Play with the Dimensional Planes

Chapter 303: The Seven Deadly Sins of the Devil Fruit (Subscribe)

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Twenty-two years in the era of the pirates, there were too many things happening in this year, enough family members to brag about the deeds of half a lifetime, and the short-lived bar of sky-high bars, as Chen Xiao said, went on the second day of the war Floor empty.

Although the white beard, who has lost the ability to shake the fruit, is still a strong man, he has not been able to sit firmly in the position of the four emperors. He chose to retire with the white beard pirate group, and the four emperors on the sea disappeared for two consecutive times. The entire sea was completely messed up, and the navy ’s control of the New World was strengthened a bit.

The ambitious black beard did not become the four emperors like the original, but continued to besiege the devil fruit ability as before. The throne in the sea and the throne of the entire world may be disregarded by him now. He just wants to complete the world mission quickly and enter the space of the Lord God.

"Huh, it's really comfortable ..." On a small island that wasn't too big, sunbathing in the warmth, feeling the warm sea breeze with salty taste, Chen Xiao stretched out comfortably, and finally the holiday It ’s always unforgettable. Reaching out and letting the sunlight and the breeze pass through the fingers, Chen Xiao suddenly sat up from the recliner, "Well, it should be three days ... I should go to the Warring States to get back the seven deadly sins Now. "

Standing up, the icy water just overflowed the ankles, wearing a summer casual outfit, wearing slippers, Chen Xiao stepped on the island and disappeared on this island. Only the recliner swinging in the wind proved that Chen Xiao had been , The figure appeared over Marin Fando. The once huge steel fortress is now a ruin. The navy is constantly moving materials from the ruins or building debris. It seems that it is really the same as the original. It is to change the position of the navy headquarters. Yes, after all, the entire island is already overwhelmed, and it is too dangerous to build the naval headquarters here.

After seeing the color slightly across the entire Malin Fando, Chen Xiao found the Warring States that had long been waiting in an open space, and flew straight to the past. Chen Xiao had not been near for long, and the insight of the Warring States sensed Chen Xiao ’s arrival, and looked up To Skyrim, a black box 1.5 meters long and half meters wide was placed beside him.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Sengoku." Chen Xiao landed on the open ground and smiled at the Warring States.

"It's really leisure, sir. The sky-high bar in Rijin Doujin said that it was closed. It really must be closed." The Warring States looked at Chen Xiao as if he had just returned from vacation. There is some information in Xiaozui's mouth, whether the sky-high bar really needs to close, has a huge impact on the Navy's future plans.

"Ah, it's just boring, Mr. Sengoku, my weapon should be transformed." Chen Xiao shrugged casually, turned his eyes to the black box and asked.

"Of course." Sengoku nodded and took a deep breath, pulling the button on the black box. The box opened in a fan, and seven dark golden blades appeared, but without exception, seven carved sea floor stones Adornment is fixed on the handle of the knife, arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust!

"Hailou Stone is to limit the capabilities of these weapons, otherwise this box of terror can't fit these seven weapons at all." Sengoku binocular swept through the seven deadly sins, how powerful are these seven weapons, and easily handed the devil fruit to them He is the most aware of Bergapunk, is the power above the world too?

"Arrogance has transformed the strength of the shocking fruit."

"Envy, transformed the strength of Shishi fruit."

"Rage, transformed the strength of rockberry."

"Laziness has transformed the power of secret fruits."

"Greedy has transformed the power of the soul fruit."

"Lust, transformed the power of the fluttering fruit."

Chen Xiao raised her lips and put the box into the system space with a wave of her hand. She smiled with satisfaction: "Thank you, Mr. Sengoku." The words did not stop, and the figure disappeared into the navy headquarters and appeared in the dim space of the main god. Among.

"This is the pinnacle of alchemy, a set of seven alchemy swords for killing the four monarchs, plus shattering space, manipulating the earth, burning all things, endless darkness, playing with soul and weightlessness. The devil fruit ability, this set of weapons is also worthy of my identity. "Chen Xiao smiled playfully, and was also in a good mood. By the way, I checked the situation of the black beard, and the distance from the peak of the One Piece world is also poor. Not far away, the world conquest mission is almost completed, and he does n’t have to worry about it at all. Tune it out and show me. "

"Ding, the plane of the Dragon Valley, 327 people who invested in reincarnation, 212 people died, the number of survivors has entered the town of reincarnation, a total of 19054 points."

"Ding, beyond the plane of God, invested 1576 people in reincarnation, 45% of the galaxy conquest missions were completed, 456 people died, and a total of 54001 points were earned."

"Ding, the top level, 243 people in the reincarnation, 45 left in the top camp, and 51 left in the joint military camp, totaling 12423 points."


"Ding, the fox maiden plane, one person invested in the reincarnation, the remaining one, a total of 42700 points."


"The fox maiden plane?" Chen Xiao's mouth twitched, and then he remembered that he had tossed Xiaomi on the fox maiden plane. At that time, the time of the plane was messed up by him. If he could not return, he left temporarily. Calculate the time now, the time of six months should come, system, has the time and space of the fox maiden plane returned to normal? "

"The order of the fox maiden has returned to normal."

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand a little bit of void, and a screen appeared in midair. It was the picture in the Pavilion of the Years. It was like the king of the mountain. Millet around him had a lot of food. Life's life gem, it seems that the trading life of six months has left the vitality in life gem, and looking at the huge demon spirit of Xiaomi, it is at least a thousand years demon king.

"This little guy, the system gives the identity of a reincarnation at the beginning of Dongfangyue, and give him a few more gems of life in the past, run the Years Pavilion well, and then send me that Xiaomi guy back to the main **** loft." Reaching out, the screen disappeared Chen Xiao took a cursory look. In the past year, he has accumulated hundreds of thousands of elementary level area points and intermediate level area points of more than one hundred thousand points, which is not his own acquisition. His eyes flashed a little, hanging A touch of arc, "It seems that it's time to do a big job."


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