Zhang Jie took the survivors to the farm, and the black lion ran to his side excitedly when he saw the owner coming back.

On the afternoon of hoe day, he saw the administrator turn back and hurriedly leaned the hoe against the fence wall, and trotted forward

, "Administrator, why are you back again!"

Zhang Jie smiled bitterly and pointed to the army of survivors behind him and said: "I'm afraid these people need to live on your farm temporarily, and they can help you farm and raise chickens."

He looked at this group of people in the afternoon and found that they were dressed differently from his own players, and he was a little puzzled

, "Lord Administrator, why don't these people look like players?"

Zhang Jie nodded, "Well, they are all survivors, and if you explain too much, you can just treat them as NPCs."

Ho He nodded that afternoon, thinking that these NPCs were NPCs anyway, and there was no need to be so serious.

"Okay then,

" he looked at the survivors at noon

, "Hello everyone, my name is Hoe Harvest Day Noon, and in the future, we will work together to open up more wasteland and grow more crops, so that everyone can have enough to eat." The

survivors were emotionally excited, not to mention having enough to eat, and it was a luxury to be able to live on a farm like this paradise.

Seeing that they were silent for a long time, Zhang Jie said to the survivors

, "This is Mr. Ho He Ri Dangwu, the agricultural technical advisor here, you will follow him to learn how to farm and breed in the future, and after you master this skill, at least you will not starve to death when you leave here." "


The survivors knelt down in unison

, "Lord Administrator, are you trying to drive us away?" "Yes, Lord Administrator, didn't you say to take us in, we are willing to be cattle and horses for you!"

"Lord Administrator! We know it's wrong, please give us another chance!"


survivors begged Zhang Jie to take them in, but Zhang Jie shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to get stronger, so you must master this survival technique as soon as possible, or you won't be able to handle it.

The survivors breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang

Jie glanced at the survivors and said, "Okay, get up! How do you kneel here!?"

The survivors got up one after another, and Zhang Jie looked at the noon of the hoe day

, "Okay, I still have to leave in

advance, and the rest will be left to you." "



Countless hands stretched out from the ruins of the skyscraper

, and the players found that they were buried alive after going online, and they tried their best to climb

out, listening to the sound of distress in the ruins, they tacitly went to the rescue and pulled people out.

"Thanks... Thanks..."The player who was dragged out kept thanking him, and then joined the rescue army.

There are many people really powerful, and the players have all been rescued in half a day, and

the location of the skyscraper at this time has become an empty square

, and the players are empty, and the invincible BOOS in the past has killed them, and even the base camp has been moved by them to the point that there is no hair left

, the only fly in the ointment is that the skyscraper was blown up,

This makes them feel more or less a pity, if such a good place is kept to live a lot of people!

Zhao Yanyu looked at the players who were at a loss, and cheered, "Okay, what's going on with each of them? "

The players' eyes lit up, and they were enlightened

, why didn't they think of it!

There is a boss behind the boos, as long as you win the boss, the whole city is theirs.

"yes, let's go. We continue to attack the next city, fight more bosses, and get more rewards.

"That's right, let's move on. "The excitement was high.

Zhao Yan was speechless for a while, these militants knew how to fight, as if playing games was only about fighting and killing.

She said to everyone in her hand, "Didn't you notice any changes?"

and the players looked up at the sky, no different than a sunset.

In the past, there was

no sun at all in Dingning City, only a dim light, and this dimness was not due to the weather, but a special light source, just like the moon, which illuminated the surrounding environment.

And tonight, a round fireball appeared in the sky, and it emitted a reddish light, reflecting the night.

Everyone's mouths opened in surprise.

Now the sun suddenly appeared, what's going on?

"I'll wipe it, it's not like we killed BOOS and restored the former color of Dingning City, right?"

The players sighed for a while, what is the situation with this Nima? Could it be that they have changed Dingning City? Or is this the reward of the dungeon?

"We have defeated the strongest in the city and become the new master, we should build this place into our beautiful home." Zhao Yanyu proposed.

"That seems to be the case," the crowd agreed, "

let's go." "

Well, let's go. "

Where are we going

?" "You are stupid! Now you don't need money for land, hurry up and find a piece of land to occupy yourself! You don't know how expensive the real world housing is?" "

Yes, yes, yes, occupy the space, I also have a house." "


At the same time

, Zhang Jie came to the beach according to the sketch drawn by the captain of the guard, he followed the instructions to look on the beach

, there was a big mountain not far from the place where the sea was connected

, he walked up to the front and carefully looked for a place where the key could be inserted, and finally found a lock hanging in a particularly secret corner.

"Whew...," Zhang Jie wiped the sweat from his forehead, "This place is really hard to find."

Zhang Jie looked at the key in his hand and muttered, "You must not drop the chain!" He

picked up the key, inserted it into the lock,

and clicked ~ The iron lock opened.

"Haha, that's great!" he said excitedly, and pushed the door open.

He was about to walk in, but he heard footsteps in front of him, Zhang Jie immediately looked vigilantly, only to see a group of people swaying and running as if they had drunk too much,

"Who are you?" Zhang Jie asked sharply.

Roar roar roar~

All he answered was a beastly roar.

Seeing this, Zhang Jie did not hesitate to turn on the lightsaber switch and slashed at the zombies

, clanging ~ The zombies were repelled a few meters, but soon they got up and continued to charge towards Zhang Jie

, poof~poof~poof~

One by one, the heads flew into the sky, and the zombies were chopped into countless pieces and fell to the ground to die, and the blood stained the beach red.

Seeing this, Zhang Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and then the light emitted by the lightsaber, looking inside,

it didn't matter, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "I'm

obedient, what is this Nima!"


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