Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2323: Most people think of trying their luck

"It should be three..." At this point, Team Leader Wu did not dare to say it too absolutely. If only three of the players who came with him had dispersed, they would not have come to Tingcheng to provoke trouble so soon. After all, all the previous actions were obviously to cover up more important purposes. How could they fail at this critical juncture, unless they had already done what they wanted to do.

"We still need to report this matter to the higher authorities." Team Leader Wu looked at the messy streets and contacted the branch to arrange for rescue.

"Aren't there so many ready-made people?" Xu Huo pointed at the players who had not left yet, "We are here now."

Tan Yang and others, of course, had nothing to say and helped spontaneously. Some of the players who were originally going to leave also chose to stay and joined the rescue team without saying a word.

The gap in strength made everyone learn to shut up.

Xu Huo did not need to deal with the follow-up matters, so he took the legacy of the out-of-area player back to his residence.

What he was most interested in was the set of hammers and nails, which was a complete set called "Sealing the Door". It could be used four times within 24 hours, and the game described it as "a cross-dimensional tool that can break through space".

Xu Huo tried it, and the range of the prop hammering could cover more than one thousand meters. It was almost difficult to avoid the target, and only needed to aim with the naked eye. The huge impact generated by the collision of the hammer and nails could penetrate the space barrier generated by ordinary props unimpeded, and A-level props were no exception. It also had destructive power on the props themselves, so once it was hit, it would be difficult to really stop it, whether it was wearing a prop barrier or using the props themselves.

But there was a problem, it could only cause a very small hole-shaped scar, like a bullet that passed through the body in an instant, and the speed was too fast to cause secondary damage directly in the human body.

Of course, the main point of making this prop was not to kill people, but to destroy the space transmission channel.

Once the cross-district and cross-space teleportation props are successfully opened, it is difficult to restrict them, especially the space portals between different partitions or even wormhole points. Ordinary attacks cannot destroy the space portals. When similar props and instruments are not working, this set of props can easily destroy the structure of the teleportation portal. In short, it is specially developed for space teleportation tools, and it is a waste of talent to use it to kill people.

"Come and help me try." Xu Huo called the painter over.

"This is a prop, can I use it?" the painter asked.

"It's not picky." Xu Huo handed her the hammer nail, "Hit my hand."

The painter was very interested. After weighing the hammer nail, she gently knocked on his hand from a distance of half a meter.

This was enough. An invisible force directly knocked Xu Huo's hand over. Although the power was not as strong as that in the player's hand, the space barrier of the water cube still fluctuated, and it gradually surged from the palm to his arm like fish scales.

Since it is a tool specially used to destroy space portals, it can even destroy inter-space portals, but it did not destroy the space barrier of the water cube. It can only mean that its direction is right, but its destructive power is not enough.

"Nail!" The painter hammered at him again, and Xu Huo was suddenly pulled by his own hand and flew into the wall behind him.

The painter ran over and took away the chair and utensils that hit him, and said with a smile: "It's really interesting, hit me."

"This is not for playing." Xu Huo connected the dislocated arm, "I told you before that you should use more instruments and less paper after returning to Area 014."

The painter threw down the hammer and nail, "The instrument is inconvenient, and I didn't bring it when I went shopping."

The ability to control paper over a large range has become a feature of the super props that once appeared in Area 014. Although the painter has Tingcheng, it is not the time to expose her ability. On the one hand, she does not have absolute self-protection ability for the time being, and on the other hand, it may cause trouble to Area 014. Even if the super prop incident is unlikely to happen again, it is not easy to deal with those players who come specifically for this.

Xu Huo put away his props and asked seriously, "Do you think you can beat me now?"

The painting girl hesitated for a moment and replied, "As long as you don't freeze me, I can beat ten of you."

Xu Huo nodded, "So if I freeze you, you can't do anything. Do you still want to be put into the dungeon and can't get out?"

The painting girl had no worries in this regard and smiled and said, "I can slip away. The dungeon can't lock me up."

"That makes sense." Xu Huo was convinced by her, but still emphasized, "You can't do this in Tingcheng. What if someone comes to smash the place like today..."

"No!" The painting girl slammed the table, "If you smash the store, I can't buy anything! And this is my territory, everything is mine! Why do they destroy it!"

"That's right." Xu Huo said, "So you should be more careful next time. The house is demolished every few days, and this place is useless."

The painting girl weighed it and agreed reluctantly, "Okay."

Then she put the matter behind her and happily went to get the takeaway that was delivered to her door.

Xu Huo checked the luggage compartments of the players in the outer zone.

Apart from the sub-class stones and some instruments, most of the other things were of little value, but there was a map of zone 014 inside. Judging from the annotations on the map, it seemed to be a measurement of the evolution degree of the zones - the wormhole flower could show the approximate evolution degree of a zone, and this map should have been measured in different places, that is, those places that had already undergone drastic evolutionary reactions before they were completely integrated with the game.

For example, some rapidly mutating mineral veins and land.

In addition to resources, the rapid evolution of these places is also worth studying.

"No wonder it took so much effort to come here." Xu Huo read the map carefully. There are six places marked in the entire 014 area, two of which are in China, and the other four are relatively scattered.

The two places marked in China are a desert and a lake, respectively, where a gusher of energy is suspected to have appeared.

The detection instrument also carries recorded data. Although it cannot directly quantify the degree of evolution, the power fluctuations it detects are enough to represent the intensity of evolution. In such a situation, either some rare substances are born, or they are about to become copies. Considering these two locations, the possibility of becoming copies is relatively small, so they are most likely rare resources.

The highest value of a "Time Starting Point" is to exchange for a good game partition. Such a cost-effective deal, no one does not want to do it, so it is normal that people will rush to the new partition to explore.

Of course, native stones like "Time Starting Point" are very rare, and there may not be one in a wormhole point. Most of these people think of trying their luck.

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