Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2385: Pursuit from Fish

Shi Shuai ate the fruit leisurely and said slowly: "People outside are too fierce, and there is no trust between people. Not only do no one believe what I say, but some people even team up to beat me."

Hua Sisi didn't know, but the round-faced player knew his problem. He rolled his eyes and said: "Can you tell a more reliable lie? Who would believe that you are a super player? The success rate of pretending to be an A-level player is higher."

"You are targeting those girls, just to cheat money and sex. If this happens outside the game, others may not be able to do anything to you even if they expose you, but here, everyone is a player, you have to be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

"I see that you are quite idle, wandering around here, or you can follow me and provide me with information. How about we work together to make money?"

Shi Shuai didn't even bother to look at him. He ate all the fruit in his hand before saying: "I'm not short of money."

The round-faced player envied him with a little contempt.

"I just heard him say, do you really have a perfect potion?" Shi Shuai only started talking to Xu Huo seriously at this time.

"Curious?" Xu Huo turned to him, then took out the previous box and put it on the table.

Except for the painter, the few people in the room came closer to take a look. Unfortunately, there are potions of all colors in the game, and it is really hard to tell from the appearance whether it is the real thing.

"Is the perfect potion really that magical?" The round-faced player said, "It can make so many people scramble to buy it."

"It must be true," Shi Shuai said with a smile, "It's just like a dream of getting rich, a pie in the sky."

The round-faced player laughed, "But most people have suffered losses. I have bought small lottery tickets for so many years and have never won once. If it is so easy to get rich with a perfect potion, it would have been popularized in the game long ago."

That's the truth.

"I see that you don't know whether this is true or false, and there is no rigid demand. I know a safe channel that guarantees that you can sell the potion safely and worry-free." The round-faced player's mind became active again.

Xu Huo was fishing with the potion, not really short of money. He glanced at Shi Shuai and asked, "Can you tell whether it's real or fake?"

Shi Shuai had an exaggerated expression on his face, "I'm not a human body detector, how can I know whether it's real or fake?"

"Aren't you a super player?" Xu Huo asked back.

Shi Shuai didn't mean to be choked at all, and fluently continued, "Super players are not super pharmacists. You can't expect super players to be proficient in everything!"

Xu Huo touched his chin and felt that what he said made sense. After putting the potion away, he said, "If I can get more potions, maybe I will know."

"You really dare to think." The round-faced player shrugged, "I'm going to bed first. I have to go out to work early tomorrow morning... Alas, poverty is really depressing."

There are enough places to sleep in this room. After Shi Shuai and Hua Sisi went to rest, Xu Huo looked at the painting girl who had been sitting next to him playing with the communicator, "Are you not going to bed?"

The painting girl waved at him mysteriously and asked him to look at her communicator.

The content on the screen was magnified and projected, and it turned out to be an adventure app.

Although the screen of the app was made into a cartoon, it was obviously the layout of the Yuyan Building. There were marked exploration key points on the floor, as well as pocket doors and suspected Easter eggs.

This couldn't be the communication device of the painter. It was obviously taken from someone else. I didn't expect that the players who came in would actually make Yuyan into an adventure game.

Xu Huo understood after looking at it for a while. Some of the key points were uploaded freely by different players. For example, if a player drove into a dangerous room and escaped by chance, there was a certain probability that the message would be transmitted to this program, and the program would provide him with a small reward.

It is not ruled out that there are false news, but there are always stubborn players who will verify it. Those who can come back alive will refresh it, or hunt down the information provider.

There are really all kinds of ways to play.

There was also a mark on the space collapse incident that just happened on the 49th floor, but the information provider did not mention the space, but marked that there was a copy prop that escaped on this floor, and it has not been found by the Yuyan staff yet.

This was the earliest message, and several messages were sent from other floors later, indicating that they had encountered or seen the dungeon item. It seemed that it was not easy to grab the item, and the item was swallowing people everywhere in the building.

What the painter was really interested in was the dungeon item, "I want to catch it."

"Will it be a little dangerous?" Xu Huo said, "It's a dungeon item."

Let's not talk about the level for now. More importantly, there are small spaces everywhere in this building. If you get stuck in it, it will be a bit difficult to get out again.

The painter was not afraid. If she was trapped, she could find another chance to escape. After thinking about it, she said, "I still want to go with you."

Xu Huo took her communicator and asked her to rest, while he paid attention to the movement of the dungeon item that escaped.

However, the message was cut off on the 39th floor.

No one has updated the relevant content since an hour ago. Instead, the location where several players and Shark Mask started the battle was announced.

Could it be that the players of Yuyan Building have recovered the dungeon item so quickly?

The main lights in the room had been turned off long ago, leaving only a small light next to the sofa. Xu Huo sat next to the sofa, occasionally checking the content on the communicator.

The night was when players were most active, and there were many meaningless messages.

After a while, he put down the communicator. Just as he closed his eyes and rested for a moment, he suddenly felt that he was being watched...

He was almost immediately on alert. His hands triggered the water cube barrier faster than his brain. At the moment the barrier was formed, several black shadows like tentacles stretched out from the air and rushed straight towards him!

He was knocked out by the tentacles, not only the tentacles, but also a huge prop fish behind the tentacles. With a quick glance, he saw that the tentacles were spit out from the fish's mouth, forming a buffer between him and the prop fish.

Seeing the prop fish flying towards him, Xu Huo was ready for the collision, but he didn't expect that the huge fish actually plunged into the space portal in front of him and disappeared quickly!

The prop fish's actions were not assisted by the space portal props. It could only feel the fluctuations of space power, but could not see the actual portal. Therefore, in the eyes of people, it suddenly appeared and disappeared, as if something existing in the cracks of space just happened to appear in front of people!

"It's that fish!" The round-faced player came out of the room after hearing the noise and said in horror, "Is it going to chase the players again?!"

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