Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 327 Eat the Shrimp Rabbit

As a bird of prey, Snow Eagle prefers to eat hard meat rather than soft meat.

Even though it has been tamed, it still plays with a training eagle stick from time to time.

Well, it's getting too far.

Seeing Ai Xi's flattering appearance, Wang Hao stroked her head: "Why, are you afraid that I really cooked that rabbit?"

Ashe smiled awkwardly: "That child is not malicious, I can feel that she is actually afraid."

"So what if you know?" Wang Hao put his hands on the back of his head and stepped back: "I don't ask everyone to serve the war machine of Abyss City like a spare part, but please don't add to the chaos. Obviously, it is inevitable for the organization to grow bigger, and as a commander, a hero has more important responsibilities, and if she doesn't have that ability, she shouldn't be treated like a hero."

Ash was afraid to speak.

Wang Hao closed his eyes: Ai Xi is still too kind.

But there is no perfect person in this world, it is normal to have weaknesses.

Over there, cooking rabbits has entered a critical stage.

The rabbit in the pot watched the maids add firewood, as if she could feel the temperature in the pot start to soar, and her tear glands burst instantly.

"Don't cook rabbits! I say! I say everything!" confessed Rabbi Peck.

It turned out that this guy tried to mix with Black Claw before.

It turns out that 'weak' races are not welcome there. The Black Claw Society, which advocates muscles and carnivorous race orcs, almost thinks of grass rabbits when they meet.

One even wanted to eat grass first.

Don't laugh, orcs are that savage.

Anyway, herbivorous races have no human rights there.

Rabbi Peck was so scared that he ran away in a hurry. If there is any advantage to this product, it is that it runs fast.

Now the Demon Queen can make good use of the system, and with the help of the sniper system that Wang Hao shared with her, she checked the stats of this guy: "Strength 53, Dexterity 256, Constitution 85, Intelligence 19, Will and Judgment 8, Charm 111. "

Seeing this, the Demon Empress felt a headache.

What kind of weird property is this?

Generally speaking, whether a certain attribute can exceed 200 points is an important indicator for judging whether it is a hero. After all, the Land Abandoned by God has its own curse. Except for Will and Charm, other attributes must be reduced by 75% or more even at the hero level.

Without the 200-point attribute, it is impossible to read it after discounting it.

The problem is that the rabbit has weak intelligence, weak will, and even after discounting its strength and physique, it is slightly better than ordinary people. Not to mention king crab people, even lobster people are not as good.

Not to mention agility, the heroes of the agility department are not too weak. Even if the demon queen is hit by the degenerate light now, her agility is no less than 100, and the original snake girl form has nearly 300 points.

Charm is kind of interesting. Charm is difficult to upgrade, and the standard of charm is your existence, which is attractive to the whole race.

Seeing this item, the demon queen had a plan: "Ayi, this rabbit is not telling the truth. Hehe, prepare a mandarin duck pot. Maybe the master doesn't like spicy food very much."


The rabbit was sweating all of a sudden. I don't know whether it was frightened or steamed out. It screamed: "How can you be so cruel! Don't rabbits have human rights?"

"Rabbits are not human." The Demon Queen said coldly.

Here, a chef with the appearance of a dark elf came in and killed a rabbit in public. Obviously, it is just a snow rabbit of race level 1, a non-intelligent race. Seeing it being chopped down on the spot, Peck only felt that the kitchen knife was cut on his own neck.

The blood splattered, the screams and convulsions of the rabbit dying, everything was empathetic.


Forget it. The mourning hall has already started to be set up there.

An artist quickly drew a sketch on the rabbit with only its head exposed, and when the drawing was finished, it was immediately mounted in a black picture frame next to it. The four vigorous and powerful characters [Eternal Immortality] had already been marked on the bottom of the picture frame!

Until this second, the rabbit finally realized that he had no bargaining chips: "I'm so stupid! I should continue to wander outside. Woooooooooooo..."

"Stupid? Maybe! If you stay in Quicksand City, you will end up sleeping until midnight one day and being slaughtered." The demon queen sneered while stroking Rabbi Peck's furry white rabbit face: " By the way, why would a rabbit have human hair? Blue."

The demon queen's charming smile made her look more like a devil at this time. The snake skin on her lower body seriously irritated the rabbit's eyeballs.

The rabbit trembled, and finally transformed with a "poof".

That stupid face with three harelips turned into a cute melon-seeded face of a human girl in an instant.

The strange two comma-like blue eyebrows, paired with a face with the word "arrogant" hanging on it for a long time, no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of joy.

However, now 'arrogant' has been changed to 'deficient'.

The demon queen grabbed the two long rabbit ears on the top of Rabbi Peck's head with golden metal finger gloves: "By the way, why do you have two human ears and two human ears on your head? Two rabbit ears?"

"He... is actually a hybrid of humans and half-orcs... rabbit people." The rabbit was aggrieved.

Looking at the bunny's appearance, which actually has 90 points, but is both funny and friendly, the queen understands where the rabbit's 111 points of charm come from.

Half an hour later, Wang Hao, dressed in heavy armor, saw the pitiful rabbit.

This, goddamn meow, is this a real bunny girl?

Standard cute girl!

In addition to being a little shorter, only 153cm, a little petite.

Speaking of it, if the rabbit is too huge, there will be a kind of uncoordinated rush.

Wang Hao frowned and asked tentatively, "Rabbitman?"

Rabbi Peck said in a low voice: "My rabbit's bloodline is only about a quarter. In fact, the only ears and tail left in my whole body are rabbits."

After that, the guy turned around and shrugged his white fluffy rabbit tail. It was like a white fur ball. In order not to hinder the movement of the tail, a small hole was opened in the black tights .

At this moment, Wang Hao finally admitted that he is a tail control.

Just at that moment, he wanted to touch his tail again.

He restrained himself.

He didn't forget what he did when he touched the demon queen's snake tail and Kalandia's scorpion tail.

"What can you do for me?"

" can do whatever you tell me to do." The rabbit was broken, and two tears the size of beans were hanging from the corners of his eyes. Ai Xi was originally snuggled up beside Wang Hao, so her body tightened involuntarily.

No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like forcing good to be x, and the picture is a bit chaotic.

At this time, the demon queen sent a stack of report papers, Wang Hao looked at it quickly, put it down, and said calmly: "Frankly speaking, I am a little disappointed in you."

"Are you going to cook me again?" The rabbit trembled.

"If you continue to provoke my lord, you will..." The demon queen doesn't mind being a 'leader of evil'.

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