Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2320 Respecting me is respecting yourselves

Xu Huo has been cooperating with the Special Defense Department. Tingcheng has been returned to him and Hua Nu, so it is appropriate to give them a little help.

"That's it!" Team Leader Wu said with a smile, "I'll send out the list right away."

"There are so many unofficial players in Tingcheng?" Xu Huo paused.

"A lot." The smile on Team Leader Wu's face deepened, "After you showed up yesterday, people contacted me non-stop all night. If everyone were to meet, the square might not be able to fit in, let alone have a meal together. So it needs to be screened.”

"Your Special Defense Department doesn't want to deal with that X post?" Xu Huo said: "With so many players attracted, problems will arise sooner or later."

Team leader Wu glanced at him in surprise, "Don't you know? Your cousin Yu Qingqing is behind this X campaign?"

Since it was Yu Qingqing who did it and they were related, the Special Defense Department did not interfere. Besides, it was not a bad thing. At least the spiritual leader was positive.

Xu Huo was speechless for a moment, "Has she caused trouble again recently?"

"It's understandable for children to be naughty and mischievous." As those "rising stars" continued to show off their various tricks, Yu Qingqing's little problems were nothing more than minor problems.

It can be seen that whether it is Team Leader Wu or the people from the Special Defense Department, their tolerance has increased.

The painting girl is addicted to shopping and doesn't want to waste time on eating, so Xu Huo can only attend the appointment at noon.

He and Team Leader Wu arrived at the venue. The place was almost full, and those who were not seated were crowded to both sides of the venue. Looking around, the black crows seemed to be full of eyes.

Only a handful of these people knew Xu Huo, such as Tan Yang and Huang Junjie. Most of them came here for the reputation of "X", partly with a mentality of admiration, and mostly to explore.

Walking to the table at the front of the venue, Xu Huo first nodded to Tan Yang and others, then looked around the entire venue, and said slowly: "The posts on the forum are somewhat exaggerated. I am just an ordinary player. Let everyone understand. Take a trip."

"Mr. Xu, why are you so humble? Your strength is obvious to all." Tan Yang immediately answered, "We have all heard about those players from outside the area who were taken care of yesterday. Those people are all B-level players and are good at fighting. , the elite team of the Special Defense Department suffered a lot and failed to capture them all, so they were allowed to enter Tingcheng. If it weren't for your coincidence, many people would have been killed and injured!"

Tan Yang was one of the first player organizations to come into contact with Xu Huo. He had socialized with him before. After learning that Tingcheng was assigned to Xu Huo, he moved the entire player organization to Tingcheng.

After he finished speaking, more or less people agreed. People who came here for Xu Huo also suggested that Xu Huo form a player organization to unite more players so that everyone would not blame each other if something happened.

This is how a small player organization is. There is no absolute dominant player, so no one is convinced. When things happen, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t want to bring losses to myself, but I also understand that this state of affairs is actually not good for anyone. , so we need a player who can convince most people to come forward.

"I am used to living alone and have no idea of ​​forming a player organization." Xu Huo interrupted them, "Besides, everyone has to go in and out of the dungeon, so there is no need to spend energy on this."

"It's a bit hypocritical to say so." A middle-aged man's voice drowned out the others. He walked forward, looked at Xu Huo head-on and said: "If you didn't have this idea, how could your deeds be spread? You are everywhere, and those of us who come here all admire you to some extent, whether you come forward to solve the Black Rain incident or attack your opponent's lair..."

"Everyone recognizes that powerful people are famous. If you want to do something, there are probably many people who can respond to it. Now player organizations are consuming each other. All of us want someone who can preside over affairs. Not only For the sake of now, I also hope to contribute as much as possible and reduce losses when integrating with games in the future.”

"You just want fame and don't want to take on this responsibility?"

"So you want this name and this responsibility, but I happen to be blocking your way, right?" Xu Huo explained his thoughts.

Indeed, as he said, there are too many player organizations, and there are always people who want to gather small organizations together to increase their strength and voice. This is also a necessary response for the government to continue to grow in the future. They do not want to think of those with advanced technology. Like the partitions, they are submissive under the pressure of instruments, and they deserve a certain degree of freedom.

The middle-aged man said solemnly, "Like everyone here, I am not a narrow-minded person. It is one thing to admire you, but it is another thing to solve the problem. If you really don't want to take this responsibility, you can hand over the Do it for us!”

"There are at least fifty representatives of player organizations and groups who came here today, a small number of them are in Tingcheng, and most of them are in nearby cities. There are many capable people among them, and they can form a player alliance to bring this area together. Completely included in the alliance, if anything happens in the future, our alliance will naturally come forward to solve it!"

When Xu Huo heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Team Leader Wu. How could the Special Defense Department tolerate the player organization discussing autonomy in person?

What else can I do if I can’t bear it?

Team Leader Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead. This is where the Special Defense Department must compromise. Player organizations are also the city's first line of defense. Although they join forces to challenge the Special Defense Department, they do not need to be dispatched by the Special Defense Department after their increased autonomy. , they will also spontaneously solve public security problems in the city, such as random copies that pop up at any time, and a large number of players from outside areas who will come in the future.

In other words, you have to defend your own territory, which can greatly relieve the pressure of the Special Defense Department.

At present, the main focus of the Special Defense Department is on seizing resources. The government has an advantage in information, and those resources that ordinary players cannot know are the focus of future development.

The words of the middle-aged man are actually the thoughts of many people. They came here for this. If Xu Huo is willing to come forward, they will naturally have nothing to say. It is normal that whoever has the bigger fist has the final say, but if Xu Huo is unwilling, they may form this player alliance in his name and select a few people who can speak.

"What player alliance is nothing more than you few player organizations with a large number of people want to dominate," some people agree and some people oppose, "If you really let you join forces, won't our small organizations only have the role of obedience? Listening to Mr. Xu is fine, but who do you think you are if you listen to you?"

Today, more people came from small groups. They are in a weak position with few people, and they don't want to rely on other large organizations to become blood bags and pawns, so they hope that Xu Huo can come forward to say something fair.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting tense, Team Leader Wu warned, "We can't let them fight here."

Xu Huo lowered his eyes slightly, and his spiritual power swept across the entire conference hall. Facing the people who looked over, he repeated, "I don't plan to form any player organization or alliance."

"I have no objection to you coming to Tingcheng to settle down, but I hope you can abide by a bottom line, that is, don't cause trouble. I don't like to see the mess every time I come out of the dungeon."

"Tingcheng will be where I live for a long time, and it belongs to me now. Respecting me is also respecting yourselves."

After he said that, he moved the chair next to him and sat down, "You are a guest from afar. If you are willing to sit down and have a simple meal, please take a seat. If you are not willing, please do as you please." (End of this chapter)

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