With just one hand knife, Goku in the third state of Super Saiyan was directly unconscious…

This is not a battle at all!!

The dimensions of the realm are completely different!!!!

All the heavens and all the worlds, all the audience fell into a dead silence at this moment.

“God of Destruction, it’s actually terrifying to this extent…”

“Even Daddy’s Super Saiyan Stage 3 is not his opponent at all!!!”

Seeing the picture of the future, Gohan was completely sluggish.

Klin and Bike, Yamucha Tianjin Rice and others were even more stunned, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

I dare not imagine…

There are creatures in the world who have cultivated to this level, which has completely exceeded the limit of what they can recognize as a warrior!!

The previous scene of Beerus pointing to the extinction of the star only left a preliminary shock impression on them.

But now the power to play the Super Saiyan Three in the palm of your hand is the most intuitive way to show the level gap!!!!

“How is it possible, Wukong in the super third form is obviously not even afraid of the demon Buu, and can even overwhelm it…”

At the same time, Vegeta sitting in the spaceship was also shocked, and did not dare to imagine facing the scene of Beerus, the god of destruction…

The powerhouses of many dimensions were already on the verge of madness!!!!

Majin Buu has brought everyone an incomparably huge despair!!!

But…… Can Majin Buu really be called powerful in front of this god of destruction Beerus?

Dimensional differences…

The concept of realm…

Not a hierarchical !!!!!! at all

This kind of power has distorted the three views of everyone!!!!!

At this moment, the Saint Seiya World, Saori Jodo, the reincarnation of Athena, as well as the god Zeus, the sea emperor Poseidon, the sun god Apollo, Hades and other gods could not help but bow down to the god of destruction Beerus!!!!!

Compared to their weak power, this is… True God!!

In the Yeliang God World, countless gods burst into tears, doubting their weak strength.

In the presence of Beerus, the god of destruction, can they really still be called gods?

As for the final Valkyrie world, those noble gods who can’t even be defeated by humans are even crying and weeping one by one, and they no longer dare to be arrogant and call themselves gods.

TOP4 shocked the famous scene, and the opening shocked everyone to the point of silence.

It’s hard to imagine, looking at the trillions of dimensions, who else can compete with Beerus!?

The video continues…

After the King of Realm’s planet knocks Goku down with a light palm, Beerus and Ves are also ready to go to Earth.

Meanwhile, Vegeta was training alone in the gravity room at home, but suddenly, he received a message from the King of the Realm.

“Why did the Realm King find me?”

“Listen carefully to what I say, Beerus, the God of Destruction, is about to go to you, he is already about to descend on Earth!!”

“God of Destruction? I seem to have heard this name…” Vegeta frowned suspiciously, not even remembering it for a moment.

That’s because after merging into Earth, he has gone through so many battles that he has almost forgotten what he experienced as a child in the Saiyan prince.

The panicked voice of the Realm King came again: “In short, even if Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, comes to you, you should definitely not make a move with him!!!! Otherwise, the whole planet will be destroyed!!! ”

The voice fell…

The King of Realm glanced at Goku who was lying in the pit next to him, and his face showed deep jealousy.

It was clear that the God of Destruction just gave him a slap, and he was already unconscious.

So, in the face of the God of Destruction … It is absolutely impossible for them to fight head-on!!!!

“To be honest, Goku has been easily defeated by the God of Destruction!! Goku, who turned into the third stage of Super Saiyan, was dying after only one beating!!! ”

“What do you say!!!!! Kakarot!? How is it possible…” Vegeta instantly became shocked!!!!

The King of the Realm didn’t lie to himself, right? God of Destruction… Beat Kakarot, who can turn into Super Saiyan Phase 3?

Vegeta’s mood could not calm down for a long time…

Only received one blow and fell?

Super Saiyan III is a force that he must surpass throughout his life, which is why he trains hard day in and day out.

Unexpectedly defeated Super Three Goku in one fell swoop, how terrifying is that God of Destruction!!!!

“Please, Vegeta… The fate of the earth is in your hands! The Realm King once again instructed cautiously.

Seeing this scene, the Dragon Ball warriors on Earth were not surprised.

In fact, in the process of seeing the battle with Majin Buu, everyone has already identified with Vegeta.

Not only that…

When Vegeta arrives on Earth, they decide to prepare a welcome ceremony for Vegeta!

Sure enough… Even after defeating Majin Buu, Vegeta will continue to contribute to protecting this earth.

Soon after, Goku also woke up from his coma, and he immediately understood that he could not be a match for the God of Destruction Beerus in any way…

Even if the combined body becomes Veget, there can be no hope of defeating Beerus…

Fortunately, the God of Destruction did not say that he would directly destroy the earth.

He travels to Earth in search of the Super Saiyan god of his dreams…

Could it be that as long as he becomes that inexplicable Super Saiyan god, he can fight against Beerus?




Meanwhile, on Earth.

Bulma is throwing her own birthday party, Kiki’s family, Gohan and his new wife Bidili, Bidili’s father, Mr. Satan, and Fat Buu, who has a very good relationship with Mr. Satan.

Goten and Trunks…

The Klin Eighteenth family, the Turtle Immortals, Yamucha, Bick and others also came to the scene.

“It’s finally here, Vegeta! My wife finally had a birthday party, why are you still wearing combat clothes? Seeing Vegeta with a solemn face, Bulma was a little dissatisfied.

“What’s wrong? Why is it so melancholy? Could it be that he was hit because his beloved wife was another year older? Saiyans are so nice! Stay young for so long! ”

Listening to Bulma’s unbridled taunts, Vegeta raised her eyebrows and roared very uneasily: “Shut up for me!!! ”


Bulma retorted unexpectedly, “What shut up!!” Hum!! ”

She didn’t take Vegeta’s ferocity seriously at all.

Although Vegeta always looks fierce in the eyes of outsiders, he is not greeted by his big ear melon seeds every day at home!!



Why do I feel so upset…?

In the future picture, Vegeta is also shocked by his irritability, his hands are shaking wildly… Lord Vegeta would tremble with fear!!

“Beerus, the god of destruction…”

“My intuition tells me that I must have seen !!! somewhere”

Just when Vegeta was puzzled, a voice suddenly sounded from his heart: “Oh, isn’t this Prince Vegeta? I’ve grown into an adult… The qi you talk about doesn’t seem to work well for the gods.”

Hear the voice…

Vegeta instantly sweated, and his whole expression became flustered.

After looking around, he flew high into the air and finally met Beerus, the god of destruction, and the angel Weis, in a remote corner.


The moment he saw this purple hairless cat creature, Vegeta’s eyes widened sharply, and his whole body trembled as if he had cramps.

He finally remembered…

Who is Beerus, the god of destruction!!!

“Finally remembered? Your father, King Vegeta, also feasted me for a feast! ”

As Beerus’s gloomy voice fell, Vegeta remembered it completely!!!

At that time, when Beerus, the god of destruction, was eating on the planet Vegeta…

King Vegeta, his father knelt on the ground the whole time, not even daring to say a word… Of course, my father never looked up.

Most likely, it was that meal that was not delicious that destroyed the planet Vegeta!!!

“Beerus, the god of destruction… My lord!!!! ”

Vegeta immediately said hello!

What the King of the Realm said is no exaggeration!

This guy is so tricky!!

It’s so hard to deal with!!

Vegeta stared at the God of Destruction like a great enemy!

At this moment, the God of Destruction whispered, “You guys seem to be having fun?” And there is a tempting scent everywhere! ”

“Ahhh… It’s my wife’s birthday party! Vegeta explained.

“Your lady? Then I have to say hello to her! That’s right…… Almost forgot to get down to business, do you have an impression of the name Super Saiyan God? ”

“Super Saiyan God!?” Vegeta looked confused.

“I don’t seem to know…”

“Sure enough, the foreknowledge dream is just a false dream!” Weiss laughed.

“I can’t be mistaken!”

“Roar, roar, you actually make a lot of mistakes~~~”

Weiss laughed seriously, however… He dared to provoke the god of destruction Beerus like this, it seems that this guy named Angel Weiss is also very powerful!!!

At the same time, the somewhat annoyed look of the God of Destruction made the warriors of the Dragon Ball world extremely panicked.

Could it be… Will Beerus, the god of destruction, directly destroy the planet because he is a little angry!!

In the video, before Vegeta could panic, Bulma just walked over: “Vegeta who shouted shut up to his wife, these two are…?” ”

Seeing Bulma, Vegeta panicked even more!!

I was afraid that this woman would accidentally say the wrong thing.

His eyebrows twitched a few times, and he said with great difficulty: “These two are Mr. Beerus, and the other is…”

“My name is Vese”

“Huh? Is it an acquaintance of Vegeta? It doesn’t look like an earthling, it’s an alien!! Hello, my name is Bulma… It’s Vegeta’s beautiful wife! ”

“Hello, Miss Bulma”

“Heck, I can’t imagine that Vegeta’s acquaintances are still so cultivated…” As soon as Bulma’s words fell, she immediately scared Vegeta a lot!!

How could she dare to speak like this in front of Lord Destroyer!!!

In case the God of Destruction is provoked … The earth is going to die!!!

“Actually, we’re just passing by the planet and stopping by to see Vegeta!” Beerus smiled.

“Oops? Are you here for sightseeing? Or come to my birthday party! A warm welcome!!! ”

“Then it’s better to be respectful than to obey!! To be honest, I’ve been eating those delicacies just now! ”

“Over here, please…”


Goku Gohan and the others who saw this scene all felt that their heads were about to explode!! Get one’s dander up!!!

Hey, hey, the horror of Beerus, the god of destruction, is obvious to all!!!

Bulma would even invite them to a birthday party too… This woman is also too daring, right!!!

At the same time, Bulma also smiled bitterly.

The future self, without knowing the identity of the destroying god, actually died like this!!

Sitting on the spaceship, Vegeta, who stood up in cold sweat all over, was even more desperate, how could his future self find such a woman as a wife! ! !

Fake, this must be fake!!!



Soon, Bulma introduced Beerus and Weiss, two friends.

After a few flashes of simple pictures, everyone also saw that the God of Destruction Beerus did not seem to directly destroy the earth.

Not only that, but he also blended into the banquet…

Enjoy your meal and dance with everyone…

Perhaps, the food of the earth seems to be delicious!! Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, must like the food of the earth!!

Just when everyone felt like that…

The drunken Satan suddenly stepped forward and asked with an arrogant face: “Strange cat, do you dare to compete with me!” ”


“That idiot !!!!” Vegeta looked panicked.

“I’m awesome!!!.” Fortunately…… Mr. Satan simply gestured a few punches and fainted to the ground…

This also made Mr. Satan, who was watching this scene, suddenly spew out the red wine in his mouth!!!

Good risk…

He dared to provoke that terrifying monster!!!!

Crazy, right!!!!

Suddenly, the picture turned…

The perspective in the video actually switches to Pilav, Asu and the girl Xiao Wu.

These three are the three villains who once made enemies of Goku when he was a child!!

Decades later…

These three people also have the Dragon Ball radar, and they actually found Bulma’s house with Dragon Ball!!

“Ah, it’s a little dance… I miss it so much!! Seeing the scene in the picture, Goku couldn’t help but exclaim.

It is clear that almost twenty or thirty years have passed since I was a child…

Why did Xiao Wu become so young?

But in any case, everyone did not expect…

Bulma’s birthday party attracts not only Beerus, the god of destruction, but also these guys with bad intentions!!

Pirav wants to make a wish to become a rich man in Dragon Ball, because he must have a sum of money before conquering the world.

However…… Xiao Wu complained: “I was finally able to make a wish to the Shenlong some time ago, and I blame Lord Piraf for what he said… Let me be young again!! ”

“Ahhh!! After all, before conquering the earth, what if you die of old age! ”

“That being said, this is too young!!”

“Okay!!! Let’s find Dragon Ball as soon as possible!!! ”

Seeing the scene in the picture, the three people at this time were a little unbearable to look directly.

Wouldn’t this completely expose their future crimes!!!!


Xiao Wu and others who have seen the shocking famous scenes of TOP6 certainly know how terrifying this group of Super Saiyans really is!!!

If you provoke them, isn’t it self-defeating!!

And they even accidentally bumped into this god of destruction Beerus!!!!



In the picture, the sneaky little dance trio successfully found the Dragon Ball…

But suddenly, Trunks pushed the door open all of a sudden.

“What are you doing there???

“We are friends of this young master!!” After the group froze for a few seconds, Xiao Wu said anxiously.

“Hey? My friend……??? “Trunks is inexplicable.

“Aaaaa!!!a Are you a child of this family? All three of Pirav were sluggish.

Happened…… Trax also called Goten on the side, and Goten, who looked very close to Goku, immediately frightened Xiao Mai and Piraf.

That hairstyle full of personality…

Those big eyes that pretend to be innocent…

Where have they definitely met!!!!!

The real identity of that kid is that giant ape!!!!

Recalling the fear of being once dominated by Little Goku, the three fled in an instant!!!

And, before leaving, Xiao Wu did not forget to return the stolen diamond to Trunks…

“Who is this girl who gave you diamonds!!” Could it be Trunks’ friend? Gokuten scratched his face a little suspiciously.

“That girl, it’s my girlfriend! How’s that, it’s awesome!! Trunks blushed and blew the bull.


Goku and Bulma, who were watching the video, spewed out a mouthful of water at the same time, and Bulma looked even more sluggish.

The two of them know Xiao Wu’s real age!!!

I’m afraid Xiao Wu is older than Bulma!!!!


His future son actually said that Xiao Wu was his girlfriend?

That’s a shame on it…

Thankfully, Trunks hasn’t been born yet.

Otherwise, under the gaze of countless spectators in the Heavenly Dimensions, if you say such words, I am afraid that you will really flee this planet!!!

What they don’t know, however, is…

Located in the parallel world of the future of Dragon Ball, Trunks, who has grown up, is now about to pierce the center of the earth with his head!!!!

The video continues.

The three of Xiao Wu successfully stole the four Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball, and they plan to threaten Bulma and the others to hand over a million to return them!!


Bulma and the others, who were attending the banquet, also found the three of Piraf.

After hearing that Xiao Wu was Trunks’ girlfriend, he asked Trunks to take Xiao Wu and the three over.

After all, too many years have passed, plus the three have become children, so the future Bulma does not recognize them.

However, Trunks, who had already lied, actually asked Xiao Wu to pretend to be his girlfriend…

“What a child is so impure now!!” Xiao Wu was shocked.

But under the persuasion of the other two, if you can enjoy the food… She didn’t mind pretending to be Trunks’ girlfriend.



After the eerie farce, the banquet continued.

As an after-event, Bulma specially held a lucky draw for everyone present, and the first prize was naturally an opportunity to use Dragon Ball!!!

However, under everyone’s expectant gaze…

When she lifted the hood, she realized that Dragon Ball was actually missing a !!!

Everyone’s faces changed drastically, and at the same time… The three of them also wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

But it just so happened that a dragon ball fell out of Xiao Wu’s clothes!!!!!


The corners of Pilaf’s eyes jumped wildly, and his face showed fierceness.

This is the end of the matter… There is no other way!!

So, the three could only kidnap Trunks on the spot.

“You people, if you don’t want this little devil to die!! Just hurry up and hand over a million!!! ”


Everyone was silent…

They kidnapped, but with Saiyan blood, Trunk!!!s who can turn into a Super Saiyan

After Trunks and Wutian merged, Wutianx, he was able to easily suppress the horror guy of Dabuu…

They are simply seeking their own death!!!!

“Who are these guys? It looks even more stupid than those earthlings…” Seeing this scene, even Weiss couldn’t help but complain.




I saw Trunks blushing a little and said: “Little dance…”

“Hostages shut up for me!!”

“No, it’s your chest against me!”


“Oh!!! It’s such a fun aftershow! At this time, Gohan seems to be a little drunk, and he has also turned into a very old-fashioned masked Saiyan Superman playing drunken madness, easily shooting Piraf’s pistol bullets everywhere.

However, the weird thing is…

Gohan accidentally flicked a bullet into his wife Bidili’s leg…

Fortunately, I helped heal my injuries every day.

But what was even more terrifying was that a bullet inadvertently bounced into Beerus’s face…

See this scene…

In an instant, everyone became breathless, and even Beerus, who saw this scene, looked a little impatient.

These guys, facing the God of Destruction Beerus, were actually so presumptuous!!!

“It’s all flown to me…”

“It’s a little itchy… Unhappy, very unhappy!!! ”

“So, to destroy the earth?” Weiss asked.


A sense of oppression that overwhelmed the audience erupted.

The God of Destruction Beerus’s whole body erupted with an astonishing deterrent, his face was cold, and he slowly crushed the bullet in his hand…

“Maybe it’s better to build this planet again, without destroying it… How to create”

Seeing this scene, the audience of the Heavenly Dimension were all on the verge of suffocation, feeling that the blood could not circulate.


It’s going to be finished…!!!!!!!



[PS: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for a custom !!!! 】

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