Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 382 [Gaze into the Abyss] (Part 1) (1 more)

When Wang Hao was in a deep sleep, he was completely unaware of the huge disturbance outside.

In the game, pots of fragrant octopus balls were placed in front of a self-made guillotine, and [mr_Kuiqi] was counting the money while smoking a cigarette: "Come on! 10 Neptune silver coins once, give it a go, A bicycle becomes a Mercedes-Benz!"

[Thousand One Candle Dragon] gritted his teeth, gave the money, went up and stuck his head into the groove under the guillotine, and shouted: "Come on!"

Immediately, a catman with a strange expression offered him small octopus balls and fed them to him, and another group of catmen came up and tied him up.

After a few mouthfuls of meatballs, [Thousand One Candle Dragon] twitched all over, and black air kept coming out of his body, and a cat man next to him kept pouring holy water on his body.

For a moment, the players holding the guillotine all wanted to release the guillotine.

But he carried it over, and ten seconds later, with a loud roar, a strange wave spread, and even though the cat people had seen it many times, they still lowered their heads in fright.

【Thousand One Candle Dragon】Looking around like lightning, he looked around: "Hey! I succeeded!"

[mr_Kuiqi] Pointing to the wooden board behind him, he tapped on it, and it said [Those who carry it over, please consciously show their attributes. 】

[Thousand One Candle Dragon] was not annoyed, he smiled and showed his own attributes.

"Awesome!" All the melon eaters raised their thumbs up.

It turned out that the players quickly discovered that eating the evil octopus balls was not a joke, it seemed to test one's will. It feels like a nightmare. People with strong wills can basically pass the test and get different levels of attribute rewards if they eat it.

Ordinary ones are like [Junchen Tianya], all attributes are increased.

Just like this guy just now, the passive specialty he acquired is [Deep Gaze]: [Your gaze will form coercion and deterrence on the enemy as your will strengthens, once the opponent cannot pass through a barrier with a coefficient of x Mental test, will immediately enter the state of paralysis, confusion, fear, etc.].

To put it bluntly, this thing is a weakened version of [Fear Aura].

It is definitely not good against heroes, and it is 99% ineffective against elites, but it has a good chance of success against miscellaneous soldiers, about 25% of the time.

Players quickly tested it out. It depends on the race level. For enemies with a race level lower than their own, the success rate will increase sharply, and vice versa.

In any case, this can be regarded as a player's magic skill.

Some King Crab players tried to use it to deal with goblins, and they chased goblins like chasing ducks all over the mountain. Even the goblin bears often break his mentality for him, turn around and walk away, showing his back and letting him chop.

It's a pity that Xie Shen Wanzi's mental test is not so easy, 80% of people will fail, and the holy water can't save them. Originally, fish, shrimp and crab people were ugly enough, but now they directly turned into monsters with extra octopus tentacles, and even broke away from the Abyss City camp, instantly becoming famous.

Fortunately, after killing the runaway player, it will return to normal after resurrection. However, the experience value will drop one level at a time, and the prestige will be deducted by more than 1,000. Ordinary players will definitely feel pain.

Afterwards, the players who kept making troubles became a one-stop service from challenging the limit to sending funerals and cremating ashes.

In fact, old American players also encountered the same situation-to eat, or not to eat? This problem that seriously challenges the bottom line of morality is placed in front of them.

Lao Mei's tolerance for dark cuisine is much lower than that of Celestial Dynasty players. For example, many of them don't like to eat animal offal, and they don't pick fish bones when they eat fish.

This caused them to know that after eating, the player's attributes might take off, and many people still chose to give up treatment.

American server players began to post a lot of controversial posts on the forum-why did the officials come up with such a terrible dark dish.

The national server players returned to the top without showing any weakness.

[Your smile is all my beliefs]: "No one is forcing you to eat it. Speaking of which, before World of Warcraft made "Spider Cake", no one said anything?"

US server player: "This is sneaking into VR!"

[Night Owl's Window]: "You can turn off perception, close your eyes and eat!"

US server player: "...this is blasphemy!"

[Wu-rank Liuli]: "I'm so stupid. We can't eat wild game in reality, and can't we conquer evil gods in the name of holy light in the game?"

Before Lao Mei could reply, a group of players on the national server made a fuss and liked it crazily.

This topic has even spread outside the gaming world, and even various talk shows on Laomei TV are arguing about whether eating this stuff in the virtual world will lead to moral decline or something.

A group of moralists came out and sprayed "Land Abandoned by God" bloody.

The player on the national server choked back: "Could it be that you belong to the [Cthulhu Cthulhu Protection Association]? To prevent the great Cthulhu from being eaten up by us?"

Seriously, a jerk is a jerk, and you'll never be able to convince him whether it makes sense or not.

But one thing is for sure: this doomed bickering fueled the fire in Land Forsaken.

In recent days, game sales have exceeded 10,000 copies every day. Microsoft executives all grinned.

Selling a game is only 90 dollars, how about selling a helmet?


Jason fell into a deep sleep that day, while Wang Hao in the company declared that he was a little unwell, left early, and forced himself to go to the apartment before falling asleep.

It took a full 24 hours before Wang Hao woke up groggy. When he woke up, he was surprised to see that it was Liu Yuechan's face.

"Uh, you..."

"Mr. Wang, have you forgotten?" Liu Yuechan smiled and shook the key in her hand.

Only now did Wang Hao remember that he gave her the key just in case. Now, isn't that 'what if' coming?

Wang Hao had a splitting headache: "I'm fine."

He suddenly felt Liu Yuechan's heart palpitations, not only her, he could even sense two guys on the opposite side of the building who were watching him - also palpitations.

This is outrageous!

The building opposite is across the road, at least 50 meters away from his room!

At this distance, people look like the size of a fingernail.

But when Wang Hao glanced at it, the other party sensed it.

Both detectives were taken aback.

"He found us?"

"No! He should have discovered it early in the morning. Now he is warning us not to tell about Miss Liu's arrival."

"What to do?" the younger detective asked the chief.

The old detective looked at Wang Hao's warning eyes through the binoculars, and smiled wryly: "What else can I do? Admit it. Go and plead guilty."


"Don't be in a daze! Mr. Wang is definitely not an ordinary person. We poor people will be played to death every minute when we face the rich man. And I got a little rumor that the Sun family can't keep us anyway."

It was too exaggerated, the feeling as if his soul had been locked, made the old detective feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. He took a step back, bowed in Wang Hao's direction, and mouthed: Mr. Wang, we're coming over to apologize.

Obviously Wang Hao didn't use any equipment, but Wang Hao nodded as if he understood.

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