Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2379 High Price

The perfect potion is different from the copy authorization letter. For a copy that is difficult to upgrade, the copy authorization letter has limited value, but the perfect potion is different. This is a potion that can affect the entire game, even if you know that this potion has been taken many times. For people who have used ordinary evolution agents, they have little effect. Players and game governments will spend huge amounts of energy and resources to find and research them, because the perfect potion represents the future.

Not many people may know what players without evolutionary sequelae look like, but this does not prevent players from thinking about the perfect potion, especially when they see those powerful players who have the ability to support one division or even multiple divisions to have evolutionary sequelae. In the end, players' imaginations of perfect potions will only become richer, and from a longer-term perspective, if anyone can decipher the perfect potion, it means that perfect players can be cultivated infinitely, and these players will have longer lifespans. , a healthier body... Just like Hua Han Werner, if he is a perfect evolver, I am afraid that his strength will not be compromised until the day he dies, and there will be no signs of degradation. No one knows how long he can live.

What a temptation this is for players and a division. It may be a bit difficult for ordinary players, but game governments, division governments, player families, and various player organizations will all go to great lengths to find even the best team. The perfect basic potion.

So no one who is still in the room will underestimate this evolutionary agent. Even if they and the forces they represent cannot study it, they will not give this opportunity to others?

"Is it really the perfect evolution potion?" Young man No. 6 said immediately: "Are you kidding?"

"Fidelity...I can't do this." Xu Huo smiled in a low voice, "But when I got this potion, the other person said it was the perfect evolution potion."

As for whether it was, or even if it was mixed with other things, how could he know about it?

Neither the game government nor the Stellar Group have been able to develop the formula for the perfect potion, and no one dares to publicly claim to know how the perfect potion is made, so why bother an ordinary player?

Xu Huo didn't lie, because this medicine was the one left by Dr. Zhang at Bai Xueji's villa. He once took a little medicine from it and gave it to Dr. Deng for examination. In the end, it was ignored, but he had long since After the process of taking P2S, this medicine has been stored.

No. 1 didn’t quite believe it, “If it’s really a perfect potion, this one can be sold for a sky-high price.”

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can sell it to any auction house or through the player's family. The value of this potion is infinite, why throw it on this gambling table?

"This is where its value lies for me." Xu Huo put one hand on the armrest and said lightly with the back of his palm touching his cheek.

Others couldn't see his expression, but the round-faced player could see it clearly. He couldn't help but said: "You pretend to be cool, so as not to overturn."

Xu Huo turned a deaf ear and instead invited others around the gaming table to leave.

No. 6 is very interested, No. 5 and No. 2 remain silent, and No. 1 and No. 8 are interested but have doubts.

According to the rules of the gambling table, Xu Huo took out the perfect potion. They must also bring out something of comparable value before they can gamble. It doesn't matter if the perfect potion is real. If it is fake, their losses will be huge. .

"The perfect potion, the fair dealer is also very interested." The puppet that had not participated in the topic suddenly flew down to check the potion, but scanning through the glass tube could not tell what the ingredients of the potion were. It stayed in place for a moment before saying: " If you don’t use it as a bet, the fish feast can be purchased privately with VIP No. 3.”

Before Xu Huo expressed his position, No. 6 sneered, "Can't the fish banquet restaurant continue to open? Are you going to the gambling table to snatch the players' chips?"

The puppet did not realize that it was being ridiculed, but smiled and said: "Before it is used as a bet, guest No. 3 has full right to choose. Of course, if guest No. 3 is only willing to use it as a bet, the fair dealer can also represent the fish. Bet on the banquet.”

"Just need to change the way you gamble."

This was asking for Xu Huo's consent. Xu Huo said nothing and pretended to consider it seriously.

Number 5 then reminded, "I don't know whether your potion is genuine or not. It has potential as a bet, but if it is used as a bargaining chip, it is not worth that much money."

This is a subtle hint to Xu Huo. If he agrees to the fair dealer's proposal, if the potion is fake, Yuyanlou, who has suffered a big loss, may be held accountable afterwards. In Yuyanlou, there are many methods. Trap him.

Losing to other people at the same table is different, because you don’t know each other’s identity, and you have agreed before you start betting that you will not keep it true. People who are really willing to gamble will not have the mentality of winning. They know how to stop losses in time and have a fish feast. Lou's dishonorable intervention must have meant getting the potion no matter what, even if Xu Huo offered a sky-high price.

It's hard to say whether they will fall out afterwards.

Xu Huo seemed to have really listened, and after a moment he said: "How can you take back the chips that were put on the gambling table... It's another thing if no one follows the bet."

"Young man, the method of stimulating generals is not advisable." No. 1 lamented, but chose to follow the bet, "A copy of the authorization letter with no oil or water is not worth a perfect evolution agent. I can use a rare mineral vein to follow the bet. This mineral vein A subdivision under the C-level wormhole point has an annual net income of about 1.5 billion white coins and can be mined continuously for 7 years. "

"I know that perfect potions are hard to come by and are valuable, but I didn't expect them to be so valuable!" The round-faced player almost crushed his palms, "If that potion is real, it can definitely be sold at a higher price!"

To be honest, Xu Huo also didn't expect that this potion would make No. 1 offer such a high price.

In his opinion, although perfect potions are rare, they are not something that can only be found with great difficulty - of course, this is only for him.

In addition, this thing is not very circulated, because this kind of potion is like a raw stone. Regardless of whether it can be used or not, the person who obtains it will not easily show it to others, let alone change the owner. In order to avoid trouble, it must be carefully hidden. At the beginning, Xu Huo used several bottles of antidote to trade a perfect potion with the players of the Old Holy Sword Society. At that time, he really didn't feel that the perfect potion was really that valuable. Now facing the price, he suddenly had a real shock.

"Don't be too happy too early. The price is there, and you may not get it." Xu Huo said.

In this game, except for Dr. Wu and possibly the game officials, who can be sure that the perfect potion they get is the real perfect potion? The quantity is not enough for research, but we are reluctant to use it directly on players, so the corresponding price can be high or low.

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