Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 302 Have you heard of 【The Redeemer】? (3 more)

(Meng cuts the nameless ghost 10/21)


The magical dance of the white cat, which a good boy would never search on the biu website, quickly captured the hearts of sand sculpture players.

Looking at the swaying large cat eggs, those sand sculpture players shouted "scared" while waving small paper scissors, and they couldn't stop being hilarious.

Liu Yuechan didn't know, should this be banned? Or should it not be banned?

Finally, Wang Hao said, "Cat people are not human beings." The cat people have long hair all over their bodies. When they are not standing up, they are no different from ordinary large cats. Many cat people are even smaller than some giant cats on the earth. Wang Hao's words can be regarded as letting go of this magical performance.

The natural world is so big, you can't wear ** for every cat, can you?

You see, there is an elephant statue outside the United Nations, and the elephant's whip is hanging on the ground.

Some people find it indecent, but the natural world is so amazing...

Looking back is even more funny, Liu Yuechan asked Wang Hao, and secretly passed a paragraph on the biu station, not only did the biu station pass the review, it was so popular.

Immediately, it was redeveloped by a group of up masters. The cats played various music, danced all kinds of weird dances, and became popular in the ghost and animal area. In disguise, "Land Abandoned by God" became popular again.

As a result, the [Slight Sadness] of [Eternal Eternal Day] has become a holy place in this game.

I have never been to this super hotel with an area of ​​1,000 square meters on the first floor, and I am ashamed to say that I have played this magical vr game that crosses the era.

Anyway, a group of teasers had a lot of fun watching it, and after watching it, they went offline silently, opened their browsers, and washed their eyes in various ways. There was no way, those two cat eggs were too magical.

The chain reaction brought about by defeating a Scorpion King's main force has just begun.

The Guides of Light visited in person.

I have to say that this 'Brother Guang' is quite courageous.

Mostly, he has seen the reality clearly——If [Symme] still wants to make a difference in this world, then there is no way to bypass Abyss City.

Unless they have the ability to deal with the big lake that popped out of their house. It has to be said that the Great Lake is really powerful, expanding its diameter by 10 square kilometers, but the water level has not dropped much.

If you want to fill the lake with thousands of people, or block up the huge waterway that is nearly 100 meters underwater, then Wang Hao will definitely tell them, "Please start your performance."

It prompted the paladins to condescend to come over. First, it is impossible for paladins who are mainly human beings to swim in the water and fight a decisive battle with the sea clan. This kind of congenital defect cannot be solved at all.

Secondly, Abyss City used holy water to repel the enemy, which greatly changed the thinking of the paladins.

In front of Miss Jialudi, Wang Hao shamelessly received the Guide of Light in Wengcheng.

"Welcome Your Excellency to my Abyss City!"

That's right!

This is Abyss City!

Facing Jia Ludi's white eyes, Wang Hao should not see it.

Didn't you see the plaque with the words "Abyss City" written on it?

Anyway, Jia Ludi made a soul oath not to reveal the real location of Abyss City.

Wang Hao continued to practice nesting baby tactics.

Maybe Ah Guang saw through it, but he pretended not to see it through.

"It's the first time I've met you, Your Excellency Momo the Abyss." This is a man full of sunshine. Just standing there, he can feel a sense of righteousness just by standing there like a loose soldier.

Wang Hao didn't turn on the [Aura of Fear], which is to attract hatred, and he didn't even wear the [Sword of the World].

"Please sit down." Wang Hao raised his hand, and naturally a maid served by a girl from the Northland brought the fruit plate.

The delicious grapes and cantaloupe made the earth turtle paladins' eyes straight.

The landform here is similar to that of Xinjiang. With water, the specialty products are also similar. Anyway, it was made by life players when they were bored. The growing period of cantaloupe with yellow skin is only 70 days, and now it is almost twice grown.

Paladins are all people who are used to suffering, but recently they are full of fish, shrimps and crabs, and they already feel very sick after eating too much. When encountering fruits, it is even more difficult to resist the temptation.

The guide of light saw Brother Long secretly swallowing his saliva: "Oh, let's eat."

He was not polite, and took the lead in eating cantaloupe.

There are different varieties in different places. In fact, the quality of the cantaloupe here is quite average, but it is nectar-level stuff for paladins.

After eating, I wiped my mouth, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Ah Guang noticed that Wang Hao also ate grapes, and half of his mask was opened, revealing a human mouth. He couldn't help feeling more relieved.

"We [Symme] came this time to discuss the cooperation status with Abyss City. We can give up the sovereignty of the Northwest Road and recognize Your Excellency Momoa as the owner of the Northwest Road. But you must agree to us a few conditions."

"You say."

"Since Abyss City belongs to the lawful neutral camp, our cooperative relationship with Abyss City can naturally be maintained for a long time. As long as Abyss City continues to support our cause of eliminating evil with food and equipment, we are willing to send troops to cooperate with Abyss City to defeat the Scorpion King and Black Claw Yes. At this stage, the Scorpion King is our primary target."

"It's too general. As I said, I am neutral here, so I also have dark races such as dark elves, undead, and gorgons under my seat."

Brother Long interjected: "Our Symmetra does not judge the evil or not based solely on race, we only judge based on the actions and code of conduct of the other party. If Your Excellency Momoa can restrain your subordinates, we can ignore their existence. "

"Oh?" Wang Hao was a little curious.

This is no longer absolute purificationism.

Seeing that the situation is grim, the paladins finally started to get their senses?

Ah Guang interjected: "Your Majesty Momo declared that Abyss City is neutral, right? So it's okay for us to spread the belief of light among your subordinates?"


Wang Hao agreed so readily, which surprised the paladins.

A Guang said cautiously: "We lack funds and land to spread our faith."

As a very experienced paladin leader, he has been in contact with those commercial cities a lot. People are playing beautifully.

missionary? Can.

Spend your own money to buy land and hire people.

The result is that the paladin is stuck in the fund alone.

Wang Hao pointed at the Black Water Throne with his right index finger: "Well, when my Minister of the Interior comes back, you can discuss it with her. You can use a fixed amount of holy water as my tax. I allow you to send no more than fifty people into my I will give you a piece of land in the commercial street, and I will give you the house.”

Wang Hao can't help it, that hard-working Naru has only so much holy water production capacity, and it will turn black if it is more. This time I still want to buy something similar from Laolong.

Wang Hao is so easy to talk, but it makes the paladins feel too happy.

"That's good." A bead of sweat dripped down Ah Guang's cheeks, and even he was a little nervous: "The last condition, we know that there will be a [Savior] coming to this world. Have you heard it?"

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