Countless dimensions, the entire universe, the youngest ultimate warrior was born!!

His name is Gotenks!!

“Strange, is Majin Buu’s qi only to this extent?”

“Before we obviously thought he was very strong…”

As the words in Wutianx’s heart came out, the audience of the entire Heavenly Dimension fell into a sensation!!!!

How arrogant and invincible this is, it is really too domineering!!!

The combined warrior after the fusion of Trunks and Sun Wutian did not put that demon Buu in his eyes at all!!!

At the same time, feeling Wutianx’s qi, everyone nearby showed shocked expressions.

How is it possible, these two seven-year-old children really have an aura comparable to Super Three Goku and Majin Buu.

Could it be that they are really the saviors of this earth?

It is visible to the naked eye and is strong, and it explodes until the scalp is numb!!!

“My child really inherited my strongest bloodline!”

Seeing this scene, Vegeta’s blood in his whole body was boiling, but he was a little unwilling.

Before this, his self-explosion was already very shocking, almost frightening the entire heavens!

But Goku’s posture of turning into Super Three seems to have pressed himself again, and this time, even Trunks and Goten can become so strong after fusing!!

Super Saiyan, the strongest warriors in the universe appear one after another, it is simply a supermarket price sale!!!

“Abominable Saiyan, how can it be more noble than me and other frozen demon races!!!

Cosmic Emperor Frieza was also frightened.

Originally, Shalu’s ability to destroy the solar system with one qigong wave had scared him a lot.

After this, Majin Buu’s evil is completely above himself.

And Sun Wukong’s Super Saiyan Three can even hang that Majin Buu and fight in a short time!!

Of course, the most outrageous is Gotenks.

You know, he is only six or seven years old!!!

Seeing such a terrifying potential of the Saiyans, Frieza already wanted to escape from this universe quickly, for fear that he would be completely evaporated by the entire solar system if he was not careful.

In the picture…

In the temple, seeing the real Gotenx appear, Bike’s face became pleasantly surprised.

“Very good!! We’ll try again in thirty minutes, and if you can use the Super Saiyan form to fit, you can completely defeat Majin Buu!! ”

“What, Super Saiyan?”

“No, no, no, you’re underestimating me too, aren’t you?”

Under everyone’s incomprehensible gaze, Gotenx said with a look of disdain, “With the kind of goods like Majin Buu, I am enough like this!” ”

“You idiot! Do you know what you’re doing!? That’s Majin Buu!! An enemy that even Goku, who has become Super Three, can’t help!! You have no idea how terrifying Majin Buu’s power is!! ”

“Even if your current strength far exceeds the super two, it is completely insufficient!!”

The weird thing is… No matter how Nanny Bick preached, Gotenx was buttoning his ears, looking like he didn’t answer.

This guy is really too arrogant, right!!!

He really looked down on Majin Buu!!!!

The powerhouses of many dimensions were stunned, could it be that he was really a retarded mind?

No matter how arrogant it is, this is the last battle to save the planet!!!

How can it be so contemptuous …

However, Bulang is not a Saiyan!

Moreover, maybe he can really defeat Majin Buu?

After all, Majin Buu also looks very mentally retarded.

Mentally retarded to fight mentally retarded?

“Hahaha, Uncle Vic you underestimate me too!! In that case…”

“I’ll bring back Majin Buu’s body!!!”

When the words fell, the impulsive Wutianx actually flew directly out of the temple and disappeared under the livid gaze of Vic Chenx.

Half the world away locked Majin Buu’s qi.

His speed was like teleportation, and he flew straight towards Majin Buu!!

“What a strong qi!! Although it is a little arrogant, but maybe he can really defeat Majin Buu!! ”

Watching Gotenx’s back gradually fade, Klin said with some surprise.

Wutianx’s breath at this time is not lost to Super Three Wukong at all!!

Perhaps, at this moment, the earth can be considered saved?



At the same time, various countries have sent warships to besiege Majin Buu, preparing to face this terrifying monster on the sea.

However, Majin Buu blew all the battleships over with just the release of qi.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were blown out.

Under the desperate gaze of all humans, a huge pink ball of light condensed in Majin Buu’s hand.

In just a moment, the entire sky was dyed pink, as if the end had come.

However, it is not yet waiting for the Majin Buu to officially open the killing ring…


A sharp light penetrated through, and a huge opening appeared in Majin Buu’s abdomen instantly.


Majin Buu was slightly startled, and turned his head a little confused.

As his gaze looked upward, a petite figure was standing at the top of the ship…

It is obviously the appearance of a child, but his whole body exudes an extremely shocking madness, and his muscles seem to have been polished for decades!!!

Fusion warrior Gotenks, gorgeous appearance!!!!!

“Majin Buu, I was just saying hello to you just now! You must not have thought that I would come directly to deal with you, right? Gotenx raised his head high and said with arrogance and disdain.

“Anyway, you’re the one who will die sooner or later!”

“Dead? Hello bold! Majin Buu was a little angry.

“Let’s take it!!”

Under the nervous gaze of all the audience, the power of Wutianx was displayed in front of the world for the first time!!

I saw that he rushed to the front of the demon Buu in an instant, and his waving fist turned into an afterimage in the sky and fell, shaking the surrounding ocean violently.

Bang bang!!!!!

The entire sky was constantly filled with terrifying fist explosions.

With an attack, a pothole instantly appeared on Majin Buu.

So strong!!!!

It’s just incredible, this guy can actually impress Majin Buu!!

Compared to the completely ineffective attack in Vegeta’s Super Two form, Gotenx’s attack power is terrifying, and each punch can blast through the entire body of Majin Buu!!!

Gotenx’s furious fist smashed Majin Buu’s body and kicked it out.

Then, without waiting for the other party to stabilize his figure, Gotenx dragged his tentacles and slammed him fiercely after a few circles, and still entered the sea.

Floating in mid-air, a blue ball of energy quickly condensed in his hand, followed by Majin Buu and threw it downwards.


The air blast was deafening, and thousands of rays of light bloomed.

The sky-blue gas explosion exploded at the bottom of the sea in an instant, instantly evaporating the sea into nothingness.

“Hahahahaha, dead fat, go die!!!”

With a victorious posture, Wutianx crossed his hands at his waist and laughed proudly up to the sky.

Overwhelmingly powerful!!

What the hell is going on with this kid!!!

Those two children can really become so strong after fusing!!

Three thousand worlds are silent…

At this moment, all the audience watched Gotenks’ battle in amazement.

Previously, Sun Gohan’s confrontation scene in his early 10s had already shaken the entire heavens.

And how old is Gotenks!!!

Six years old, or seven years old …?

Even if you look at the entire Heavenly Dimension, there can’t be a warrior with a stronger talent than him, right!!!!

Unfortunately, Majin Buu certainly wasn’t defeated so easily.

After floating out of the sea, his missing half of his body quickly recovered, and he said with an angry face: “Did you call me a dead fat man just now!!” ”

“That’s right, aren’t you convinced!!?” Gotenx was still laughing maniacally, not putting Majin Buu in his eyes at all.

“I’m going to kill you!!”

White smoke was spraying from the hole of Majin Buu’s body, and the angry figure immediately rushed towards Wutianx, and punched out violently…

At the same time, with the same aura as Majin Buu, Gotenx can of course easily see Majin Buu’s movements.

“You’re so slow!!” Gotenx casually easily dodged Majin Buu’s attack, but unexpectedly, he was hit hard by Majin Buu’s other fist.

He was hit by a hard punch, and tears immediately erupted in his eyes.

How could it be!!!

Boom boom!!

Immediately after, an unbearable scene appeared.

Under the madness of Majin Buu, Gotenx soon became covered in scales, and snot and tears sprayed everywhere!!


“These two little guys don’t have any combat experience at all!! You can’t even see the feint of the enemy !! ”

Dragon Ball World, Klin screamed while lying on his hospital bed.

Goku also covered his forehead helplessly.

That’s right……

After the fusion, Wutianx is indeed very strong, but if you think about it, no one has taught Wutianx’s actual combat experience!!!

Sora has the breath to be able to compete with Majin Buu, but he can’t defeat Majin Buu in actual combat!!

It’s like a child with unlimited energy, who can only swing Wang Bafist indiscriminately!!!

At the same time, the powerhouses of many dimensions also couldn’t help it.

The audience looked at Gotenx’s blue nose and swollen face, and couldn’t help but guess in their hearts.

The last hope of the earth will not be buried in the hands of this fool just like that!!

Fortunately, at this time, the ignorant soldiers of the human kingdom also launched a new round of attacks on Majin Buu.

The continuous bombardment of Majin Buu’s pink body, Majin Buu, who had been tickled and attacked repeatedly, could no longer bear it.

“You give me all to die!!!!


The blue shock wave covered a radius of hundreds of miles in an instant, as if the explosion that flattened the sky melted the entire island in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of meters of craters were shockingly displayed in front of the world’s eyes.

Seeing this extremely frightening scene, the audience of many dimensions had no intention of complaining.

The leap in combat power of the shocking famous scene TOP6 is really exaggerated!!

Even just the aftermath of the air flow can destroy an entire planet.

Those previous battles are no longer in the same dimension as the combat power of this world…

In the picture, taking advantage of the gap between Majin Buu destroying the fleet, Gotenx actually ran away secretly.

After returning to the temple…

Seeing Wutianx’s blue nose and swollen face, everyone couldn’t hold back.

Unexpectedly, the earth is about to be destroyed, and they can still cause such a funny event, what a teenager is fearless!

In the subsequent picture, Satan, who is recognized as a hero by the earthlings, also sets out to find Majin Buu.

“Hahahahahaha, it’s me!!”

Dragon Ball World, sitting in a luxurious room, Satan smokes while enjoying the top6 shocking scene.

He has just won the championship of the world’s first martial arts conference, and it is only natural that he will replace the earthlings to deal with Majin Buu in a few years!!


Under Satan’s incredulous gaze, his army was actually destroyed by Majin Buu in an instant!!

“How could this happen!!”

“Isn’t Satan our hero!!”

Everyone in the Dragon Ball world saw this scene that can be called a public execution!!

Not only that, Satan’s next unrestricted behavior made all fans blush in embarrassment.

Satan brought out very high-end chocolate to Majin Buu.

Of course, the chocolate is poisoned!!

After Majin Buu finished eating, not only did he have nothing, but he shouted that it was delicious.

After that, Satan let Majin Buu play the game console, taking the opportunity to detonate the bomb in the game console, of course, it was impossible to cause any damage to Majin Buu.

Seeing this, Satan took advantage of Majin Buu’s lack of attention and slammed his elbow on Majin Buu’s face!!!



Seeing Majin Buu, who did not react at all, Satan was so frightened that his face turned blue.

But strangely, because Satan’s attack was too weak to even tickle, Majin Buu did not realize that he was attacked.

He also thought that Satan had something to say, turned his head and asked with a puzzled look: “What’s wrong?” Is there something going on? ”

“Ah this… I just noticed that there seems to be someone over there!! ”

“Is it? Then kill it.”

Majin Buu casually shot a shockwave into the distance, and the thousand-meter earth instantly melted into nothingness.

At this moment, Satan was almost scared to pee, and finally gave up the idea of attacking Majin Buu.

“Hahahahahaha, this idiot is so funny!! It’s even funnier than those two kids just now!! ”

“This guy is an idiot, isn’t he!!! Don’t you know the gap between yourself and Majin Buu!! ”

In the Dragon Ball world, Klin and Vic and others couldn’t help but laugh.

At the same time, many viewers from other dimensions also showed a knowing smile.

Unexpectedly, at such a critical moment, he could still watch the funny behavior again and again, and even the despair brought to everyone by Majin Buu was alleviated a lot.

Then again, this time the shocking scene seems to be unexpectedly long.

Monkey King Super vs. Universe Emperor Frisha!

The confrontation between Son Gohan Chaoji and Shalu!!

Majin Buu, the ultimate evil debuts!!!

Vegeta’s shocking self-explosion after whitewashing!!!!

Monkey King, Super Saiyan three!!!!!

Even now, countless viewers are still immersed in the shock of the battle in the Dragon Ball world, and they have not reacted for a long time.

However, it should also be almost the end of the curtain, right?

When Gotenx next fights Majin Buu, it may be the final showdown!!!

Whether Majin Buu can destroy this universe, or whether Gotenx kills Majin Buu to protect the earth, everything depends on tomorrow!!!


Just when all the audience thought that Majin Buu was destined to fight Gotenx, the next scene distorted their cognition.

When Majin Buu and Satan got acquainted, Majin Buu actually brought back a puppy with a broken leg.

He wondered why the puppy didn’t run away when he saw him like everyone else.

Majin Buu was a little incomprehensible.

Satan explained, “Lord Buu, because its leg is broken, it can’t run. ”

“Is it? So after I cure it, when it can run, I can kill it, right? ”

The simple voice fell, and Majin Buu also cured the puppy with his healing ability.

However, it seems to be a little different from the expected picture…

The puppy couldn’t help but not run away, but liked Majin Buu very much!!

It ran around Majin Buu, wagging its tail at it, sticking out its tongue with pleasure.

“Hahaha, Lord Buu, it seems that this puppy likes you very much!” Satan laughed a few times in disbelief.

“Like me? Just like you? ”

“Yes, that’s right,” Satan stammered.

In fact, he has planted a large number of bombs in Majin Buu’s lair, ready to blow up the other party’s bones at the first opportunity.

But seeing the appearance of Majin Buu and the puppy playing, he couldn’t bear to blow up.

Perhaps, Majin Buu is not bad in nature!?

Thinking of this, Satan asked extremely nervously: “Lord Buu! Can I ask you a question? Why would you destroy cities and kill innocent humans! ”

“That’s because it’s fun, of course! They say it’s a game! Both Bifedi and his son Babidi said so! Do you know them? It’s the nasty guy who created me! ”

“Aaaaah! That means that’s not right! Lord Buu, why should you listen to the orders of the people you hate! ”

“So, do you think I’m not doing well?”

“Okay, then I’ll not kill anymore!”

After a brief hesitation, Majin Buu actually listened to Satan’s advice.


Hearing these words, all the audience of the Heavenly Dimension were stunned.

How could such a thing happen…

Majin Buu, who can destroy the entire universe, should be the devil who is evil to the extreme!!

Seeing that he was about to destroy the earth, but he actually promised to kill no more because of Satan’s few words!!

“Majin Buu… How so!! ”

In the world of Dragon Ball, lying on the hospital bed, Goku and the others looked horrified.

After paying for the lives of Vegeta and Gohan, the opponent they fought to the death would be such a simple guy!!

However, if you think about it, Majin Buu does not seem to have taken the initiative to attack everyone since he was born, and the destruction of the city is also Babidi’s order.

Not only that, but even Goku would be ecstatic when he inadvertently praised Majin Buu…

I see……

It turns out that Majin Buu is not a bad person, he was just taught by bad people!!

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of many dimensions all showed a look of sudden realization.

Neither one expected it.

The shocking famous scene TOP6 will end in this way…

Other bosses who want to destroy the world basically have dreams and ambitions that are beyond their understanding or contrary to common sense.

However, Majin Buu, just because he had no common sense, took this matter as a joke…

“Abominable demon Buu, I still take you as faith!!”

Seeing this scene, the hungry wolf completely burst into tears.

Who would have thought that the evil demon man he believed in was actually a fool with only the mind of a young child!!

At the same time, the powerhouses of other dimensions were also stunned, completely unable to believe what was happening now.

As Satan and Majin Buu get along deeply…

Everyone found out.

It turns out that Majin Buu, who almost destroyed the universe, is actually not bad in nature!!

So it is, no wonder there is only Majin Buu on the cover!!

It seems that this shocking scene should be a terrifying story of a demon who has experienced a great war and changed his heart because of unexpected redemption, right?

Countless dimensional audiences are convinced of this.

It was this clown-like Satan who saved the earth!!!

The earthlings of the Dragon Ball world also cheered and celebrated.


The state of affairs in the picture quickly changed.

Because Majin Buu wants to destroy the earth, many bad guys have no rules and want to release their malignancy on the last day!!

The city was frantically destroyed, and gunsmoke burned everywhere.

A blonde hunter sneaks into the lair in order to sneak up on and kill Majin Buu.

Just at the critical moment…

Satan actually blocked the bullets for Majin Buu in order to protect him!!!

Obviously knowing that Majin Buu would not be injured, he still subconsciously blocked the front.

Satan fell after being shot, and the blonde hunter was confused and doubtful.

This guy actually protected the demon Buu, who was about to destroy the earth!!!

“Satan!! Satan!! ”

Majin Buu burst into tears of sadness, and immediately leaned down to heal Satan.

This scene immediately made countless viewers breathe a sigh of relief.

Startled, they almost forgot about Majin Buu’s powerful healing powers.

I thought Majin Buu was going to run away completely…


Things have changed dramatically!!!

Just in the process of healing Satan, Majin Buu felt a sharp headache, and the good and evil in his body were gradually separating little by little!!


It’s over!!!

“Satan, you run!!!”

Majin Buu shouted in panic.

The evil demon who can destroy the entire universe is actually panicking about the situation of an ordinary human being.

However, the matter is irreparable…

I saw steam gushing out from the pores of Majin Buu, and incomparably deep malice also covered the entire lair.

“Aaaaaa!!!!a Majin Buu held his head, screaming in extreme pain.

“Run!! Run with the puppy!!! ”

“Otherwise you’ll all die!! Hurry up!!!!!!!! ”

“A little further!!!

After Satan left him, Majin Buu walked out of the lair in embarrassment, and he lay on the ground and wailed in pain, a sight that also shocked many dimensions.

What kind of things happened to make that Majin Buu become so miserable!!

Gradually, countless steam erupted from the top of Majin Buu’s head.

The next second, something incredible happened…


A gray mushroom cloud instantly slammed into the sky, and deep malice began to spread in the sky.

Until this time, Majin Buu’s state became much better, but his expression was solemn, and he looked at the gray clouds in the sky with fear.

Under the bloom of countless rays of light.

The figure in the cloud also slowly revealed.

It was actually a scrawny gray Buu!

Skinny Buu, debut!!!


At this moment, Bick, who was observing Buu with his special ability, looked shocked and exclaimed from his mouth.

There were two buu !!!!

Two Buu appeared on Earth at the same time!!

And this one…

It obviously has an aura that is much more powerful than Fat Buu, which is no longer of the magnitude of this dimension!!!

How can it be……

How could such an unreasonable thing happen!!

This skinny Buu is simply a lawless monster!!

Looking at this scene, the audience all felt a chill behind them, and a chill rushed to their brains along the blood.

Buu, the demon who can destroy the universe, has become two?

However, the only good news…

That is, this stronger thin Buu seems to look at each other badly with Fat Buu, and one mountain does not allow two tigers!!

The gray thin Buu looked at each other angrily with an icy posture.

Majin Buu, only one can exist!!

“It’s definitely not a trick…”

Satan has been frightened and silly, hiding behind rocks and shivering.

At the same time, the hunter who had previously attacked the demon Buu also showed a panicked look.

In the next second, Thin Buu actually stood upside down in the sky like a teleportation and came to the hunter’s side.

And then……

On his slender hand, a blood-red energy cannon as deep as a black hole appeared.

Buzz –

Boom, boom, boom!!!!!

In an instant, accompanied by a piercing sharp hum, the impact of blood-red particles rushed into the starry sky along the horizon like the setting sun of the sunset.

When the deafening explosion ended…

In front of Thin Buo, a ravine with a diameter of 40,000 li and spanning the entire planet appeared.

The whole earth, devastated!!!

There are broken potholes everywhere, like an apocalyptic scene.




“What kind of power is this…”

Cosmic Emperor Frisha’s whole body was in a cold sweat, and even his voice trembled a little.

The powerhouses of the Dragon Ball world were almost frightened, including the existence of other universes.

The viewers who were watching the video all felt a breathless pang.

In front of this skinny Buu, they even breathed became a luxury!!

Majin Buu actually split into such a strong form.

Now there are two Majin Buu.

Perhaps, there is no hope for the earth anymore!!

At the same time, under the panicked gaze of Fat Buu, Thin Buu trotted to Fat Buu in an extremely strange posture!!!

“What are you!!” Fat Buu asked screamingly.

“What are you again!!” Thin Buu asked angrily.

“I’m Majin Buu!!”

“I’m also Majin Buu!”

“I’m Majin Buu!!!”

“I’m Majin Buu!!!”

The two argued…

Fat Buu seemed a little unbearable and took the lead in punching.

However, under his repeated attacks, Thin Buu easily dodged all the attacks of Fat Buu, who made many dimensions desperate!!

In front of Skinny Buu.

Fat Buu is like a weak baby…

Until Fat Buu was out of breath, he couldn’t help thin Buu,

At this moment, Thin Buu threw a punch at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, and instantly hit Fat Buu’s face hard!

After the attack worked, another kick kicked Fat Buu out fiercely.

So strong!!

What kind of strength is this!!!

The breath and strength between the two Buu are all worlds apart, and they are not in the same dimension at all!!!

Seeing this battle scene, everyone showed a desperate look.

This skinny Buu can actually crush Fat Buu like playing, isn’t it stronger than Goku’s Super Three!!!

Under the gaze of all the dimensions holding their breath, the big battle of fat and thin Buu also entered a white heat!

Boom, boom!!!!

Thin Buu is stronger in both speed and strength, and the fist shadow he swings cannot be captured with the naked eye.

A crazy beating soon left Fat Buu without any ability to fight back.

One, ten, a hundred, a thousand!!!

10,000 !!!!

Skinny Buu frantically attacks Fat Buu!!

It’s like abusing pigs!!

Such a weak guy dares to call himself Majin Buu like himself!??

After several battles, everyone even felt a trace of pity and sympathy for Fat Buu.

Unexpectedly, Fat Buu, who can make many dimensions and the whole universe fearful, was abused into this appearance by Thin Buou!



At the same time, Vic who was observing the battle of fat and thin Buu with his special ability also changed his expression.

“Trunks, Goten!! You guys hurry up and cultivate!! There is no time left!! ”

“If this continues, that new Buu will kill us all!”

However, Kiki and Bulma, who could not feel the horror of Thin Buu, were a little dissatisfied.

Trunks and Goten are still just children, they should be allowed to eat and sleep!!


Skinny Buu solves the problem of Fat Buu sooner or later…

If this more evil and powerful Buu is allowed to win, the earth will definitely turn into ruins in an instant!!

Having lost his childlike and playful mood, Majin Buu has turned into pure evil!!!!

At this time, the battle between Thin Buu and Fat Buu had completely reduced the surrounding mountains to nothing, and the two figures were fighting madly on the empty ground.

It’s just that it’s slightly different from Super Three vs. Fat Buu, and this skinny Buu is obviously more terrifying!!

Overwhelming strength, all-round surpassing!!

After a short distance, the two Buu closed their hands at the same time and used the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave at the same time!!!

The blue light instantly lit up the sky, and the shockwaves collided, blowing out all the nearby rocks and mountains.


It was completely different from what everyone imagined, and the close confrontation between Sharu and Gohan!!!

Fat Buu’s impact could not even last for a few seconds, and he was violently blown out by Thin Buu, embarrassed and embedded in the ground.

Fat Buu, who still had the strength to fight in the face of Super Three, was exhausted in just a few minutes.

“I… I don’t believe I can’t beat you!! ”

Fat Buu’s face was desperate, and a ray of pink light appeared from the tentacles on the top of his head.

This is a killer move!!

Be able to turn any creature touched by the light into candy that you like to eat!!


In the face of this strange ray, Thin Buu displayed even more strange abilities!!!

I saw that he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud barrier, and immediately bounced back Fat Buu’s ray.

After being hit by his own pink light.

Fat Buu, turned into chocolate …

Satan and Bike, who witnessed everything, both showed extremely ugly expressions.

Fat Buu actually lost!!?

The fat Buu, who made the entire earth tremble and made all dimensions despair, was defeated so easily.

“Majin Buu…”

At this moment, Goku, who was lying in the hospital bed, also changed his expression slightly.

Finally, under the desperate look of all the audience, Thin Buu picked up the chocolate turned from Fat Buu and ate it.





In the next second, Thin Buou seemed to have eaten a beautiful wine, and his eyes widened incredulously.

Pink thunder surrounded him, and pink steam spewed out from his pores!!

And then……

When the pink smoke covered the whole body, Majin Buu’s appearance changed again!!

Shrouded in pink light, a creature that makes everyone despair appears!!!

White combat pants …

Pink skin condenses into muscle…

Wrapped around black gauntlets, huge arms pulled around the waist…

After Thin Buu swallowed Fat Buu, he turned into a warrior-like Majin Buu.

He showed an indifferent and evil gaze, and twisted his neck a few times.

And then……


Da Buou, who had gained new strength and had a new form, raised his head to heaven and shouted.


The ground under Da Buu’s feet instantly shattered, and the shockwave swept away in all directions!!!

The entire earth, the entire solar system, and even the warriors of the entire universe have produced extreme panic!!

In this instant, the whole universe shook!!!!

Feeling the movement on the other side of the earth, the Realm King God was directly frightened to collapse.

After the smoke dissipated, Da Buu seemed to be very satisfied with his strength, and an evil smile was attached to his face.

This is the ultimate evil that can only be produced by the extremeness of despair that can be sealed off from all hope!!!

The body is pregnant with terrifying energy, and every cell can easily destroy the planet.

The ultimate evil product, Da Buu, has finally appeared in the eyes of the world!!



“How could there be such a existence?”

At this moment, the Universe Emperor Frieza was directly scared to pee.

Not only Friesha, but the powerhouses of all dimensions were scared stupid.

Such a power has gone beyond the recognition of life as a being…

This kind of power that no living being in the world can match has far surpassed the original fat Buu!!!!

At the same time, many female characters in love anime are directly scared to cry.

Yukino Yukishita, Shiwa Kasumigaoka, Pansy and others burst into tears, unable to accept the appearance of this evil existence.


It is no longer possible to be in the mood to fall in love …

In the world of One-Punch Superman, the weird hungry wolf also burst into tears.

Following the redemption of the original Majin Buu when he appeared, and the later betrayal of Fat Buu, after a series of complex emotional changes.

The hungry wolf finally comprehends the ultimate faith, and at this moment, he decides to follow this being in the picture forever.

At the same time, the overlord of the universe, Poros, was hit hard by the spiritual aspect!!

The moment he saw Dabuu, his whole body armor exploded into dust, and his muscles that had been honed could not withstand this pressure and spilled blood.

Big Buu, it’s no longer an existence that he can spy on with his eyes …

Just after being shocked by countless dimensions, he deeply understood his weakness in his heart.

In front of this monster, everything in the world is dust!!!

And Saitama, as the strongest hero, also slowly lowered his arms at this moment, and lowered his head with a somewhat distracted expression.

What fighting spirit, what blood, all disappeared.

It’s so small…

The gods residing in his body are too small!!

The infinite potential touched the ceiling of the living species in this instant, and then fell back to the mortal dust.

In the world of the Grim Reaper, Youhabak’s seven tips sprayed blood madly, and his face was crazy to the extreme.

He tried to see through the other party with his omniscient and all-powerful divine power, but was met with a terrifying counterattack from the dimensional blow.

This is the end of mere mortals trying to touch the ultimate evil…

In the JOJO world, Diablo lies on the ground covered in blood, unconscious, and his stand-in Crimson King has been shaken into powder by the air pressure of Majin Buu.

The reason for all this is because he wants to use the Crimson King to interfere with the timeline of the Great Buu.

In the face of Big Buu, weak and powerless ordinary humans are only frightened to the point of collapse or feces and urine airflow.

But those super strong people who couldn’t help but want to use their abilities to interfere suffered one after another, either bleeding or directly dying.

Because whether it is ordinary people in other dimensions, or the strongest rulers who are self-righteous, in the eyes of Da Buu, they are no different from dust…

As a mortal, look at what you can.

But, don’t get hooked…

Shocking famous scenes TOP6!!!

Dabuu, the ultimate evil that overrides all life.

Desperate debut!!!!!



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