The perspective returns to Li Yaodong.

Time goes back a while.

It was around six o'clock in the evening when Li Yaodong asked Li Qisheng to find out some related things. At nine o'clock, Li Qisheng came back and knocked on Li Yaodong's door.

After getting Li Yaodong's permission, he walked in.

"Uncle Dong, I have investigated some things." As soon as he entered the door, Li Qisheng said without any hesitation.

He also knew that their Uncle Dong didn't like to listen to nonsense.


When Li Yaodong heard this, his heart jumped.

Could it be that something really happened? The reason why he asked Li Qisheng to inquire about the relevant things was that he was afraid that there would be some new accidents, which would cause him to become more and more troubled and the misunderstanding with Plan A would become greater and greater.

Now, Li Qisheng really found out some things?


"Uncle Dong, this is the information I found out." Li Qisheng said again.

At this time, Li Yaodong noticed the file bag in the other party's hand.

"First, this document." Li Qisheng took out a document from the file bag.

This document is composed of several A4 papers.

When this document was placed in front of Li Yaodong, the first thing Li Yaodong noticed was the photo in the upper right corner of the first page of this document.

This photo is an informal photo, which should have been taken secretly, and it was taken from a very biased angle.


After taking a look at this photo, Li Yaodong showed a surprised look on his face.

Because he didn't know the person in this photo.

And if Sun Danian was here, he would find that the person in this photo was himself.

The content written in this document is also some of his information.

"This person is called Sun Danian, the captain of the Dongshan City Anti-Smuggling Brigade." Li Qisheng introduced.


Hearing this, Li Yaodong frowned and finally understood why the photo was not a frontal photo, because the other party's profession determined that it was impossible to leak a frontal photo. After all, he was a police detective.

"I found out that some time ago, a guy named Zhu Kai inexplicably went to a photo shooting place to surrender himself."

Li Qisheng continued to introduce: "This guy Zhu Kai, after a period of interrogation, was transferred from the photo shooting place to the police station. It was Sun Danian and another young policeman who came to receive him."


Hearing Li Qisheng's words, Li Yaodong's eyes twitched.

Li Qisheng, this kid, actually knows so much about what happened in the well system some time ago.

Dongshan City has really become a sieve for the other party?

However, Li Yaodong also experienced the other party's use of Dongshan City's grassroots civil servants to almost touch the A plan's nest. At that time, he had a similar feeling. Therefore, he could still accept the current situation.

"Go on." Li Yaodong said after suppressing the speechless emotion in his heart.


"However, after meeting Zhu Kai, Sun Danian was no longer in Dongshan City. The official reason given was that Sun Danian went to another province for field work."

Li Qisheng continued to introduce:

"But according to the time, Sun Danian disappeared in Dongshan City and Plan A targeted us at the same time. This time is too coincidental."

"Moreover, I guess that before Plan A targeted us, it only roughly determined a large range, and did not determine our Ta Village. This range should have reached the city level."

"It should be roughly determined that several nearby cities including our Dongshan City."

"And after roughly determining such a range, it must be necessary to have agents in several nearby cities who understand the relevant situation in the city."

Finally, Li Qisheng came to a conclusion: "So, I speculate that Sun Danian should have been selected into Plan A."...........................................

In fact, Li Qisheng's analysis was correct. The reason why Plan A recruited Sun Danian as a member of their Plan A.

In addition to the fact that Zhu Kai, who was interrogated by the other party, brought a breakthrough to Plan A and Sun Danian had the potential to be a lucky general, there was another reason, that is, Sun Danian was the first-line anti-smuggling agent in Dongshan City, and he had a better understanding of the situation in Dongshan City and even several nearby cities.


And listening to Li Qisheng's words, Li Yaodong's eyes twitched.

He looked at Li Qisheng with a complicated look.

He asked the other party to inquire about the situation, but he didn't ask the other party to confirm the members of Plan A in reverse?

And you know.

Plan A is essentially a secret operation. Last time, Li Qisheng almost touched the base camp of Plan A, and now he is starting to confirm the members of Plan A?

What will the other party do next time? To capture Li Weimin alive, or drive him out of office?


Instantly, a series of speechless thoughts flashed through Li Yaodong's mind.

Then, he suppressed these thoughts. His eyes fell on the information of Sun Danian in front of him again.

In the genuine TV series "Tazhai", there is no role for this person, so at the beginning, he did not feel any familiarity with the photo of Sun Danian.

However, reality is not a TV series, and people who are not in the TV series may exist in reality.

Moreover, even in the TV series, most of the roles only focus on a few main characters, and in other places, there are actually police officers involved, but there are no roles. Maybe there is Sun Danian in the genuine "Tazhai", but there is no role for him.


'A guy named Zhu Kai surrendered? '

Li Yaodong looked at the time written on the information, and the time of Zhu Kai's surrender looked a little familiar.

After a little thought, he thought of the buyer who called him that day and said he was a liar and questioned whether he was playing tricks on him.

And the date of that day......

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