Players In Marvel

Chapter 377: Beauty with Red Makeup, the Beauty of a Thousand Gold! !

Commonwealth Bank Building.

In the luxurious banquet hall on the top floor, an "Angel Banquet" that is particularly eye-catching in Los Angeles tonight is being held.

There was a knock on the heavy wooden door.

Da da da! !

Whitney hurriedly went to open the door, even though the floor was covered with luxurious and thick carpets, it still couldn't block the sound of her footsteps.

"Ma'am, don't worry!"

"We didn't mean to rush you, but..."

When Whitney appeared in front of him, the old butler dressed as a gentleman looked at the woman with fine beads of sweat on her head.

Shaking his head slightly, the two mustaches on the corners of his mouth were raised upwards. His behavior was very decent, and his tone was very gentle.

"The performance of the banquet has already started, I want you to pay attention to the time."


"You don't need to be so nervous, everything tonight belongs to gentlemen and ladies!!"

The butler reminded.

He spoke politely, but when it came to tonight's banquet, he also showed a different kind of demeanor with his eyes behind the small round glasses.


"Sorry, sir."

Whitney caught her breath.

The room is not hot.


She is always sweating uncontrollably.

Now, as if he just remembered, he took out a handkerchief from the small bag that was tightly held by his side, and wiped it carefully.

Whitney has heard of the old butler in front of him, he belongs to the personal butler of a big man in the upper class of Los Angeles.

And just today.

He is also in charge of the entire banquet, and in all the processes, he is in charge of all kinds of "service personnel" who are allowed to enter the banquet and are guaranteed by the "angels".


In the name of Miss Whitney, the "dancing girl" of the show tonight, this is what the old housekeeper needs to be responsible for at present.


As the butler of a "big man", the secrets and identities he has learned are of course not comparable to those of ordinary "service personnel".

if not...

The "enthusiastic" lady in front of me is Whitney Stanis, and the old butler won't even come to ask about the trip himself! !

after all! !

Even if her hapless dad is gone.

But she still has huge assets, which is the most important thing, and she still has connections with Stark Industries.

It is with this status that Ms. Whitney will be valued by people.


When tonight passes, and even Stark Industries ceases to exist overnight, then...

Will Whitney, who has lost all her identity, be noticed again? !

No one knows this kind of thing.

after all……

No one could have imagined what would happen. Stark Industries, which has a huge network and size, would disappear overnight.

ha! !

This kind of joke must not be funny, is it! !


"Can I go in and have a look?!"

"About, your preparations..."

After deliberating for a moment, the old butler outside the door seemed to want to come in and take a look.

"Very busy!!"

"Mr. Housekeeper has a lot of things to do tonight, the girls are changing clothes, so..."

Half of Whitney's body was hidden in the thick wooden door. She turned half of her body sideways, as if she wanted to let Mr. Butler in.


From the embarrassment in her tone, the old housekeeper who knows how to read words and expressions clearly got the message that the lady in front of her doesn't want to be disturbed now.


"I do have a few more things to do about the drinks tonight, some of the ladies you know like champagne."

"I still have to go and see..."

The old butler said, slowly backing away.

very lucky.

He didn't have any doubts about Whitney, he knocked on the door to check, and just reminded that the time for the show was coming.

There are a lot of big names here tonight, faux pas in such an important occasion, screwed up a very important "reveal" moment, how can you think it is not good.


Just popping in to mention it.

After all, in the entire building, and even outside the building, the Hydes kept gathering in the empty streets.

Everything belongs to the shining blue crown! !

He is also good! !

Well done to the big shots in Los Angeles tonight.

It's still Ms. Whitney in front of me, there is no essential difference between them, and everyone will be sublimated tonight.

This is what this old butler who knows the inside story has decided in his heart.


What kind of waves can be caused by this weak Miss Whitney and the "dancing girl" she brought? !

Just kidding... doesn't exist at all, okay? !


The speed of closing the door was a little anxious, and the two wooden doors collided, making a loud sound.


The old butler who turned to leave slightly turned his head and looked at the tightly closed room. The sound insulation in the corridor was very good, and he couldn't hear the conversation in the room.


"Ms. Whitney is really serious about preparing for tonight?!"

"Look at her anxious look..."

The old butler left, and at this time, Whitney leaned against the door in the room, exhaling slowly.


"He didn't choose to come in!!"

The fingertips that were holding the doorknob turned white just now, and Whitney hid her body at the door, and her white hands reached into the small bag she had been holding tightly.

right in the packet...

A small, exquisite pistol, no more than half the size of a palm, inlaid with ivory hollow decorations, has been loaded with bullets! !

Only one shot! !

The significance of this pistol is extraordinary. It was a birthday present that Whitney received when he was an adult.

From her deceased father.

Maybe Obadiah wanted to tell her to protect herself no matter what.

Maybe! !

Whitney didn't have much communication with her father, but every time she held the gun, she thought so.

Will the operation tonight go well...

Why did she appear in such a dangerous plan...

For these answers, Whitney herself may not be clear, maybe she just wants to say goodbye to her previous ordinary life...


She just wants to get more involved in the everything house of the silver-haired warrior...


She gradually got mixed up with Yunying and the others! !


No matter what kind of thought it is, Miss Whitney's mind is extremely confused now! !

She was going to be nervous to death.

If the old butler just insisted on coming in, Whitney would shoot! !


"What the hell am I thinking?!"

"Now... it's okay to let him come in and take a look for a while, right?!"

Picking up her small bag again, Whitney felt a little dizzy as she pressed her head.

But it's not her fault...

In a building surrounded by muscular monsters, being a "hidden traitor" hated by everyone will make anyone dizzy! !

Through the short hallway to the other side of the room, Whitney struggled to adjust himself.

"Listen girls!"


"Right in the hall, the symphony has begun, the dance is going on..."

"How much longer do we need!!"


"The guy who got in the way is gone?!"

Kate hangs from the window, watching Whitney fold back and forth.

"Scared me!"

"I almost shot him!!"

Whitney patted her chest with lingering fear, and shot someone, which was something she never dared to think about before.


It was when she had only one bullet.


If you think about it pessimistically, maybe the last bullet is for yourself? !

To make yourself decent! !

Although Whitney didn't express such tragic thoughts, but...

Just from her nervous appearance, she can barely be regarded as a "senior" who handles troublesome things, Kate understands very well...

She doesn't know much, but at least she is better than Whitney...

"You are a little too nervous, do you need me to go in and help?!"


Kate and I were going to slip in through the half-open window, no problem for her deft technique.

"no no!"

"Just go around and watch from another window. The girls I found don't know what's going to happen tonight."

"You will frighten them by appearing like this!!"

Now that Whitney has said so, Kate is naturally not reluctant.


Jennifer pushed her away, but Whitney wouldn't let her in. What's going on tonight, are you going to hang yourself in the sky at night? !

Kate put on her purple goggles, curled her lips, and flipped out of the window again.

Re-stand on the edge of the ledge that is only a little bit, well, walk a little bit along the circular line, and then go to the window on the other side.

"God, it's a big project!!"

"Come on, Kate!!"

The eagle-eyed girl is still flying in the night of Los Angeles with a bow on her back, and the cold wind is blowing. Fortunately, her super uniform is very effective in keeping her warm.


After closing the windows again and drawing the heavy curtains, Whitney hurriedly ran back and forth in the room.

Compared with the cold wind outside the building, the room that is preparing for the performance later is really extremely lively.

musical instrument! !

Many musical instruments that Whitney has never seen before are being played in the hands of these girls from Chinatown in the room.

very happy.

Every girl had a smile on her face. They didn't know what happened, let alone what was going to happen.

Just to know a little...

There's a big party here tonight, all the big names in Los Angeles.

And they were invited by Ms. Whitney to be able to participate in this performance.

Like those gentlemen and ladies playing the violin, they show their different beauty.

what a great opportunity...

Also, what a great experience, they are all very happy! !

"I heard a violin!!"

"Nonsense, the sound insulation effect is so good, you can't hear anything happening at the banquet."

"That's right... the opening of the banquet, isn't it always like this!!"


"What's the matter, it's far worse than our score!!"

"That's right, that's..."

The girls talked in a hurry, they were wearing extremely bright and classic red makeup.

This kind of color is completely different from those "angels" in the hall, those so-called "gentlemen and ladies" in suits and ties.

"Feel sorry!!"

"Girls, how long do you need to prepare?!"

Whitney clapped his hands to attract their attention, and it was obvious that Whitney's arrival made the scene even more lively.

"It'll be fine soon, it'll be fine soon!"

"We won't delay..."

"It's coming, it's coming, I still have a little makeup!!"

There is a joyous atmosphere everywhere.

Whitney also had a smile on his face, looking at the girls who were preparing seriously.


It has been agreed before that, for safety reasons, they will not actually appear in the banquet hall tonight.

The so-called performance, the so-called playing.

It will only spread the music played in this room.

It can be said…

Their makeup, their classical manners, no one else will notice except the girls present.

But they are still serious about their preparations.


They have their own pride! !

It has the most primitive tunes, musical instruments from a long history, and...the most beautiful woman! !


"Hurry up..."

"Our eldest lady is about to put on her makeup, she...she is so beautiful!!"



When Whitney came to the dressing table and saw a familiar girl this time.

This heroine who has been in the Hill Rock Villa has always been in a hurry, noisy, and bluffing! !

The heroine of the Yun family! !

Claiming to be the chief secret agent from Dali Temple, a chivalrous woman who patrols the sinful places of Los Angeles every day! !

Yun Ying sat quietly in front of the mirror.

She was always as bright red as a raging fire, but now she is as beautiful as a scarlet flower! !

Two or three girls were busy, they hung the silk and gold pendant jewelry on Yunying's head.

The pretty face that has never painted any makeup is covered with rouge and powder! !

That is not a modern makeup product, but from the distant past, from the era where Yun Ying lived.

The rouge powder exchanged by Miss Yun Family herself! !


"Even if it's a woman, I'm still amazed by your beauty!!"

Whitney couldn't help but said.

Because she should not belong to the classic beauty of this era, she is no longer the heroine running on the beams, but...

Carrying a city, a gorgeous era, a real lady with a profound heritage.

Is this... Yun Ying? !

Whitney was looking at Yunying, and Yunying was also looking at herself in the mirror...

Pretty? !

she does not know! !

She has never done such a thing since she was a child, and she never thought that she would do such a thing.

Her dream is to become a hero like Mrs. Li, play around with women! !


"Little girl!!"

"This is no play house!!"

In my mind, the voice that suddenly appeared, the words that the shadow monster that set off the endless darkness, slashed out in the black air filled the sky, said to her at the same time! !

yes! !

Even a heroine of the Yun family should know that some things are not just a play! !

"Daddy told me since I was a child..."

"Every daughter, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing, music and lotus must be proficient in everything!!"

"But I don't like any of these..."

Yes! !

I don't like it, what Yunying wants to learn is the gun, the gun of the king of soldiers, she wants to become a heroine, a hero of the world! !


If it's for this city, if it's for saving something, seriously...

The beauty with red makeup, the beauty of a thousand gold, I, Yunying, have never been a family! !

tread! !

Stepping lightly, her white feet landed on the high drum, and Whitney pushed her into the predetermined passage.

Dance music is ready! !

The drums and music gradually sounded, and a song of prosperity resounded here! !

A drum dance, a beauty dance, the so-called "angel", get ready...

"This song, this dance, comes from Datang!!"

"From... Evernight Chang'an!!"

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