Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2306 Come in and play together

"Think about it, some partitions may have evolved more than a hundred years in advance. Their technological level must be far superior to the later partitions. It is easy to invade a partition or even a wormhole point. Why don't they do this? , because of this backlash.”

Zhu Xiaojin said proudly: "If the game goes too far and doesn't treat the players as human beings, then the players will definitely have to fight with their last legs. If you underestimate the player's power, you will definitely pay the price!"

Xu Huo listened silently. The first half of his sentence made sense, but as the Class A wormhole point is the absolute leading division, there is a greater possibility that it will not retreat because of some players or player organizations if necessary. It is because a new partition can produce more resources after a long period of evolution, whether it is people or natural products. The purpose of plundering a partition is for resources. Since there are better resources, why not wait?

This is probably where the game's government base comes from.

The degree of evolution of a partition is obviously related to the degree of evolution of the players. The natural birth of fixed copies and random copies is inseparable from the past of a partition, and the past of a partition is closely related to people.

Of course, there may be too many subsequent wormhole points. Direct management of partitions across wormhole points is not free and laborious, so it is naturally unnecessary.

In today's games where the connection exists and where it is placed, it is difficult for subsequent players to pose a threat and there is no need to waste energy.

"It's actually quite good to be a gray player in the advanced wormhole point." Mi Qiaonan said: "The more comprehensive the management of the partition, the better for ordinary people. When everyone has to abide by the rules, non-players can live. very good."

Zhu Xiaojin sneered, "The gray players said it nice, but they are actually running errands for the game, and they have to be ranked below the trash who were born in high-level wormhole points. I am not working hard in the game just to listen to them one day. ”

"Do you think that Shi Sanjiu just now is a waste?" Mi Qiaonan interrupted him.

Zhu Xiaojin paused and said with a bit of resentment, "Super evolved, of course not."

"Then it's over." Mi Qiaonan said: "Don't underestimate them. They have been developing in the game for hundreds of years, how can they be useless."

Zhu Xiaojin was silent for a moment, then looked at Xu Huo awkwardly, "Is there any progress at the city government?"

There has been no progress since the disconnection just now. Lao Cai and the people from the city government also disappeared without a trace, but the painting girl followed them.

"We can't help much by staying here. I think I'd better go find Tang Yu and help catch a few more wanted criminals," Zhu Xiaojin said.

Mi Qiaonan had the same idea.

"If you don't leave after passing the level, you may be involved in one-third of the game." Xu Huo reminded again, "You can't leave even if you pass the level after entering the game."

Zhu Xiaojin still looked carefree, "We know what's going on."

Mi Qiaonan smiled at him and said, "I think it's almost time to leave."

The accumulation of the number of wanted criminals for the two of them was thanks to Xu Huo's help. They were repaying the favor by staying here. Of course, they did not necessarily have to repay with their lives. It was just that they had already passed the customs, which gave them a great advantage over the others.

Xu Huo did not persuade him again.

After the two left, Xu Huo walked along the outer edge of the city center barrier. He didn't see another Water Cube coming out for a long time, so he left a message on the Jixin Terminal in Buliu City, hoping that someone would come out. Can provide information about the water cube.

Adhering to Buliucheng's fine tradition, countless fake news immediately came in. Those who claimed to have seen the Water Cube somewhere were eliminated. What Xu Huo needed was the Water Cube that appeared within five minutes, so three or two Expired videos and photos can also be excluded. Just when he thought it would be difficult to gain something, someone actually provided him with a freshly baked water cube video.

The time was just a minute ago, not far away from him.

Xu Huo rushed there as fast as he could. When he was approaching his destination, several players followed him on the left and right. He didn't pay attention and rushed to the place where the Water Cube passed by in the video as quickly as possible.

Indeed, at this time, the spatial power within the city center barrier has already fluctuated.

There should be a relatively stable period after this.

There were more than a dozen players approaching, all with unfamiliar faces. Two of them wore vests and openly showed their numbers. They were cannibal players.

"Do you have a problem with me?" He looked at these people.

"It's no big deal, I just want to use your identity." One of the middle-aged men who was missing half of his right ear said.

"I still need it, so I won't lend it out for now." Xu Huo said calmly, "If you are patient, you can wait."

"Haha!" The man with the missing ear laughed, "Do you think brothers are patient people? Instead of handing over the communication device after being disabled later, why not be smarter!"

Xu Huo raised his hand, and the other party immediately stopped him, "Don't move!"

Xu Huo paused and looked at them with a half-smile, "Don't you want a communication device? Are you afraid of me getting something?"

"I don't want to challenge generals," the man with missing ears said, "If you stay where you are, I can naturally get the communication device!"

Xu Huo followed his good deeds, and the other party winked at a companion, who then took a box and threw it out.

The box should be a restricted item, but it was still more than ten meters away from the target when it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The players who besieged Xu Huo expected that it would not be so smooth. For a while, props and features took turns to appear, but in just a blink of an eye, the people who were originally surrounded by them disappeared, and then they heard a voice as if speaking to their ears, "Since you want to play, then come in together!"

The players came to their senses and found that they were falling down a passage. Before they could react to what was happening, the surrounding scenery changed from normal streets and buildings to a wasteland!

Xu Huo was standing not far away.

"You..." The man with the missing ears was furious. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a scream from his companion. Looking back, he saw a player split in the middle, and the trace of blood gushing out was like an irregular sawtooth...

"This is the power of space!" Someone shouted in panic: "We entered the city center!"

The rest of the people were all horrified. How could they remember Xu Huo? They turned around and fled. Unfortunately, they could only judge the location of the surge of space power by feeling, and this place was particularly messy. When they could not make an accurate judgment, three people hit the sharp blade of the space ray, one died and two were injured.

This is not the end yet, because a black crescent appears again in the sky above them!

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