Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 1203 Black Camp

The female player who ran at the front was the first to bear the brunt. Even though she used defensive props to block the impact, she was still pushed back more than ten meters and fell behind Xu Huo and Duhu who were not fast.

"Is this a little surprise?" Dumb said while avoiding the attack of the mutated plants, "It's too dense, isn't it? Any wall can open a big one?"

"What's so special about the first card?" Seeing the vine branch rushing over, Xu Huo asked, "Can it be opened anywhere?"

"Of course the first cards are concentrated near the entrance," Dahu said, "What if the good cards are opened by others?"

The fifth and sixth rules of the so-called good card game rules.

Twelve flower cards allow the player to enter the nearest correct channel, which is equivalent to directly choosing the right track and skipping the initial exploration.

The fifth rule and the sixth rule are side by side, implying that other digital cards also have effects similar to flower cards that can help players pass the level.

So the earlier you grab the cards, the greater the chance of getting a good card.

As Duhu spoke, he simply touched the passage beside him, and then a huge number "17" was drawn out, and the black side was on the sidelines.

Now in the passage they are in, among the three walls they can touch, one is triggered by the tiger, and the wall that can be seen at the corner directly in front of them is triggered by the first player who walks, and he also triggers the other side of the passage The maze wall produced a mutated plant, so Xu Huo and the remaining two players could only trigger their first card after passing the first turning corner.

Another male player used props to cut the mutated plant into several pieces and smoothly entered the next passage.

The three of Xu Huo followed closely behind, but the next passage was not long, only about 20 meters in total, so when they entered, the figure of the male player had passed the next corner—whether it was him or No. "10" did not touch the other maze wall on this passage.

The goal of the three of Xu Huo was no longer the remaining maze wall. When they entered the next long passage, the male player walking in front had already touched the maze wall. It was just that he was unlucky, and what was opened was not the card, but A living wall!

The entire labyrinth wall came alive, and the branches and vines that were squeezed together like mud and rocks turned into countless tentacles, which plunged straight into the opposite wall at a super high speed—Xu Huo and the others took a step back, just in time to reach the opposite wall. Exit from the passage, but in the blink of an eye, the entire passage in front of him was blocked by plants, like two maze walls merged together.

At this time, the plants on both sides of the labyrinth walls were moving, like living creatures, which made people feel physically uncomfortable while being shocked.

The process of plant activity lasted for ten seconds before dissipating, and the player had disappeared.

"Is anyone dead?" Dahu asked.

"Not dead." Xu Huo said. When the maze wall came alive, he reached the edge of the other side of the passage, and it was not difficult to get out.

At this time, a bright light came from the corner of the passage, both Duo and the female player looked down, and the former said: "Unfortunately, I didn't see what card he is!"

It's a number card, 21, for White's side.

Xu Huo didn't say it, but asked, "Can everyone see their cards?"

"Only people who are at the same starting point can see each other's cards." The female player continued: "After the five people who started at the same time trigger the first card, the cards that will be triggered later or the cards obtained by killing will not Show the cards."

"So each player can only know less than ten cards at most." Xu Huo said: "The starting points of the maze must be far away from each other. At least other starting points trigger the first card, and other starting points are impossible to see."

The female player nodded, "This is the rule of the previous D-level dungeon, I don't know if it is still the same now."

"It's definitely not changed." Dumb said firmly: "The rules are already perverted enough, who can pass the level if they are changed?"

"It's hard to say." The female player frowned and said, "Didn't you notice that there are more traps on the maze wall? In the past, there were usually not so many trap walls at the starting point. We only passed three passages, and there were two passages. "

"Let's go quickly, we haven't got the first card yet." Xu Huo said.

The three continued to move forward, but this time they slowed down. First, it would be very difficult to catch up with the people in front, because there was a fork in the road, and second, they walked slowly, because the people in front couldn't dig holes for them.

Two more passages passed, both Xu Huo and the female player triggered the first card, both of which were digital cards, Xu Huo was a black card 1, and the female player was a black card 5.

"That's great, we're all in the same camp!" Dumb smiled, and then said to the female player, "Since we're going together, we must know our names."

"Lin Qian." The female player looked alienated.

Xu Huo and Du Hu also reported their families, and then the three of them went together.

After the white card 10 and the white card 21 left, they didn't meet anyone during the initial journey, but turned back twice when they encountered a dead end.

"The rules of the game seem very simple, but it is not so easy to win smoothly." Lin Qian said: "Although the dungeon requirement is only to reach the end, everyone is rushing to the maze for extra rewards. Those who can reach the end Definitely want to win."

"However, the player's camp is not completely fixed, and maybe soon we will randomly change the camp."

The rules are very clear, if the number of one side is less than two-thirds of the number of the other side, then the camp of some players will be changed randomly. The side camp will trigger a random camp change. According to the minimum number of ten people, five people from the black camp must be randomly assigned to the white camp to equalize the number of people on both sides.

"It's actually not easy to trigger the second rule." Xu Huo said: "Even if one side's numbers are not lost at all, the other side will lose one-third before the camp changes. The number of people in the camp should decrease slowly, and the probability of reaching one third is very low."

In order to clear the level as soon as possible, players will definitely grab the cards, which will inevitably lead to death. At least for a long time, there will be no random faction.

"I don't think you need to think too much about this." Dahu said: "Even if you don't worry about it, the number of players will eventually decrease. It doesn't matter which camp it is, as long as the number of players is more than the other side."

He grinned, "Let's think about how to get more cards."

Xu Huo nodded in agreement.

"There are currently two ways to obtain playing cards."

"1. Obtained by triggering the maze wall."

"Two, kill other players."

"In addition to obtaining customs clearance blessings, poker cards can also use the maze wall safe passage of the corresponding suit."

"In theory, the more cards you get, the safer the customs clearance journey and the shorter the customs clearance time."

A bit of Calvin, today's update. Everyone go to bed early.

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