Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 225 Nourish it! (2 more)

That seemingly incomparably violent thunder, what the hell is it?

The seemingly majestic confrontation in the air of tens of meters is actually worse than anyone else.

After a few seconds of confrontation, the light overwhelmed the thunder, and spread forward along the trajectory of the thunder.

The bronze-colored rocky skin of the imitation Titan was lifted off one after another, and the lightning energy that originally filled the entire Titan was receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The golden flash continued to rush forward, like a spear, piercing the titan's chest and abdomen fiercely, tearing up its 'inner organs', a big hole that could allow a carriage to pass smoothly appeared in the light cannon through the place.

If the rock giant was a living thing, it would have suffered a fatal blow at this moment and was on the verge of death.

What did you see?

This guy knelt down and posed a pose similar to the famous bronze statue "The Thinker".

If you observe carefully, you will find that a large amount of sand and soil slowly floated into the air in an anti-gravity attitude, and was sucked into every wound (gap) of Titan, quickly repairing Titan.

After the blow, Wang Hao, who felt a little out of strength, also assumed a stalwart posture with his right index finger pointing forward.

At the same time, all players received a reminder of the task progress change: [The great lord Jason Momoa has dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, let's go! Loyal servant xxx, for the victory of the lord, enter the statue and destroy all the magic nodes! Mission Reward: Unknown! 】

[Liver Emperor]: "Just now this is "Dragon Ball"! It's Dragon Ball, right?"

[staam]: "There's nothing wrong with it! Yuanqi bullets vs. thunderbolt version [Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon]!"

[Injured Champion] Shouted a broken voice: "Boss Jason is awesome!"

Well, in the end this brother gained 20 lord favorability points.

Lord Jason has never hesitated to show his kindness to his fanatical fans.

Here, players began to invade like locusts.

Finally, this big ten-story guy finally stopped. The place near his ankles was even more pitted and full of holes from being thrown by stones.

The next scene is enough to make the scalp of intensive phobia suffer from numbness.

Using a shield crab that rushed to Titan's feet and knelt down as a pedal, a large number of murlocs and shrimps rushed in almost on a human ladder.

As soon as they entered, they were hit head-on.

"Boom, boom!" From the top of the Titan's hollow head, a giant thunder ball suddenly descended. It hovered near the ankle, emitting terrifying thunder light non-stop, killing any enemy who dared to step into the interior of the Titan.

Regardless of the player's physique or equipment, if touched by the lightning, they would immediately turn into coke on the spot.

[Lao Mo Mie] got angry: "Grass! I don't believe it anymore, I think its thundercloud is awesome, or we have too many lives!"

In this world, there is never a shortage of top players. These guys actually launched a death charge and charged into the gap. Not only that, [Black Valley Little Angel] and other more skilled guys use a lot of grapples to fix tendons and ropes made of grass fibers at higher places, so that players who are better at climbing can climb from higher places. Enter the hole.

"Crazy! Dutama is a lunatic!" This time, Zerat, the actual controller who was clearly located on the head of the Titan, was also a little out of breath.

He really didn't expect that there would be such a low-level creature who was so brave and fearless, and used countless lives to exhaust his thunder magic.

Forget it all, as soon as they entered, the players found that the internal structure was quite rough, and they could easily find countless footholds. This climbing difficulty is not even considered indoor rock climbing.

If it is a normal miscellaneous soldier of racial level 2, it is estimated that what is an ordinary magic rune and what is a main-driven magic circle.

But the lobster people are originally relatively strong and physically strong at level 2. With the intelligence of humans at race level 5, at this time they showed "the same nine years, Ru Hexiu".

[Embarrassing chat with Wushuang]: "From the [Wanzi] team! Did you see that one that fits the rune array?"

[Ange Didi] muttered: "There are so many thunder lights, they will blind my kryptonite eyes soon."

While they were talking, a lobsterman rushed over, and turned into a grilled lobster before he got close.

[Embarrassing chat with Wushuang]: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll count one, two, three, and let's water gun it together!"

The dozen or so turbot murlocs who finally climbed in all wiped their urine, no, it was to activate the 'heavy rain technique'.

The Land Abandoned by God is dry enough to make any water and ice mage worry. At this time, the status of the old mage who had been to the Ice Expedition was reflected in the rivers and lakes.

'Zi' is the farthest, and 'Zi' is the most accurate.

There are three water guns that are like [one shot into the soul], and they accurately hit the group of magic runes.

What happens when electricity meets water?

If the electricity is strong enough, it is not uncommon for the water that has nourished in minutes to be instantly electrolyzed, or even evaporate.

But once the water is sprinkled on the runes, the electricity hovering over the small lightning circle will flow back to the circle, forming the so-called electric leakage!

It was probably useless to do anything when the thunder in Titan was booming just now, and even the players hung up as soon as they came in. Now it is different, everyone only hears a "squeak! Boom!", and the system immediately displays [Successfully destroyed a magic node , mission progress 1/1024].

[Awkward Chat Wushuang] Excited, shouted in the team voice: "I found a way! You can destroy those magic nodes with water arrows! Be careful, you must use ten turbots together, otherwise the water arrows will be easily blocked."

There are more than a thousand magic nodes, which seems like a lot.

But now there are more Mages in Abyss City!

Including newcomers and those who changed jobs later, the [Wanzi] team in Abyss City now has more than 500 masters. As soon as I heard that the magic circle can only be dismantled by Faye, all kinds of miraculous scenes appeared.

"Let go of me! I can't breathe...uh!" At the gap three stories high, several players threw a hoop, and a turbot murloc was caught and hung up.

The operation is correct, the problem is that it is caught around the neck, and it is already a dead fish when it is hoisted up.

[Good man passing by] Seeing the player's status [death], he immediately cast aside and said: "Cut, bad luck!"

These unscrupulous bastards don't want to think about who did it... Anyway, I just capitalized [disgusting], and I thought the dead fish was in the way, so I kicked it off.

Of course, cruel things like 'the road has frozen bones' will not happen in Abyss City.

"Master! You died so badly!" Ossie cat rushed forward drooling.

As soon as it jumped halfway, it slapped Daju on the forehead: "Go! How many times have I told you! You can't bring ginger, scallion and soy sauce when you are working!"

The Osi cat didn't dare to speak, and secretly took a bite of the tender turbot when he lifted it up, and collected the victim's body.

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