"What happened up there?" Players who didn't know the situation asked the people running down the stairs. In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, most of the people they asked were the waiters of the fish banquet.

However, most of the waiters actually don’t know what is going on. They work in the fish banquet building. People who can live long are keen, whether it is a group fight between high-level players, a duel between super players, or Otherwise, the players raised in Yuyanlou will punish some disobedient ones, and even worse, if those dungeon props escape from the room, they may cause large-scale casualties. People who are not strong should run faster. I want to see it. The lively ones will either die early, or they will never die. Obviously the waiters working here are not in this category.

No one with self-awareness would join in the fun.

But there are still quite a lot of people who like to join in the fun, probably because the people nearby are not very active in escaping, which makes some people misjudge the situation. On the floor below, there are also people who want to follow the shark mask and watch the fun.

The distance was far enough, and there was no trace of the black figure on the upper floors, nor could he feel the surge of space power. Xu Huo felt much safer and started walking down the stairs.

The "Miss Zhai" I just met is obviously just an agent. There are many players around, but she lacks a sense of crisis. If the real boss of Yuyan doesn't even have this sense of vigilance, how can he survive until now? And he The floor he came out of also illustrates this point. The place where Miss Zhai met him was on the 49th floor.

He didn't know what was going on upstairs, but if the "diners" were wandering around the Yuyan Building, he should be able to pick up some clues by now. Even if he didn't know about the perfect potion, he would be interested in the big events happening in the building.

Just as he reached the 30th floor, a disheveled woman rushed over from the escape door next to her. When they met, Xu Huo immediately recognized her as the female player who used her beauty to fish for fish that he had seen in Chunyi City before.

"Being a cow or a horse?" he called to the other party.

The female player had already run to the corner of the stairs, but when she heard this, she turned around and said, "It's you!"

Xu Huo had changed his face several times, and she couldn't recognize it as normal, but the word was familiar to both of them. When the woman saw the "green stinger" mask on his head, she gritted her teeth and stopped, begging: "Save me... …”

The mermaid mask on her forehead has fallen off and is just tangled in her hair. However, the mask has not faded like other masks. This shows that her mask is the same as the mermaid mask that the painting girl got when she first came in. It is "opening the back door." "Get it."

Two players had already chased to the door. The moment they saw Xu Huo, they stopped suddenly, kept their distance and said, "Friends, are you minding your own business?"

Xu Huo looked away from the woman's panicked and desperate face and said to the two people, "Who is your boss?"

The two players exchanged glances, "Who are you?"

"This is my friend. She didn't have an invitation. I really want to know how she appeared here." Xu Huo walked towards them and said, "I would like to ask you to lead the way."

The expressions of the two players changed slightly, but before they could take action, one of them had his temple pierced and fell to the ground.

"Kneel down!" Following Xu Huo's command, the other living person kneeled down reflexively, but he reacted midway.

If he lost the opportunity during the fight, even if he reacted, he would not have a chance to escape safely.

The tangents and avatars are staggered around his neck, especially the avatars, which are completely attached to the player's skin, making ordinary defensive props ineffective.

"That's really strange. Why don't you escape into the game?" Xu Huo said sarcastically and stood in front of him, "Don't you have a ticket?"

The man said coldly: "Kill if you want, why bother talking so much nonsense, I will never tell you anything you want to know!"

Xu Fei took out a bottle of truth serum, "Do you have a chip on your body? If not, you can still commit suicide."

The man's eyes changed when he looked at the potion in his hand, and he couldn't help but tremble. He used a safer method and shook out a business card from his sleeve.

When the business card landed, the other person disappeared.

"Running pretty fast." Xu Huo picked up the business card. It had the words "Darong Group" written on it, followed by a job title and contact information.

"Dairong Group is in Area 001."

He had seen this company's advertisements in Chunyi City, and it was involved in many industries.

"Do you know this person?" He raised the business card in his hand.

At this time, the female player had dug out a chip from her arm. After she had recovered a little, she had changed her clothes and appearance. She leaned against the wall of the corridor and said: "We just met today. I also just learned about the big boss of Da Rong Group." The young master is a frequent visitor to fish feasts.”

"Some rooms in the building correspond to special spaces, but not every room can block the game, let alone you have already come out." Xu Huo glanced at the chip on the ground, "This is it?"

"A microchip that can continuously release electric current," the female player said: "It will release a special electric current that makes people unable to move. What is more cruel is to be directly implanted in important internal organs, so that the slave can You can’t escape until you satisfy your customers.”

"Even if you take a desperate risk and enter the station, and you can't dig out the chip for a while, you are still a target for exploitation."

"You were caught here." Xu Huo motioned for her to follow him, "Is there a pimp in the fish feast?"

"The woman I told you about before." The female player said, "Bringing in wealth and treasure."

Xu Huo nodded slightly, and did not continue to ask, but said, "You were sent in, how do you plan to get out?"

"Yuyan Building is in a special space. Unless the staff helps, the people who come in can only use the ticket to get out." The female player paused and said, "I don't know what happened upstairs just now. The room I was in was originally closed to the game channel. The moment the room shook, the defensive props on my body automatically took effect, so I could escape."

"This young master of Dayong Group cherishes his life." Xu Huo said, closing the game channel and injecting the current chip.

The female player said with contempt and anger: "Those who are less courageous to enter the game, the more they want to rely on this inferior means to ravage and trample on the players to satisfy their perverted hearts."

"Are there many players like you who enter Yuyan?" Xu Huo asked casually.

The female player was silent for a moment before answering, "A lot."

"More than 70% of them are women. They often die within three days. There are many ways to weaken their fighting power. Some of them resist fiercely. Before they are sent to the guests, they will be given drugs or other means to destroy some of their nerves, or simply given drugs to make them unconscious..."

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