Chapter 0070: Do You Like It? Hi Succubus!!!

“I’m turning into a charm. Devil? ”

Su Xian’er subconsciously spoke.

But that’s when I feel that way…

But the information of the system suddenly appeared in the brain.

Just like the previous information about the sweet fruit, this time it is to introduce Su Xian’er’s succubus characteristics.

After all at a glance…

Su Xian’er knew why she became like this. Simply put, in a word…

Her current state is a succubus state, and she can freely switch between human mode and succubus state.

And because of the succubus trait, his body strength and lifespan have been increased.

And then…… The way to switch…

Looking at herself in the mirror, Su Xian’er tried it immediately according to the information given by the system!

He changed back to his normal human form. And the mind moves!

It became the appearance of a succubus again.

Understanding all this, and then looking at her own succubus state in the mirror, Su Xian’er looked more and more pleasantly: “It’s quite good-looking.” But…”

Speaking of which…

Su Xian’er looked at the mirror, reached out and touched her huge mountain peak, and looked at her long legs and Xiaomi. Peach.

I don’t know if it’s because of the relationship that played Yalbed… Or is it an ability such as a succubus characteristic.

Su Xian’er felt that her figure was better!!

Although it was originally perfect, but I want to be more perfect, not to mention, there is more temperament…


Su Xian’er didn’t know how to say it, anyway, she looked at herself more temperamental than before.

But look at your own succubus… Su Xian’er thought thoughtfully…

Then he went straight to the closet and took out the huge off-the-shoulder sweater. After three times five divided by two…

Wear small inside. Condole. Bring. By the way, I changed it to Hi Si!

Then go to the mirror and look at your current appearance. Just a second later…

Su Xianer 05 must admit one thing.

Woman…… Dressing up a little can really make you look good!! And such a scourge level himself!

After dressing up, it directly turned into a disaster!!

But looking at herself like this, Su Xian’er made a slight movement, and then took a selfie.

Then it was sent to Zhao Xueqi.

By the way, it comes with a sentence “Sister, is it good-looking at the fashion frontier Hisi Succubus?” ”

And Zhao Xueqi at this moment…

Because Su Xian’er sowed…

It is natural to start the work that you must finish today, even if this time is still overtime…

But it’s motivated!

It may be because Su Xian’er’s live broadcast was too exciting before!

And it’s not just Zhao Xueqi, but also others, even if they are sitting in the conference room, everyone is talking freely, and they are talking about Su Xian’er’s live broadcast just now.

And the moment…

Zhao Xueqi has just finished explaining the room management of Su Xianer’s live broadcast room, and what content is mainly targeted by the supertube to protect Su Xian’er and other things.

When I heard that WeChat was coming, I especially saw that it was Su Xian’er who came to WeChat. Zhao Xueqi naturally stopped talking and opened WeChat.

But…… Burst!!

Just opened WeChat and saw Su Xianer’s photo!! Zhao Xueqi’s nosebleed directly sprayed out!

And this scene was stupid to watch other people in the conference room on the spot.

“Sister Zhao, you this… It’s okay…”

Cui Nan quickly walked up and quickly handed the paper to Zhao Xueqi. But just walked up, and saw the picture of Su Xian’er’s mobile phone…

Thereupon…… Brace! Burst!!

The more exaggerated amount of bleeding completely made everyone present look stupid!!

At this time, everyone was clean and not stupid and stood stunned, and they all stepped forward to help Zhao Xueqi and Cui Nan stop the bleeding.

However, Zhao Xueqi also quickly switched the mobile phone screen. Lose your marbles!

It’s crazy!! This girl… It’s crazy!!

In her heart, Zhao Xueqi muttered like this.

Li Xiaohu and other people around were busy helping to stop the bleeding, but one by one, they were full of curiosity, what was going on!

Buzz~~~ But at this time…

Zhao Xueqi received WeChat again.

And when he saw that it was not Su Xian’er’s, but An Yunlu, he was relieved.

“Zhao Xueqi! I checked a big circle and didn’t see any suspicious people! But I saw the lights at my wife’s house come on! Can’t I really go up! ”

See the WeChat sent by Anlu Yun.

Zhao Xueqi’s mind immediately appeared the appearance of the demon in the photo sent by Su Xian’er!

This girl is definitely a demon!!

After muttering this in her heart, Zhao Xueqi replied to An Yunlu: “Don’t you dare to see Su Xian’er, what do you say.” Check it out and protect your wife.”

Then he put away his mobile phone and looked at Trinan looking embarrassed.

She said she was very understanding! But……

The reason why An Yunlu knew where Su Xian’er’s house was… It was Zhao Xueqi who told her.

Just because when Su Xian’er started broadcasting before, An Yunlu kept asking Zhao Xueqi to borrow money and said that there was no money to protect and so on.

And at that time, Zhao Xueqi also immediately remembered that Su Xian’er used herself to get rid of other people’s affairs at noon, and also thought that the safety of the community where Su Xianer lived was not very good.

Therefore, to avoid An Yunlu, a lady, from doing anything, borrowing money everywhere to give gifts to become a negative mother-in-law.

Considering that An Yunlu’s strength is very good, she simply told An Yunlu Su Xian’er’s address and asked her to protect Su Xian’er.

After all, although An Yunlu is crazy and goes her own way, Zhao Xueqi is very clear in terms of character.

And for what Zhao Xueqi said, if you want to protect, you will protect the reality, and An Yunlu is completely trapped.

It passed without saying a word. Kill two birds with one stone.

Zhao Xueqi was also relieved in her heart that Su Xian’er was safe. A little farce ends…

Zhao Xueqi’s side naturally continued the meeting.

Of course, she didn’t reply to Su Xianer’s message right away, because when she opened WeChat, she would see the photo sent by Su Xianer.

She was afraid that she would be uncontrolled and embarrassed in front of her subordinates, so she planned to reply later.

And Su Xian’er’s side…

Seeing that Zhao Xueqi didn’t reply to the message, it didn’t matter.

After changing back into human form and changing his clothes back, he plans to go to the kitchen to make something to eat, after all, this tired and hungry dinner has not yet been eaten!

Knock knock~~

But just when Su Xian’er was about to start cooking… There was a knock on the door.

Open the door……

Su Xian’er saw that it was a little loli with short hair… Or An Yunlu.

“Excuse me…”

Su Xian’er looked at the small girl in front of her and spoke.

But she only opened her mouth here, but An Yunlu looked directly at Su Xian’er’s face turned red in an instant, and did not say anything, and directly turned around and did not dare to look at Su Xian’er.

“You… I…… You…”

He stammered and became completely incoherent. Yes?

Su Xian’er looked at the girl who suddenly appeared, and she didn’t understand what the situation was.


But at this time, An Yunlu really wanted to give herself atmosphere, and after clenching her fists, she turned to look at Su Xian’er.


But the moment he turned to look at Su Xian’er… Brush!!

Turn around in an instant!!

Don’t dare to look at Su Xian’er again!


Su Xian’er was full of question marks. And An Yunlu… It’s so pretty!!

My wife’s reality is so good-looking!! Disastrous!!

It’s amazing!!

And up close… Hehe~~~ Hmm, hey, in my heart, An Yunlu’s state is like this!

“Excuse me, are you looking for Yui…”

Su Xian’er looked at the little loli in front of her and spoke suspiciously.

Hearing Su Xian’er speak to herself, An Yunlu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately turned around and raised her eyes to look at Su Xian’er…

It’s just that……

Only looked at Su Xian’er for less than a few seconds… Swish!!!

An Yunlu turned around again! And seeing this scene…

Who has a sick child, is it going to the wrong door… In her heart, Su Xian’er thought so.

An Yunlu, on the other hand, thought of something, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Zhao Xueqi’s number.

“Hey, I’m in a meeting! You’re in Zhou…”

When the phone was connected, Zhao Xueqi’s impatient voice came from the other end of the phone

But before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by An Yunlu: “Zhao Xueqi! I see my wife! It’s so pretty!! It’s a hundred times better than on the live screen!! Groove, amazing! ”


Zhao Xueqi on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted: “Didn’t I tell you not to disturb her!” You just need to look around to see if there are any suspicious people! ”

An Yunlu immediately said: “No, I’m just telling you, I’m not An Yunlu!” And I just talked to my wife!! ”

“You’re wrong, aren’t you! An Yunlu! ”

Zhao Xueqi immediately scolded.

“You’re sick! You’re a big fool! ”

An Yunlu immediately returned the salute. After scolding, An Yunlu directly hung up Zhao Xueqi’s phone.

And listening to An Yunlu calling Zhao Xueqi… Su Xian’er naturally knew the identity of Lori.

After all, that just happened at noon.

“Do you want to come in and sit?”

Su Xian’er looked at An Yunlu with a smile.

Although she only said a few words from the phone just now, Su Xian’er heard something like protection.

But since everyone is coming, you can’t help but let people in.

When An Yunlu heard this, the momentum that had just confronted Zhao Xueqi was immediately lost, but after struggling for a while…

“Thank you~~”

After muttering a word, he walked into the room.

After bringing some snacks to An Yunlu and pouring tea, Su Xian’er sat on the sofa opposite An Yunlu.

An Yunlu’s little face blushed and tiptoed, very overwhelmed.

But in the heart…

Hehe~~Wife’s room is so fragrant~~Hey, hey, what sand sculpture royal sister and that Wang Congcong!

The old lady has come to her wife’s room!

And he was stared at by his wife like this~~he~~~

“So, Zhao Xueqi told you my home address, is there something wrong with letting you come?”

Su Xian’er looked at An Yunlu and asked.

Although An Yunlu’s thoughts in her heart are very bold and astringent. But the so-called sullen is actually talking about people like her. But……

At the moment, An Yunlu also knew that she had to speak, so she whispered: “It’s just… It’s Zhao Xueqi who said that the place where you live is not safe, so let me come over to protect you. ”


Su Xian’er was stunned when she heard this.

Zhao Xueqi said that she was not safe, which she could understand, after all, at noon, the wall knocked people out such a lie

Words. But……

Send such a little loli to protect herself…

Zhao Xueqi has some misunderstanding of the word protection… However, Su Xian’er here was full of doubts.

An Yunlu, on the other hand, noticed the bracelet on Su Xian’er’s wrist.

There was no aura fluctuation, it turned out that the person on the video was really not Xian’er, An Yunlu thought.

I also knew in my heart why Zhao Xueqi wanted to let herself protect.

After all, if it is really a spirit exterminator, and it can still be weird for a second at once, then ordinary people will definitely not be able to help.

But if it’s an ordinary person…

This look really needs to be protected.

“That, I actually…”

An Yunlu looked at Su Xian’er, both in appearance and in a very well-behaved voice, but anyone who knew her would be shocked when they saw her at this time.

But just as she spoke…

Su Xian’er took the lead in speaking, “But I don’t need protection, but since you are here, can you accompany me to eat?” ”

An Yunlu was stunned for a moment, in fact, she wanted to say ‘I’m actually quite powerful’, but when she heard Su Xian’er’s words behind, she immediately nodded wildly.

Hehehe~~ I can eat the rice I made with my own hands!! Oh yes!!

An Yunlu’s heart was ecstatic!

Su Xian’er, on the other hand, stood up with a smile and walked towards the kitchen.

Although I wondered why I found such a little loli over, I didn’t think much about it.

After all, at noon, Zhao Xueqi told her that An Yunlu was the genius girl.

I guess I don’t want An Yunlu to spend money to give gifts and the like, that’s why it’s like this.


Although it is a very strange, but quite cute little loli. And it just so happens that one person is a little lonely.


Just as Su Xian’er walked towards the kitchen… The door rang again.


It’s not a knock on the door. Instead, the lock of the door was directly opened.


Just after the door was opened, a fat and thin man walked directly into the house.

It is Brother Bullet and Fat Man.

And Su Xian’er and An Yunlu, naturally looked at the door that was inexplicably opened. Of course……

Naturally, he looked at the bullet brother and the fat man who suddenly broke the door lock and walked in.

“What’s the situation??”

Su Xian’er immediately had a question mark on her head.

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