Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 420 Hitting the public screen on fear (4 more)

(Monthly ticket plus update 5/27)


As a devil king with a lot of things to do every day, does he want every heroine under him to change his name to Li?

Wang Hao is very busy.

Originally, he wanted to fight back against the Northwest Road, but the Demon Queen had her thoughts. Out of trust in her, Wang Hao decided to go and investigate the Bear King while he was temporarily unable to march.

See if we can find a way to defuse this damn ticking time bomb.

Going to the Great Lakes, the previous seal has already changed.

When the Bear King first came, this place was just a small fjord by the lake. After he left, of course he didn't do nothing. A long time ago, there were subordinates who followed his orders.

Near the lake, you can see a large number of Naga patrolling. With [Abyssal Ones] occupying half of the country, the attraction to neutral races has increased significantly. Now there are more than a thousand Naga, absorbing a full 14 small and medium-sized clans.

At the newly built camp on the shore, Redfin Naga Cynthia felt Wang Hao's will coming, and before the [Hundred Ghosts of the Night] was lifted, she led her men to bow in Wang Hao's direction in advance.


Wang Hao took Palana with him, and asked as soon as he came out, "Well, has that guy stopped?"

Cynthia smiled bitterly: "It's still the same."

"Boom—boom—boom—" The dull and rhythmic sound came from the bottom of the water, even a little bit could be heard on the shore.

Wang Hao wasn't too worried, because he had asked Cynthia to send someone to command the shield crabs, like playing offshore aquaculture, to separate the magic circle that trapped the bear king from the big lake. There is a 100-meter-wide retaining belt piled up between that part of the lake and the Great Lake.

Wang Hao entered the camp, which was a newly built concrete bunker.

It was built temporarily, so don't expect perfect facilities.

Wang Hao separated the water body face to face, and took the tool mermaid and Naga into the water.

The water body is polarized, the ordinary water area is crystal clear, and the visibility exceeds 20 meters. It is really the envy of Yalong Bay in Sanya, Hainan Island. Yalong Bay used to be good, but unfortunately it was over-developed...

And the water polo in the middle is like old phlegm sauerkraut beef noodles.

Not to mention the chaos of the water body, there are groups of things that look like swimming snakes. Countless water snakes the size of high-rise pillars are like living creatures, writhing non-stop.

In fact, this is the water magic array that Wang Hao had set up before. Through the flexible and elastic defense, the impact of Xiong Wang's 'perpetual motion machine' was reduced. Otherwise, head-to-head, maybe the diamond will be smashed into glass.

"Do you have any ideas?" Wang Hao asked Liu Yuechan through her mental power. This is also a test of her magic level. After all, she is a quasi-hero based on the legal system.

"Have you tested all four elements?" Miss Liu frowned.

"I don't have fire and earth mages under my command. I've tried the water type myself, and the wind type has found Zerat, but it doesn't work. I basically don't care about physics. Elizabeth's ax is still broken, and she was almost killed. I don’t even eat the holy type, Ah Guang tried his best and couldn’t shake it at all. The dark type... I’ve tried to find Kalandia and Anubis, but they didn’t work.” Wang Hao’s avatar shrugged.

Liu Yuechan asked Wang Hao to let go of a small opening, and tried a few magic tricks, but it had no effect except for a few bearish swearing.

"Hahaha! I am immortal! No existence can destroy me! Abyssal? You are just a rotten shrimp in the sea. I will come out and tear you up sooner or later!" The soul of the bear king Kerbala laughed and passed through the circle Come out, no matter how you hear it, how uncomfortable it is.

Wang Hao: "..."

This kind of enemy that is invulnerable to water and fire, oil and salt, is really a cancerous tumor.

Suddenly, a very terrifying existence descended without warning.

"Gu!" A circle of water rippled away.

The Great Lake has never been calm. After all, this is where the water bodies of the entire Land Abandoned by the Gods are concentrated. Almost all aquatic creatures who are destined to come to the Great Lake will dive straight into it without hesitation. No matter what is in it, at least it is better than working on the shore. Better to die.

It was obviously a very huge creature, which drilled out from the depths of the great lake without a sound, and came to the outer edge of the isolation zone. It even deceived the Naga patrolling around the periphery, until the turbulent water waves pushed them away when it approached, and the Naga guards panicked and issued a light signal.

Wang Hao immediately passed a water body over.

Surrounding the giant was staggered turbulence, and it was impossible to tell what species it was.

Only eight crimson eyes in the shape of a [eight] can be seen, with a kind of indifference of the master of all things, scanning the Naga with disdain, and staring coldly at the piled earth wall.

Maybe it has too many eyes. Knowing that it is actually staring at the earthen wall, every Naga feels tremblingly that there are always one or two terrifying eyes looking down at them.

This gigantic monster is almost half the size of a town, and the lower body of the densely packed octopus tentacles is only slightly swaying. Those turbulent currents have formed a vortex where small aquatic creatures will be crushed if they are sucked in.

The whole water area fell silent.

Everyone can feel that every soul in existence is actually groaning because of fear.

Wang Hao...

"Guys, beat your brothers to fear."

(Uh, because someone is too scared, please change the word order of the above sentence to understand.)

After occupying half of the country, Wang Hao is really a little bit drifting.

The bear king will kneel sooner or later, but the tiger king is not necessarily stronger than the bear king. With the bear king as a precedent, the big deal is that the tiger king is also undead. The rest of the Scorpion Kings have already been seen, and there is more or less a spectrum. They really accounted for five or six points for Wang Hao, so with the expansion of the number of players, the Scorpion Kings are really piled up.

What's left?

Cthulhu stuff?

In fact, seeing it for the first time is the scariest thing, after all, I don't know how poisonous the mental pollution of that thing is.

I have seen a lot, and I have improved myself, so it might be impossible to fight.

But until seeing this guy in front of him, Wang Hao just wanted to say:

Overwhelmed today!

Sincerely apologize to you.

I will re-examine myself, go to the house of time and spirit to practice again, and then visit (challenge).

Thank you all for coming to watch.


Of course, on the surface, Wang Hao couldn't be cowardly.

Could it be that an aquatic overlord on the other side can still jump ashore... Well, I can't guess anymore, otherwise it would be bad if I sucked myself to death.

"Excuse me... who is your Excellency?" Tangtang was full of courage, and of course he wanted to be as bold as possible, only to see 'Wang Hao' crossing his arms and not even pulling out his weapon.

At this moment, the turbid water became strangely clear. Contrary to everyone's imagination, the upper body of a super-giant creature, let alone a 20-story building, looks a bit like a praying mantis?

The upper body is a praying mantis, and the lower body is an octopus?

"I am Gross Livia, of course, you Atlanteans prefer to call me and my people... Leviathan!"

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