Players In Marvel

Chapter 996 The power of the sun, the name of dawn, the last hope, the swan song of hell!


"What is God to you?!"

On top of the still sea of ​​blood.

The man with his eyes closed showed no struggle, only pure Buddha light filled the air.

And at this time.

The spiritual link from above the spirit is having a dialogue.

One of them comes from Golden Saint Shaka.

And another one.

There are more and more inextricable connections between its name and Buddha.


From the battlefield between humans and gods, we enter into the battle of hell.


Faced with such a hell lord, Shakya really had no way to impose direct sanctions.

But his desire to save mankind will not lie.

Anyone who gets in the way.

Even if it is a god or a demon, he will be killed by himself...


But it is true that even when Lucifer's Yang Sheng, the fallen angel who mastered the seven deadly sins left the hell dimension.

Shakya did not cause any actual harm to Lucifer.

"Looking at it this way, sometimes it's better not to speak too loudly."


"Fortunately no one cared, otherwise it would have been a laughing stock."

Even if the two are not face to face.

But in Shaka's telepathy, he seemed to have seen the man wearing sunglasses holding a lollipop in his mouth.

The most fashionable custard apple!


This truly innocent image of God appears so human at this time.

on the contrary……

It is obvious that he is sitting on the lotus platform, filled with endless Buddha light.

More like being with Buddha.

Shaka had been as rational as possible and calculated the possible factors on the battlefield.

This is to prevent greater destruction and disaster.

It's just like……

What he saw with his own eyes were the soldiers who were determined to die on the battlefield facing the Great Demon King Piccolo.

That's an honor, and it's Shaka's recognition of them.

at the same time……

It was also a back-up to deal with Asmodeus.

And now.

In the Collapse of Hell, Within the Ritual of the Eye of Basfloros.

Facing the scene of destruction in full bloom.

What Shaka wants is, at this moment, can he save everyone...can he? !

"Golden Saint."

"You follow such a name, do you want to be a god or a human?!"

Shakya is a god.

But he stood on the standpoint of human beings from the beginning.


A Golden Saint with the heart of a complete Buddha and as powerful as a god.

What about Shaka? !

"I am human."

"I have never denied this identity. I have always practiced for protection."

"The goddess is the same as the human being!"

When this thought comes up.

In addition to the ability to throw, whether it is a person or a god, between Shakya and Shakya!

There is no difference.

Because they are all unique Buddhas in heaven and earth.

Within the scale of the soul, time cannot be used as a marker of flow.

At this time, above the sea of ​​blood.

Shine brightly.

In the palm of Shakya's hand, the Buddha's kingdom shrouded one side, and layers of light flashed through the bottom of the sea of ​​blood!

It seems to be boiling.

The power of Shaka's small universe has increased to an unprecedented level and is about to explode!


Can this destructive force complete redemption here? !


After triggering a new round of collision, a devastating light appeared.

It doesn't matter!

Because in this doomsday atmosphere, someone has to do something.


Shaka's psychic power and telekinesis power continue to expand under the blessing of the power of the small universe.

This man.

As a tiny individual, he tried to use his own power to leverage the connection between every molecule.

This is a hell frozen in destruction.

Shaka wanted someone to make it move again and complete the deduction of the scene after this.


It's like a sound whistling between souls.

They didn't hear every being in hell clearly.

But something is happening somewhere.


A sound from Sanskrit.


A small universe burning method unique to Shaka.

There is no doubt that the Golden Saint is a human being, but he is a man who is infinitely close to a god.

And this moment.

Shaka's personal will is combined with the underlying will of the universe.

This is a conceptual sublimation.


The ritual at the Eye of Basflorus is shrouded in subversive cosmic power.

The concept of sublimation becomes extremely clear.


The end of hell is right in front of us, and Shaka experiences it personally and realistically.


As if entering a realm of selflessness, all Shakya could feel was darkness.

And a pink light is revealed in it.

That is……

Doom's magic particles cannot be distinguished from the past or the future, symbolizing the end of the world.


The roaring and oppressing storm.

The furious ape no longer has mercy, and the appearance of the victorious Buddha is no longer there!

Just like the monkey wearing cassock on the same lotus platform, he can no longer see the falseness of this hell.

And the battle between heaven and earth was greeted by this walker who was like a strike from the sky, enough to kill a god.

The one who stirred everything up swept in first.

at last……

It is also the symbol of the most primitive evil.

Of course Shaka didn't know Majin Buu, but he could feel the terror represented by this name.

Fat Buu's anger has a part in Shaka.

And at this time...

The ultimate air bomb that symbolizes ultimate destruction, of course...should also have its own part.


The traveler in the Fa Tian Xiang Earth suddenly felt something in the tip of the stick behind the rim of his arm.

call out!

The air bombs fired by Fat Buotou exploded extremely quickly.

A figure seemed to appear in the center of the battlefield.

"Dum heard your name."

Wrapped in the glow of doomsday magic, destruction hits the first thing it touches.

And in the confrontation between these three forces.


It comes from the defensive body of the Golden Saint.

Shaka is not saying that he can do more in this short time.


He has one choice, and that is to fill it in himself.


Sanskrit words spoken from the mouth.

It means the state of the Immovable King, in which the hidden power returns to his own body.

Respond to all laws by remaining motionless.

The Garuda flames don't have to burn the enemy's soul and power, they only need to surround Shaka himself!

The end of this moment.

Before the final death in hell, the Golden Saint will bear it alone.

A momentary shadow.

The fire ignited Shakya heavily, but the man on the lotus platform did not change at all.

In this frozen world, there seems to be no change.


The Garuda flames are real, the power of the collision is also real, and the destruction endured by Fudo Myooh is even more real.


"It is a flame that can purify all evil and represents purity."

"The flames of Garuda cannot destroy me, and no evil power can come to me."

Shaka muttered to himself.

this moment.

He is equivalent to one person resisting the powerful offensive of Lord Doom, Waiter, and Fat Buu at the same time.


After hindrance, there is no rescue.


The short-lived scene before the destruction brought about a scene even more extreme than the doomsday.

"Fudo Myooh."

"Once this force is broken, the disaster force I am resisting now will be returned in exponential form."

"By then, the destructive power contained together will be an unstoppable wave."

"This is cause and effect."

Shaka's tone was calm.

He was just stating the fact that that was all he was blocking at this time.

After a moment of calm.

Not everything will calm down like lake water, but big waves will break out like a dam!

“If you don’t break, you won’t stand.”

“Without the awareness of the Great Disillusionment, we will naturally not be able to welcome the new reincarnation.”

Shakya's voice echoed.

In Shakya's spiritual dimension, the Buddha and the Enlightened Ones communicate directly and unimpededly.

"I can see."

"In the frozen future, a new sun has risen."

Shakya showed what he saw.

even though……

Shakya can hinder the end of the world a little bit, and Shakya can see the end of the world a little bit in advance.

In fact, it is enough.

"God and Man."

"There is nothing more harmonious than the bond between them."

Sakyamuni's unique one-lotus support.


He had no other Valkyries.


But he also knew a god, a god who represented the sun even though he had only known each other for a short time.


Rather than saying that Leona is a lofty god, she is more like a female warrior on earth.


Although one is a god, he can also be said to be a human being, representing the power of dawn.


Reina obviously likes fashion and shopping on Earth, and lives like a second-rate girl.


She is the real main god of the Lieyang Star.

God and man.

When these concepts are mixed with each other and constantly subverted and flipped, the only meaning that remains.

Sun and dawn.


In hell.

In front of a frozen picture of doomsday, a glimmer of light appeared that could not be ignored.

Such a pure bit of light is the power of stars in the universe.

It can also be called the light of the sun!


The power of the stars is surging.

According to tribal legends, the world will eventually end and the sun will continue to rise.

A ray of sunshine.

What it represents is the star spirit symbolized by Leona after the disaster of the sun.

She is the last sun.

Illuminate hope!


The main god of Lieyang Star, his identity is not very important to young Reina.


She herself recognized it as the most dangerous force in the universe.

as well as……

After the limited universe completely fell into darkness, it transformed into the purest beam of dawn!

Pierce the darkness.

Maybe it's magic, maybe it's technology, but at this moment, the goddess's will is the same.

They are like another version of themselves that has never been seen in the world.

And have the same mission.


Now that this time has arrived, then... the voice of the sun will also shine here.

"I am your goddess."

"The light of the sun, the power of dawn, the last time after darkness, rekindle!"

The syllables of Leona and Reina completely overlapped at this moment.

They are so similar.

With the help of Sakyamuni, the power called the sun merged into one under hope.

The light shines brightly.

But it is not strong, just like the soft light reflected against the background of the collapse of hell.

"A gift!"

"It's all you can see, Escanor, sister, now I'm even taking your share."

Rena fully unleashed the stellar calculation in her body.

as well as……

It comes from the sin of pride among the seven deadly sins, and this is the last power entrusted to oneself.


The power of the stars and stars is mixed with calculation and magic, and even the power of divine grace.

Hope, which would never exist in hell, turned into a sun and appeared here.

"breaking Dawn!"

Leona raised her sword high.

It was as if all the lights from the top were gathered together, and they poured out all their strength into one blow.


The power from Doom, Monkey, and Fat Buu tore apart the remaining canvas of hell.

And in the large areas of void exposed, there are points and surfaces that have been shattered by power.

The light of the sun is flowing slowly inside.

at the same time.

In the lower levels of hell, Shaka, the golden saint who cannot be ignored, continues to burn himself.

Within the package of Garuda Flame, the light of purification began to bloom endlessly.

Not defense.

But in this collapsed dimension, in the hell of doomsday, it is full of unclean power and the like.

In this place full of darkness, full of ominous destructive power.

The power of the small universe from the Golden Saint, the endless light bloomed by Shaka.

This light covers all impurities.


The power of the sun can spread farther, and it can also bless the power of dawn.


The voice from the goddess.

Leona and Reina transformed into the reborn sun in hell, and in this permeating hope!

Not to stop Doom, Walker and Fat Buu.

on the contrary……

Their target is the last hell lord who supports the Eye of Basfloros!

The blade of the zenith turned into the light of dawn.


In this countless moment, the power of the stars and gifts turned into energy.

The computing power of stars drives the explosion from the sun!

The goddess of dawn from Valoran, the power of the sun from Sunstar, and the harmonious power merge into one.

They are the ultimate in both worlds.

The power of hope!

"Ah ha ha ha ha."

In the midst of Asmodeus's wild laughter.

Leona and Lena gather the power of hope before the doomsday collision comes.

The great demon who fell to the ground and was gasping for breath was completely beheaded!

This is the last drop of blood.


Lena and Leona helped the big devil deal the final blow.

The maniacally laughing expression was frozen at this moment, and Asmodeus's will finally began to rise!

In freeze frame!

Huge heads fell like mountains, and Asmod's core was pulled away by the ritual.

The Eye of Basflorus took Asmodeus away.

For a while.

An inexplicable awareness appears in the psychology of all hellish beings.

That ritual shrouded in the dimensions of reality and hell!

Mission accomplished.


The subversive power of the universe has been completed, and it is time to dissipate.


Hell will be hell, earth will be earth!

"I'm the MVP. I didn't let the monkey steal all the limelight. I'm worth it."

Lena gave a thumbs up.

No matter what, it was worth it to help Escanor kill Asmodeus in the end.

"I will avenge you when I say I will, sister. I never break my promise."

"The other side of hell will not be affected in any way, and as for..."

The sun's rays never fade away.

Leona is still as cold as a female warrior.

Looking back...

The existences left in hell will soon bear the tide of doomsday.

That is……

Millions of superheroes, monsters from fairy tales, people under the sea and people on land.

There will be no time for them to return to the real dimension.


Can the magnificent palace complex of the Yama Hall and the Supreme Sanctuary on the top floor of hell stop the aftermath of the doomsday?

At least……

For those in hell, everything has entered a countdown.

Hope is extinguished!

Hell's swan song!

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