Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2329 Entering the ruins

"Thank you in advance." Nie Xuan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then said: "What are your plans next?"

Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "What aspect?"

"You should have a fixed foothold in other districts. District 014 will not be peaceful for a long time in the future. Have you considered taking your family to other districts to live temporarily?"

This is actually the idea of ​​many elite players. It is also very convenient for ordinary people to transfer now. It is human nature to protect their families to the greatest extent, and the government does not intervene too much.

"It's not time yet." Xu Huo said lightly.

Nie Xuan did not object. For him, it is true that most districts are not safe, and outstanding abilities do not bring all good things.

"There is one more thing." He added, "Before, you commissioned the Special Defense Department to help you find clues about the 17th Hospital."

"Players in the Special Defense Department can occasionally obtain some delayed information, but when they go to investigate again, it is basically a long time ago."

"But recently someone discovered a player who once opened the 17th Hospital. More than ten years ago, the other party organized a mental hospital called the 17th Hospital in a sub-district under a B-level wormhole point. Because too many people died in the hospital, it was closed ten years ago."

"The person who opened the hospital moved to another sub-district and did some shady things for the local government. I have read the information. The other party's method is similar to that in District 014. They all use their authority to induce children's parents to forcibly intervene in their children. It may be related to the person you are looking for."

Nie Xuan handed him the recorder, "It's all in here."

Xu Huo took it and put it away.

After fighting with Zheng Yuci, he still had a puzzle ball given by the other party. The clue inside was most likely the closest to Dr. Zhang. Unlike Chang Bei's borrowing a knife to kill someone, Zheng Yuci was another extreme. He was not afraid of threats and preferred to face them directly, so it was not surprising that Dr. Zhang's address appeared in the puzzle ball.

But this was no longer the most important thing for him to do.

What he had to do now was, first, to unlock the blockade of the water cube on his body, and second, to find the "eater" to get a further perfect evolution agent to increase the evolution rate.

"Go and have a look when you have time."

Nie Xuan nodded, glanced at the lake surface which was much cleaner than before, and gestured, "Go down and have a look?"

Xu Huo didn't say much, put down the things in his hand and disappeared from the lake.

The two dived underwater and slowly sank along the cliff. After passing a naturally formed stone wall, the deeper one was the ruins.

The ruins were not directly exposed to the outside, but had to be explored deep into the cliff. At this time, there were no military players working below, and only some fully automatic instruments could be seen in action.

Xu Huo also received the information sent back by the robot.

"The first folding space is one kilometer ahead. It is estimated that the entrance is already full. If we get any closer, our instruments will be disturbed," Nie Xuan talked to him through the headset, "If we want to measure, we can only rely on our hands and feet."

Xu Huo made a gesture and then checked the robot's information.

His robot was also modified by the Platinum Eye, which is not much different from the highest-level exploration equipment currently used by the military, so the results are similar. There are folding spaces in the ruins and it is certain that they are unstable. Generally, there can be more than a dozen at the same time, but it is not certain whether it is the same folding space.

The military elites basically fell in the second folding space, which is less than two kilometers away from the entrance.

The first two kilometers ahead is the first layer of folding space, which looks like a flat mouth. If you want to enter without destroying the ruins, you basically can't avoid it, but it is basically impossible to drill a hole from other places, because the ruins are already part of the folding space, and the military does not have such weapons.

Although the data records that most of the missing players are after 2,000 meters, according to the military's analysis, the first layer of the folded space is also dangerous. Those whose limbs are petrified may not have actually entered the second layer of space, but the blurred senses have made them lose accurate judgment.

Xu Huo and Nie Xuan came to the entrance, looking at the narrow gap covered with green stone spots that looked like the mouth of a giant beast, looked at each other in the turbid lake water, and then slowly stepped in.

Although they were wrapped in props, the first moment they entered, the two still felt the pressure from all directions.

It was not water, but a spatial force different from the outside.

It was not as easy to move inside as outside, so they walked very slowly and could basically see the human-shaped stone statue placed near the entrance.

According to the military investigation data, there should have been a lot of dead bodies floating nearby. Because the water temperature was too low, the frozen bodies did not decay for a long time, and they might have been left there for dozens or hundreds of years. Later, they were cleared one by one for convenience. As for the human-shaped stone statues, they were originally deep in the ruins. Later, the power inside fluctuated, and some stone statues were pushed out. They have been piled at the entrance without being dealt with.

Xu Huo carefully observed that there was no special power contained in those human-shaped stone statues, and it was not because of the military players' petrification.

‘Go inside.’ Nie Xuan moved over and patted his shoulder, pointing inside.

Xu Huo nodded and did not stay any longer.

As the depth increased, the instruments carried by the two began to fail. First, the communication system for conversation failed, then the detection equipment, and then the lighting equipment they used. The robot also stopped working, and in the end, only the lighting props could be used.

The range of lighting props was also very limited, because the two soon saw what the scene of "light being cut off" was.

Just over ten meters away from them, the light of the lighting props was folded up as if it had hit a wall. With the folded position as the dividing line, the light near them was bright, and the other side was completely black. It looked like it was blocked by something, but in fact they all knew that there was nothing substantial there.

The picture was a bit torn, as if the movie screen was cut in half, and half of the screen was black.

Nie Xuan tried to move the space ray, but the limit he could feel was also at that dividing line, as if the space ray had reached the end and could no longer move forward.

Xu Huo naturally felt it too, raised his hand and pointed to the side, indicating that he should go around.

However, just as the two of them turned around, a very low sense of existence suddenly passed by their side!

The two separated reflexively and pulled away at the same time, keeping a high level of alert around them, but the moment just now was just like their illusion. There was nothing in the water, not even a swimming fish.

I think this is the unusual power in the folded space, which is fast and extremely weak, so the military players didn't notice it.

Just when Xu Huo decided to keep moving forward, the same feeling came over him from behind. He reflexively controlled the space rays, and the barrier formed by the water cube immediately separated him in the middle. However, that force was not fake, and mixed with the undercurrent it pushed him deeper into the ruins!

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