Players In Marvel

Chapter 1036. Research on the evil black cat and the symbiosis of this person.

Received a closed door.

Without an appointment and invitation, it is obviously impossible to get through the gate of Osborne Industry.

Not to mention…

Spider-Gwen went to the more confidential laboratory floor, and was obviously rejected.

It's useless to mention people.

As for the little Reed Richards, he came up with a very reliable method.

"You break into my dormitory the same way we break into the laboratory!"

"Don't tell me you can't do it."


The brat's tone is really irritating.

If Spider-Gwen still had her own superpowers, she would be climbing the outer glass walls of the Osborn Tower.

Why think so much? !

"Take the back door?!"

“Staff access might be a good option.”

A plan from Sheriff George and Devil George.


For a secret infiltration mission like this, it would be inconvenient if there were too many people.

"I, I, I came here just to see the laboratory, you won't leave me outside, will you?!"

Little Reed raised his hand and expressed his opinion.

There is no need for Mr. Satan and King to go in. These two are fighting talents.

What Osborne's laboratory needs is intelligent talents.

They are of no use.


"Even if we are discovered, at most we will be expelled by the security guards, no problem."

Emperor Tong also expressed his agreement.

"Just ask Mr. Satan and King to wait for us outside."

The Child Emperor spread his hands.

"If there is any misunderstanding, King will enter combat mode."

"The Imperial Engine is too compelling."

That makes sense.

In this regard, King said that it is great not to have to play real-person stealth.

"We'll wait for you outside."

Mr. Satan concluded his remarks.

He, King, and Chief George would stay outside to prevent them from rushing in if they were discovered.

Then he showed off the NYPD logo and said it was all just a misunderstanding.

Very good, perfect plan.

Spider-Gwen takes Little Reed and Child Emperor, and finally adds a mature and steady guardian.

With Demon George around, there won't be any big problems.


That's the last little flaw.

"Where is Dr. Elsa Bullock's laboratory?!"

"I've never been there at all."

The detachment is complete.

The big problem Spider-Gwen faces now is that she has no idea where the target is.

After all, it’s just a doctor who has a chance relationship!

They...are really unfamiliar.


Inside Spider-Gwen's secret warehouse.

Zhan Momowan, the most tight-lipped man in the world, bumps into Mary Jane who comes to look for her "lost best friend".


"You mean these big guys are all robots!"

Stand next to the pacifist.

As if she had broken into the kingdom of giants, Mary sighed at the greatness of cutting-edge technology.

Really are……

I wonder when technology became so advanced that such a robot could be built? !

This world really felt strange to her.


The best friend I know best suddenly turns into a superhero, and at the same time...

I had complained before, why was it necessary to build such a large warehouse, but now it contains so many robots? !

How amazing!


"These are masterpieces of the science and technology department. The cost of each pacifist is more than a warship."


Zhan Momomaru put down his huge axe, looking like he had just come back to his senses.


"You woman, don't try to trick me here."

"Hey, hey."

"Obviously it was you who said it all in a grunt. You are the tightest-tongued man in the world."

Mary laughed.

This big-hearted girl once accepted the reality that Zhan Momowan was not hostile.

Her burgundy hair was flowing, and she looked extremely cheerful.

I can tell……

As the leader of a rock band, she just likes the music she loves!

Passionate and fiery.

Mary patted Zhan Momowan's belly. She was really curious about the red pocket he was wearing.

"Where's Gwen?!"

What I am more concerned about is my best friend whose identity has become extraordinary.

"Honestly...she's in some trouble."

Zhan Momomaru sat on the big table in the center of the warehouse, with Mary next to him.

This was originally used by the girls in the band for rehearsal.


It's quite suitable as a place for chatting.

"I can tell."

"It's like a scene in a science fiction movie. I believe it when you say that Gwen escaped from hell with you."

Mary just said it casually.


Zhan Taomaru's expression was stunned.

It wasn't him who let it slip this time, it was the smart girl who guessed it herself.


"You, you...I mean is there really a hell in this world?!"

"Oh My God!"

"Then next week's church time, I can't use the excuse of being busy with the band to not go."

Mary stood up suddenly.

"It's not as bad as you think."

"No matter what happens, there will always be justice in this world, and I will never waver in this!"


After Kizaru summoned Momomaru from hell.

In this new world, Zhan Momomaru comes into contact with civilians who know nothing about them for the first time.

Mary Jane, Watson.

A girl with a dream of music, a lively, cheerful and enthusiastic girl who lives in a peaceful daily life.


The justice carried by everyone on the sea will not change here.

all of a sudden.

Mr. Kizaru can't be found, and the three generals and Lieutenant General Garp are gone.

There is no instruction from above at all.

All of a sudden, including pacifists, Sen Momomaru had to make his own decisions on all naval matters.

to be honest……

This feeling of emptiness made Zhan Taowan very uncomfortable.

Just when he was feeling dizzy, Mary's appearance changed everything.


You can start with smaller things.


He really has nothing to do in this new world now!

Repair a warehouse? !

This is not what a mainstay of the navy and pacifists should be lining up to do.

[From Mary Jane Watson's curiosity, obtain a small amount of black jade]


The most critical thing is about the growth of [Jade].

Although it cannot be compared with the growth rate in hell, it is better than nothing.

That's a good start.

"Since you are Spider Girl's friend, I will help you tell her..."

Zhan Taowan said so.


"Do you have Gwen's phone number?!"

"After she disappeared, I called her but no one answered her phone. By the way, when I went to her house."

"Even Sheriff George doesn't see me."

Mary's expression became very worried when she said this.

Sheriff George had previously discovered his daughter's superhero identity because of Spider-Gwen's disappearance.

When he's worried that she's involved in some disaster in Hell's Kitchen and doesn't know what to do.

How could George go to see Mary when he didn't even attend class at the New York Police Department?


“Phone bug?!”

"That's not true, but I have a faster way."

Zhan Taomaru is in the camp.

Within the small group with Mr. Satan and King, he sent out his message.

Let's be clear, there is a burgundy girl looking for Spider Girl.


Then Zhan Taomaru sighed.

He was in the group with Mr. Kizaru, and there was no response at all to the messages he sent.

He didn't know what was going on.

What a misfortune!


"By the way, you hurriedly found this warehouse. This kind of girl clearly said that no one would find her!"

"Are you... in any trouble?!"

Zhan Momowan got to the point.

And is ready for his first naval sortie in the New World to help enforce justice against civilians.


"That's the key to why I came to Gwen, our band is in big trouble!"


"This time the devil is coming."

Mary finally got down to business.

She took out a poster from her arms, and sandwiched between the poster were two performance tickets.

It says……

Felicia Hardy, Black Cat's 7th Phantom Show, just on Wednesday...

A deal with the devil that is not to be missed.

"Felicia showed her true colors."

“This guy is taking the art world by storm, not just Mary and her band!”

"The black cat will steal everything!"

Felicia Hardy is and has always been a brainless crappy singer.

Her voice seemed to have been tuned by a devil holding her tongue.


The above is a comment from Mary.


One thing cannot be denied, even Mary has to admit that she is a winner!

“This is an asshole who stepped on us and her public concerts will make her a big star.


"I'm not saying I'm jealous of her, well, I am."

Mary stood in front of Zhan Momowan, spitting nonstop, and the most important thing was...

"I learned something."

"It might just be hearsay, but she's a thief and Black Cat is the big bad guy associated with Hell's Kitchen!"


Only then did we finally get to the point.

"The reason why I came to Gwen is that we should work together to find a good solution."

"While revealing her true face."

"Let Mary and her companions, such a great musical ensemble, become a place for everyone to cheer for."

"All right."

"I am such a selfish person, I admit it, but it is undeniable..."

Mari came up to Zhan Momomaru, poked his huge ax with her finger and said.

"Black Cat!"

"He is a real bad guy and needs to be punished by justice, right?"

This one...

Originally, the matter of sanctioning the bad guys should go to Director George, but now...

Facing Senmomomaru and the pacifists, Mari became more confident.

Black cat? !

Even nasty women who appear on the stage will be punished with a huge axe!

at the same time.

Completely unaware of the conversation between Zhan Momomaru and Mary on the other side.


Spider-Gwen has successfully entered the Osborne Building from the freight elevator.

So far the operation has been very successful.

"This dress doesn't fit at all."

Spider-Gwen, who became a professional cleaner, was complaining about the clothes that were handed over from a certain employee's private room.

And the same.

Devil George, who had put on a simple security uniform, didn't match his figure even more.

After the demonization of old George, he had some demonic characteristics that were not easy to hide.

Now it's just barely covered.


Little Reed and Tong Di don't have so much need to cover up.


After successfully entering the experimental area.

The Tong Emperor was carrying his small schoolbag and standing in front of the door of the magnetic card sensing area.


Doors opened with ease.

"It's a small thing."

"By the way, King asked me to tell you something happened in the warehouse."

Emperor Tong glanced at the private chat channel.


It was a message from Zhan Momomaru about Mary's appearance.

"Mary Jane Watson."

"A woman with burgundy hair said she was your band mate and was looking for you..."


Spider-Gwen covered her face in disbelief.

What was even more unfortunate than losing his superpower was that his best friend discovered his hidden identity.

Mary never knew that she was Spider-Woman.


Just the thought of a warehouse full of big fat men and Mary face to face, it was all too bad.

"Let Mr. Zhan Momomaru help me think of a way. I can't let Mary know about my..."


"You may be too late."

Poor Spider-Gwen hadn't even finished her last hopes, and her dreams were shattered.

The tightest-spoken man in the world.

What should be said and what should not be said has all gone out, leaving Gwen with a pale face.

"It's over."

"Knowing what I know about Mary, she must want to strangle me right now."


Spider-Gwen is manic.

What makes her feel even more uncomfortable now is the intricate departments in the Osborne Building.


Where is the laboratory of Dr. Elsa Block, the researcher of the symbiote spider?

"The truth that makes you feel even more unfortunate..."

Reed Richards Jr. looked at the lab sheet in his hand.

Spider-Gwen couldn't understand this thing, but Little Ghost obviously could see it clearly.

And just when she was talking to Emperor Tong.

Little Reed expressed a serious problem very seriously, that is...

"No such person found."

"There is no one named Elsa Bullock here, let alone any symbiote spider experiment..."


Spider-Gwen was stunned.

There were too many things that exceeded her expectations, and her whole expression was a little dull.

"Impossible, there's no way I could remember something like this wrong."

Gwen stated emphatically.

"And right at the Columbia Science Fair, Dr. Elsa Block was in attendance."

"That's where I met her!"

Spider-Gwen is so sure.

More careful search and confirmation is definitely necessary.


Several mechanical arms protruded from Tong Di's small schoolbag as they evaded patrol officers.

Entering a special compound materials research laboratory.

Tong Di hacked into the laboratory database and used the laboratory as a springboard.

A limited search was made of other Osborne Industries laboratory registers.

“It’s not just a record on a form.”

"There is no record even on the system of the Dr. Elsa Bullock we longed to meet."

"It is true that this person has not been found."

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