Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 316 Annual Meeting (2 more)

Ai Xi is very smart, and a person with a hero template cannot be mentally handicapped, but anyone with serious shortcomings will not be able to survive, but it is still difficult for her to complete the nine-year compulsory education in a short period of time.

Someone certainly hopes that "quantum mechanics is indecisive", but this is destined to be just a meme.

Pink Kumar was the first to be sent to the southern front, and he wanted to bring foreign players to harass the South Road. Although the south cannot carry out large-scale deployment of troops for the time being, it is necessary to find something for foreigners to do.

This bear, whose hair was dyed pink, did something very druid-like. He actually reached a py deal with the largest six-legged crocodile family in the southwest swamp.

This kind of crocodile with a low IQ, because of the power of the abyss, suddenly took refuge in it, so when the players of the national server rode the shark, the players of the US server finally had the capital to be proud of, and I rode the crocodile! Still six legs!

The Brazilian turtlemen in the American server rode these mounts that could run at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour on land, and harassed the orcs in the South Road wantonly.

At first, players on the US server felt that it was a bit of a pity that they didn't have a complete "start over". But people, they always like to be superior. They were excited when they heard that the orcs were being captured to repair the railway. Captives were even harder than the national server.

Then somehow, the [Splitting Ding and Slashing Chicken] skill was passed on like this...

Because the orc father-in-law is often more obedient, at first a group of guys shouted for gentlemanly demeanor or something. An evil abyss demon king silently raised the purchase price of the orc father-in-law, and these former slave owners immediately revealed their true nature.

[Chop Ding and Chop Chicken] The skills increase is more ruthless than anyone else.

There are too many services in the United States, and it’s not that no one protests, calling it inhumane.

The problem is, first of all, people are human beings.

What the players said is that first you have to prove that there are orcs on the earth. This is not a primitive man, not an ordinary person in a backward country, but a fictional mythical creature.

With their outdated animal teeth weapons and clubs, they have already fought half and half with the orcs near the border.

Players make trouble from morning to night, and these guys play games, this way of death, no matter how many times they die, they will not get tired of it. Gradually, the bear king's territory became a little uneasy. The problem is that the Bear King is busy cleaning up the remnants of the Lion King, and has no time to pay attention to the life and death of the tribesmen in this border area.

Bears are not the only bears in the territory of the Bear King. They are multi-ethnic and scattered. In addition, the contact information is hundreds of years behind. Even after the war started for a week, the Bear King received a report that a small clan in the border area was robbed by a group of turtles. up.

"They were robbed by turtles? Are these idiots snails?" Brother Xiong Wang complained like this, and then ignored them.

I have to say that amphibious creatures like turtles are very confusing.

During this period of time, Abyss City has been laying railways at a speed of five kilometers per day, and even steam trains have been tested and run, and the open-pit coal mine found on the way also surprised Wang.

Everything is ready, the only thing left is traffic.

It was not easy for the Beastmaster leader to basically settle the civil strife, and the Scorpion King's partial teacher arrived again. Therefore, when the Eastern Front was in full swing, the Northwest Road in Abyss City was only a war of attrition launched by the Northwest Road.

The online time of players on the national server has obviously decreased, because... it is the New Year.

Xiaoqiang Studio has carried out a few small things here, because the company has expanded, and it is a bit inappropriate to use the name of [Studio]. Although the brand is registered in this way, the name of the company registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau is changed to [ Haotian Entertainment Co., Ltd.], and at the same time completed the registration at home and abroad.

The Chinese New Year here, as always, did not have any terrible epidemics or the like, so Wang Hao waved his hand, and the company chartered a plane to Sanya, Hainan Island to hold the annual meeting, and booked 20 villas in a five-star hotel. In addition, it was announced that those who work in the company's customer service during the Chinese New Year will receive all four salaries, including the entire month of January.

There are not many people in the company now, only a hundred people, and there are more than 30 disabled people like Liu Yuechan among them, plus special nurses, a group of two hundred people went to happy in a mighty way!

This time, neither the Montreal branch nor the newly established Moscow branch showed up. After all, the Montreal branch is responsible for the customer service and operations of the US server, not to mention that it has just opened, and there is no tradition for foreigners to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Founded by Shi Jun, the so-called Moscow branch in charge of network data security is a pure cover.

Years later, Shi Jun will go to Ah San's place to get a third shell out.

Anyway, in order to cover up the speed, Wang Hao didn't intend to let the company's "everyone" appear together. If someone pays close attention, they will find that among this group of people, there is not a single real programmer. Even Pan Yi in the company is just the skin in charge of the players' weapons and equipment.

The annual meeting was naturally full of laughter and laughter. A lot of people started working for less than two months, because the company was in good condition, Mr. Wang announced that the year-end bonus was three months' salary, and everyone smiled crookedly.

The annual meeting is very exciting.

You know, the company has high labor costs, and now the standards are high, not to mention the beauties such as Shuangshu, Sun Shangying, and Liu Yuechan at the front desk, and the customer service girls who will be recruited later, all of them are gorgeous.

There are not many handsome men, but enough beautiful women.

A group of singles are worth their eyes. They secretly took videos and put them on the Internet. Before the annual meeting was over, it was hotly discussed by netizens. It was known as the annual meeting with the highest appearance. The young ladies here have the lowest appearance of 80 points!

Perhaps, this is the company's ability to make money.

Of course, everyone knew that the four most beautiful young ladies kept their eyes on the young and handsome billionaire boss.

Shi Jun who rushed back was very excited. This sullen guy used to look like a gentleman in the company, but now everyone knows that he turned out to be a [Blonde Paradise] fan.

Seeing Shi Jun hugging Christina Kunonova, a 1.8-meter tall hairy girl who ordinary people can't control, and seeing Shi Jun's height, everyone can only praise the wolf-talented beauty.

Shi Jun came to an 'official announcement', those single ladies looked at Wang Hao, just like the goblins in Journey to the West looked at Tang Seng!

Shi Jun had a great time, and in the dancing section on the dance floor later, this guy put on his tie on his head and danced a hairy tap dance with Christina.

Wang Hao didn't go down to the dance floor. As the boss, he saw everyone in pairs on the dance floor. Going in was another 'official announcement'.

"Mr. Wang, don't be so rigid, let's go dance together."

"If you are afraid that people will gossip, you can come with us sisters."

No, no, the accident happened only when we came together, and the gossip probably won't stop when we look back.

Facing the sweet smile and warm invitation from the twin beauties in customer service, Wang Hao had a repulsive smile on his face: "I'm not going to end, I'm going, and everyone can't let go." Goblet, walked alone to the small balcony outside the venue.

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