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Chapter 207: The Awakening of the Tool Man (5 more)

(cute master Chu Jiayun added more on 12/26)


"What are you looking at, this is something my lord Jason Momoa gave me." Elestine replied casually.

Of course she knew what these female old subordinates meant. It's nothing more than a new boss, just want to see if I can climb on her head and urinate.

This is a routine operation in the dark elves.

What she didn't expect was that the faces of those female subordinates suddenly became unnatural, and they left after chatting casually for a while.


Those guys who are always nitpicking are so easy to negotiate?

Elestine didn't believe it, and only after she turned around did she realize why they were like this...

Here Wang Hao returned to the lord's mansion, sitting on the newly made wooden chair felt quite comfortable.

In this damn place, what kind of ergonomic chair is not expected. He used biomass to create a curvature suitable for the spine, and then matched the chair with a cushion made of washed animal hides and goose feathers, and it felt okay.

There is nothing to do now, just wait for Anubis to torture the soul of the undead strong man.

Just as Wang Hao was resting comfortably, there was a knock on the door: "Master, it's me."

"Come in."

Palana's management ability is too poor, many operations of Abyss City are managed by the Demon Queen, Wang Hao thought she was here to report.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a shy demon queen. She put on the clothes Wang Hao gave her—it was a top suit dyed gold.

A short coat with a cropped top with straps showing the clavicle, which can reveal the waistline of the queen.

Wang Hao didn't understand these things, it was purely on a whim, he wanted to buy some clothes for the people around him, and asked the clerk to recommend them.

After all, Abyss City is now made of damn linen clothes. No matter how finely they are rubbed and the burrs are removed, the hemp rope is just hemp rope, and the bad touch will feel a little prickly no matter what.

The modern dynasty has long since lost such a thing.

However, when the beholder's lair was wiped out, the male dark elves' clothes were so inappropriate. Because Jason is too big, and elves tend to be slender, and the same is true for men.

He really hit it off.

Who would have thought that this set of silk clothes would be worn by the Demon Queen...

Wang Hao suddenly understood why all the Caesars who had loved countless women fell.

Forget it all, the demon queen was still blushing, she came over and pulled the neckline, and said softly, "It's quite suitable."

What did Wang Hao see?

N small yellow silk ropes form a curtain-like structure, and they are hung on the gg like this, shaking with the wind...

Wang Hao didn't miss a mouthful of old blood—fuck! Sir, when did I buy this thing?

Someone is not wearing armor right now. Seeing the strange expression on Wang Hao's always cold face, the demon queen knew that she was doing something wrong: "Sorry, that, there is a note from the clerk in the bag saying it is a gift, I thought you knew it, master. . . . it was my mistake."

After all, she bowed deeply.

Wang Hao's eyes straightened.

Wait, if you have something to say, don't just bow down, I'm dizzy!

well! I'm afraid I'll make a mistake!

Someone crazily reads a new clause in the [Prudence Bible]: "People are born of their mothers, demons are born of demons' mothers, and transgressives are..."

However, he unconsciously recalled a good thing he saw at the old dragon today [Curse Chasing Stone]: 250,000 redemption points can be exchanged, and its function is to expel a curse that does not exceed lv120 on an existence, provided that The opponent must voluntarily lift the spell, and the price is that the opponent will lose all the power brought by the curse.

Thinking of this, Wang couldn't help feeling sad: Is this trying to tempt me to make mistakes?

So what if it's solved?

If I don't take care of this damn place, the Land Abandoned by God, no one can take it away!

The struggle in Wang Hao's eyes fell into the eyes of the Demon Queen, she could be regarded as both sad and happy. The master treats her well, she knows that her body has become a shackle for further development, so she is extremely contradictory.

Wang Hao sighed, he couldn't bear to lie to her after all: "Cleopatra, I happened to know something called [Curse Chasing Stone] today..."

In a sense, this can be regarded as [wandering].

After listening to the introduction, the demon queen was overjoyed at first, and then bowed deeply on the ground: "Please forgive me for refusing first."


"Master, you are just the master of one party. The hegemony has not yet been achieved. It is the time when the concubine's combat power is needed. It is really inappropriate to use precious resources on the concubine's petty wishes. When the master achieves hegemony and is redeemed, the concubine... Naturally, she is happy to follow the master's will." The demon queen said tactfully with a pink face.

Wang Hao still felt pretty cool at first.

not bad! chick! I have the consciousness of being a tool man. In addition to being a vase and an internal affairs expert, you can't fight when you become a human again!

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that there is another meaning to this?

Does this mean that she won't refuse if I use force?

However, now is still the stage where I will die together at any time. Will I really be redeemed and leave the land abandoned by God one day?

So contradictory!

Just as he was thinking wildly, the demon queen said goodbye, and then retreated while swaying her true * water snake waist.

Suddenly Wang Hao thought of another question: grass! The other half of Lao Tzu's gift is still in the hands of the black-skinned tool man.

All right! If that tool man dares to pass through, I will burn her to ashes, er, it would be nice to change to [biomass]. Well, it is a native race after all, so let's make a happy decision.

In this way, when Wang Hao in the Land Abandoned by the Gods was a little idle and the paladin was being beaten, Ashe was facing the biggest crisis since she returned to the Northland.

"What's this……"

The Pazut Plateau, a plateau of more than 800 square kilometers, is the only plain in the Northland and also the largest hunting ground. Those who can occupy this plateau in history are all the most powerful clans in the contemporary era.

In Ashe's memory, this place should now be divided among the most powerful clans of Fang, Grizzly, and Raging Claw. However, not long after coming out of the suspension bridge, she and the players saw that the vast eastern plateau had become a battlefield.

In fact, twenty minutes ago, Ashe's sensitive hearing had already heard the sound.

She rushed over to see it first, and the player ran for a while before seeing it.

The sound of shouting and killing was isolated behind a small hill. When [Chu Jiayun] and the players finally climbed up the hill on the short legs of the lobsterman, they felt the earth-shattering sound waves sweeping like a tide.

The players silently opened the system panel and turned down the volume, which prevented their eardrums from being cruelly abused.

[Long Tian Xingyue]: "What the hell is this?"

[You Xiaxi]: "I know, isn't it [???]'s monster!"

[The most pure person]: "This brother, please don't talk nonsense!"

The white alien creature charged frantically towards the eastern plateau from down the hillside. It's hard to describe what they look like because they don't have a uniform shape.

The only feature is that there are many 'hands'.

They have human-like arms, but some are like Avalokitesvara, and some are like a dozen human hands placed on a big dough forcibly.

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