The person in charge of the kindergarten in Ta Village in the city is a villager named Li Qiqiang from Ta Village.

Li Qiqiang's father married into their Ta Village, so Li Qiqiang also took his mother's surname Li, but he did not follow the generational system of Ta Village.

If he follows the generational system, he should be of the Sheng generation.

He is of the same generation as the younger generation such as Li Shengwen and Li Shengwu.


Li Qiqiang is not tall, and his appearance is just like that of an ordinary person. The most noticeable thing about his appearance is that his forehead is relatively high.

This kind of person is a very smart person at first glance.

Just now, he received a call from Dongshu Li Yaodong, who gave him some instructions, apparently asking him to check all aspects of the kindergarten.

However, after hanging up Dongshu Li Yaodong's call, Li Qiqiang's face looked a little solemn.

"Uncle Dong, what did that call just now mean?" He couldn't help but think about it.


Although he is from Ta Village, he has not participated in the core industry of Ta Village so far, and he doesn't know what the core industry is.

He himself didn't understand it, but he had his own guesses, and because of his guesses, he didn't understand it.

Because as a smart person, he knows that sometimes, the more you know, the more dangerous it is. It may even get into trouble.


And he didn't participate in the core industry of Ta Village, not because his father was married into the family, so the villagers rejected him.

On the contrary, after his father died, the villagers took good care of their family. Otherwise, in the beginning, which was also the most difficult time, his mother and their brothers and sisters would not have survived.

The villagers also knew that Li Qiqiang was smart and wanted him to participate in the core industry.


And he himself was extremely resistant to things that hurt people.

However, as a Ta Villager with a deep clan concept, he also felt a sense of belonging to Ta Village and identified with it.

He had not thought about drawing a clear line with Ta Village.

And it is foreseeable that, as time goes by, he may really step into the vortex of Ta Village and cannot get out of it.

——This is the power of clan concept. You may not want to do something, but for the clan and the connection of blood, you have to do it.

Li Qiqiang is also struggling with his heart.


When Uncle Dong proposed to open a kindergarten in the city, he saw an opportunity to get out of this vortex without drawing a clear line with Ta Village.

So, he took the initiative to volunteer to become the director of this kindergarten.

Based on his understanding of Uncle Dong, he knew that Uncle Dong would definitely not simply build a kindergarten in the city.

Before that, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong had held several classes with all the villagers.

In these classes, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong told them a lot of things.

One of the classes, called [What is the collusion between power and businessmen, how to achieve it], impressed him the most.

He also learned a lot of knowledge.


In fact, Li Yaodong really gave several classes to the villagers of Ta Village, and did teach the class [What is the collusion between power and businessmen, how to achieve it].

Why did he talk about this kind of thing?

It's actually very simple.

At that time, Li Yaodong wanted to experience the deep mounting mode of Dongshu's template.

And you have to know that in this mode, Li Yaodong's personality is almost completely hidden.

In short, it was at this time that the template of Dongshu in Tazhai dominated his behavior.

So under the leadership of the template of Dongshu in Tazhai, he taught the villagers a lot of very criminal knowledge points.

After those classes, the villagers of Ta Village were almost led astray by his uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

This is alsoThat's why the villagers of Ta Village acted so deeply into the play.

After that experience, Li Yaodong never used the deep mount mode again.


Li Qiqiang absorbed the lesson of the collusion between power and businessmen quite deeply, and even learned from it.

After becoming the principal of this kindergarten, he also put these dangerous knowledge into use.

At this time, Li Qiqiang squinted his eyes and watched the children chasing and playing in the kindergarten, sliding up and down on the slide, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

These children seem to be just ordinary children, but behind them...

"Principal Li, Principal Li." Just thinking about it, a voice calling him came from the door of the kindergarten.


Li Qiqiang looked in the direction of the voice when he heard it.

He saw a man in police uniform shouting at him through the not-too-high gate of the kindergarten.

Suddenly, he recognized this person and walked towards the door.

Then, he asked the guard Lao Wang at the door to open the door.

Then, the man in police uniform came in with a little boy.

"Director Li, thank you so much." The agent said as he walked over.

He still had an awkward smile on his face: "Look, as a parent, I even forgot which kindergarten my child went to. If Director Li hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known that I sent my child to the wrong kindergarten."


The male agent was really embarrassed.

You know, his job determines that he is usually very busy.

There is no time to take care of the child.

He just finished a case that was not too big or small, and he was not so busy at hand, so today he volunteered to send the child to the kindergarten.

After sending the child, he was quite satisfied, but Director Li called later to ask why the child didn't come to the kindergarten. At this time, the male agent realized that he had sent the child to the wrong kindergarten.

"I was wondering why that kindergarten didn't look like it."

The male agent said with embarrassment:

"My child said 'no no' at the time. I thought he didn't want to go to school. I was a little surprised at the time. After all, my little tiger usually likes to go to kindergarten."

"Look at what happened."

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