Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2349: It's better to treat it as a chance encounter

"I don't want to stay overnight." Xu Huo said.

As soon as he said this, at least half of the people around him left. The rest wanted to try, and several children also chased him to persuade him.

"No, I don't want to stay overnight." Xu Huo said it again. This time, even the children were disappointed and turned around without hesitation to run to the next traveler.

There were hawking sounds along the street. Even if it was selling snacks, people would bring them to the main road for people to try, in order to attract customers.

After walking a long way, there were fewer such vendors, and the location near the city center was relatively prosperous, with neat shops.

Xu Huo bought a map.

Shi Sanjiu gave the address of the district and the names of several cities, saying that the entrance might appear. As for whether it would appear in several cities or only in one of them, it was unknown.

Xu Huo was still optimistic, because looking at the environment of District 001, if Yuyan really wanted to attract more players without attracting attention, it would be most suitable to be in such a backward district. Of course, it could also be a trap.

The invitation that Shi Sanjiu gave him was not exactly the same as the one he got from the game. There were slight differences in the patterns on it. It was unlikely that the version of the invitation had been updated. It was more likely that the format of the invitation could distinguish the guests.

The painter in the clothes tapped his back, and Xu Huo found a place away from people to let her out.

"Where are we going?" The painter came over to look at the map.

Xu Huo pointed to a circled city, "The closest one, go here first."

The painter nodded, then looked at him, "You won't disappear while walking like last time, right?"

It's possible.

Xu Huo took out two invitations to the fish feast, spread them out and said, "The two invitations are not exactly the same. They may be used to distinguish the identities of players. One is given to me by the game, and the other is held by someone else. This one may have an identity trap."

He held up the second one, "Which one do you plan to take?"

The painter took the one given by Shi Sanjiu without hesitation and said, "I'm not afraid. At worst, I can just stick myself on the wall. Just remember to come find me when the time comes."

Xu Huo couldn't help but smile, "That's indeed a way."

"Let's go." He took out the teleportation prop and went directly to the destination.

Chunyi City is the largest city in this area. Compared with the backwardness of the small cities near the station, Chunyi City is much better overall. You can still see flying vehicles and unique metal buildings in the city. It is completely different from the surrounding cities. People walking here are also well-dressed and don't care much about strangers. When the painter stood outside the glass window of the store and pointed and drew, she attracted a few white eyes.

This shows that at least the safety of the people in Chunyi City can be guaranteed.

There were not many patrolling players on the street, but there were hidden sentry boxes specially built in the corners of the city, and almost every sentry box had at least two players staying there.

There was no more detailed address, and the time when the entrance would appear was uncertain, so Xu Huo could only wander around the city for the time being.

This was very much to the liking of the painter. She would disappear at a certain location on the street from time to time, and suddenly appear again when Xu Huo walked a little further, and then repeat the process.

This time she did not buy many clothes and jewelry, but brought a lot of food, and recommended it to Xu Huo, "These are very delicious!"

Area 001 is rich in spices, and many of the spices used for cooking are unique to this area, so their food has a special fragrance, and the fragrance holds and promotes appetite.

Xu Huo also tasted a little, and it was indeed a unique and delicious taste.

The painter was hot-tempered, and she had to try everything she ate. After a while, even Xu Huo's hands were full, and the two could only find a place to rest and share the food with the children playing nearby.

Some brave children would take the initiative to sit down and eat with them, and recommend some delicious and fun places to them.

The communication device of the painting girl never stopped, repeating "It's really delicious" or "It's really fun", and "You are so amazing and know so much."

A group of children were coaxed by her to contribute a bunch of snacks and toys they brought with them, and they also took the initiative to play the latest popular games with her until the adults came to call them to eat.

After resting enough, Xu Huo and the painting girl went to find a place to stay.

There is no Yongxing Hotel here, so the two found a big hotel to check in. When checking in, the waiter reminded them to keep their belongings by themselves, "Because most of the people staying are players, the hotel is not responsible for the property safety of the guests."

By the way, he added, "All hotels in Chunyi City are like this."

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Xu Huo and the painting girl went upstairs under the guidance of the waiter. When they entered the room, the painting girl hurriedly told him, "Several people in the lobby were staring at us just now."

Xu Huo also noticed that they were all players, and they were not dressed like locals, so they might be players from other areas.

But since the painter mentioned it, it was not as simple as just a casual glance. Those people seemed to be sitting there specifically to stare at the passing players.

"Let's talk about it when someone comes." Xu Huo took a simple shower, familiarized himself with the map of Chunyi City, and planned to go out for a walk.

The painter wanted to stay in the room to play games, but after hearing him say that the entrance might be found at any time, she had to get up again.

Some random dungeons in the city have been marked, and it is safer to wander around the city by avoiding these places.

I didn't go far when I came across someone handing out flyers, "Sir, our bar is holding an event recently. Every new customer will receive a free glass of local specialty fruit wine, with a 20% discount on purchases. Welcome to come and play!"

There were still a lot of people handing out flyers, and there was an event going on in the nearby commercial street. Many shops came out to solicit customers, attracting a lot of people.

Xu Huo checked the time and saw that the event would not officially start until the evening. Now it was warming up. Some stores had heavy discounts and attracted many customers.

He joined in the fun and bought two glasses of local fruit wine and tasted it. It tasted pretty good.

There were many people on the street, and he would collide with people from time to time. Suddenly, another person bumped into him. The woman's silky long hair was shiny, naturally attracting people's attention. After following her, she raised her head and said with a smile. An apologetic smile, "Sorry."

Xu Huo smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If you have bad eyesight and uncoordinated limbs, you can go out less often and avoid going to crowded places."

The woman said in confusion: "What are you talking about?"

Xu Huo pointed forward, "You walked from the street to the end of the street and bumped into no less than five people."

The woman changed her pretense of innocence and winked at him charmingly, "Don't be so stingy. I just bumped into you, and you won't suffer a big loss. Why not treat it as a romantic encounter?" (End of Chapter)

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