” Directly interrupting Babidi’s dog barking, Goku’s expression suddenly became much more serious.

“That’s Super Saiyan above Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Phase 3!”


The moment Goku’s words fell, Vic and Klin seemed to have been hit hard, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

At the same time, Gokuten and Trunks also showed a look of bewilderment.

Beyond Super Saiyan Stage 2?

How can it be!!!!

“Hey, hey, Goku wouldn’t have deliberately lied to them just to delay time, right? How is it possible to surpass the Super Saiyan…”

In the temple, seeing Babidi’s live broadcast screen, Klin laughed a few times.

As the strongest human on earth, his combat power is only at the level of Frieza at most, and it is impossible to touch the Super Saiyan!!

Super Saiyan has already improved dozens of times the normal of Goku, and Super Two has improved more than ten times on top of this.

Super Saiyan three?

Could it be that it is ten times stronger than Goku now!?

Never !!!

“No way, that guy from Kakarot must be telling lies and bluffing!!!”

Vegeta in the spaceship looked shocked and could not accept this fact.

As a proud Saiyan prince, he has been ridden on his head, won’t he let his self-esteem be shattered!!


Unlike what Vegeta expected, he was just shocked by this, and he couldn’t raise any anger in his heart.

Could it be that after seeing the picture of the future, his heart hopes that the guy Kakarot can defeat Majin Buu and protect his future lover and child!!??



At this moment, whether it was the earthlings in the picture or the audience who were watching the top6 shocking famous scene, they all held their breath at this moment.

Super Saiyan 2 and Majin Buu are already the strongest beings they recognize, and they can destroy the terrifying combat power of the entire universe!!!!

Is there really a way to transcend this pattern?

Beyond Super Saiyan 2, I don’t know what kind of situation it will look like…?


In the picture…

I saw Goku clench his hands fiercely, and roared up to the sky with all his strength.



As if to use the strength to eat, Goku roared like crazy, shaking the entire sky with the loudest sound.


A few seconds later… The aura around Goku seemed to change little by little.

The air currents and clouds of the entire earth began to move slowly, converging in his direction!!

The skin of Goku’s whole body was flushed, as if it had turned into an oval-shaped glow!!!!!

“Goku… Goku’s Qi is increasing a lot!! Klin’s face changed wildly and he shouted.

“How is it possible…”

At this moment, seeing the scene of all the clouds on the earth gathering towards Goku, everyone’s pupils fell into horror!!

Throughout the earth, all electronic devices exploded in an instant, the signal disappeared, and buildings were suspended in the air!!!

The incomparably terrifying energy, like the descending of the god of thunder, slammed into everyone’s hearts!!

At this moment, the powerhouses of all dimensions only felt a tingling in their scalps!!

Saitama was trembling every cell in his body, and his mood was uncontrollably excited!!

Ulquiora, Douglas Barrett, Blue Ranny Yousuke, the overlord of the universe, Poros, King Frieza, and the powerful characters who have appeared in the shocking famous scene are also wide-eyed in disbelief, as if they want to imprint this scene deeply in their minds.

At this moment, everyone is witnessing, surpassing the Super Saiyan above, Super Three !!!

Their abdomen and six internal organs were trembling, and their faces were twisted and almost spasmodical!!!

The skin of the whole body seems to be numbed by electricity, and the mouth is wide open, but I can’t even say a complete sentence!!

“The future Goku will actually become so strong!!”

“His qi has far surpassed that of Majin Buu!!!!!!”

Under the shocked gaze of the billions of trillions of viewers in the Heavenly Dimension, Goku still did not stop his roar.



And then, finally…

Until all the clouds converged around Goku, the golden light on his body also bloomed to the extreme in an instant!!!

The posture of bursting with all his strength was like a golden ancient Buddha, including his hair… Brilliant together, brilliant!!!

At this moment, the dazzling light shook the sky and the earth, and the whole earth was shaking wildly!!

Goku’s roaring voice reached the extreme, and his whole body was bruised…

Gradually, his surroundings turned into darkness, and the fragments of his bloodline shattered into chaos!

It’s like an atavistic evolution from an ape to a baby and a Super Saiyan!

This is the origin of everything!!!!

It is also the final end!!!!

In an instant, a terrifying picture appeared!!!

Under everyone’s gaze… Goku’s blonde hair actually began to grow longer little by little!!!

The golden light on his body shines out like the sun!!

The blonde hair also gradually turned into a huge waist-length hedgehog hair!!!!

“How is it possible…”

“How could this happen!!! As the aura burst open, the weak Babidi was almost blown out by this strong golden light.

“Goku, what kind of qi is this!!!!! Vic was also covered in sweat and was already about to be shocked stupid.

This moment.

All the viewers who are watching the video feel as if they have personally experienced the arrival of the saint, and their hearts are shocked!!



When the golden light disappeared, Babidi also slowly opened his eyes…

In front of him, the Saiyan who was originally named Goku…

His long golden hair was scattered around his waist like a wild lion, his whole body flashed with electric thunder, and his eyebrowless appearance also revealed a slight evil taste.

The bursting golden light rushed straight into the sky, and the light that was more dazzling than the sun made the warriors of the universe shake their hearts.



“Uncle Goku, it’s too strong!!!”

In an instant, the hearts of Vic and Klin, Gokuten and Trunks seemed to be violently grabbed by a huge force, and it was difficult to describe their shock at this time.

Their eyebrows were beating wildly, and they couldn’t understand Goku at this time!!

The realm he was in had surpassed all the audiences of the Heavenly Dimensions!!!!!!

The god-like posture floated high in the air, and Goku’s face, which was not angry and self-threatening, slowly revealed an evil smile, and said lightly: “This is the third order of Super Saiyan!” Sorry for wasting so much time… Because I’m not used to this gesture yet. ”



Three thousand worlds, falling into dead silence.

After being silent for a long time, two lines of blood and tears actually flowed from Vegeta’s eyes…

This is, this is the culmination of Saiyan evolution, Super Saiyan Three!!

Beyond the bloodline of the Saiyan, the strongest warrior in this universe!!!!

Can’t imagine it!!

There are actually people who can surpass the limits of Super Saiyan and become what they are today!!

This powerful form comparable to a god has completely surpassed the bloodline of the Saiyan race!!!!

What kind of terrifying anger is this!!!!

At this moment, the Universe Emperor Frieza did not stand firmly all of a sudden, and almost fell to the ground on one knee, bowing his head.

This terrifying power made him feel the fear from the source of his bloodline!!!

Super three…

This is a force that I can’t resist anyway!!

The current Monkey King has surpassed his own cognition!!!!

I’m afraid that with just one finger, he can put himself in a state of irreparable disaster!!

At this time…

Team Kinut and Cosmic Emperor Frieza finally understood.

Why didn’t they make it to the TOP6 shocking scene!!!

That’s because they don’t deserve !!!

In front of Chao San and Majin Buu, their proud power is just a grain of sand!!

Twelve Ghost Moon, Twelve Shields of the Guardian Saint, Black Manglou, Xiao Organization, Four Emperors of Pirates, Phantom Brigade…

At this moment, all the spectators of the Heavenly Dimension were watching the golden figure.

His aura has even surpassed that of Majin Buu!!!!

The naked eye was visible and powerful, and the bursting fury resounded throughout the universe!!!!!

“Such a strong person, it’s really terrible…” In the world of the god of death, Lan Ran only felt a tingling in his scalp, compared to this degree of evolution, his own use of Hongyu’s evolution method is just grandstanding!!

“Compared to this existence… The power of the six dao is simply not worth mentioning! “Hokage World, Uchiha has been scared stupid.

What have I been after?

In the world of the Big Dipper Divine Fist, the overlord Rao’s entire body was pressed to the ground, with an expression of doubt.

Compared to the self-proclaimed god Lan Ran Yusuke, what kind of cosmic overlord, what cosmic emperor, the ultimate artificial man…

The person in front of him is the most invincible warrior who looks at the entire universe, heaven and earth!!!

Other than that, it’s all ants!!!!!!

This scene made countless dimensional audiences feel suffocated, and the blood counterflow like stimulation rushed straight to their minds.

The combat power that explodes people’s hearts and shakes the strength of the dimension.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest single combat power that all viewers have seen in their entire lives!!!!

Super three, debut!!!!!!!!



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