At this time.

Li Weimin's side.

The two of them made a few jokes on the phone like old friends, but at a certain moment, Zhao Jialiang's voice on the other end of the phone became serious: "Weimin, don't change the subject anymore, what happened on your side?"


You know, although at the beginning, as soon as he answered the phone, he asked Li Yaodong if he was in trouble.

In fact, he didn't know what trouble the other party had encountered.

After all, the confidentiality level of Plan A is very high.

Since Li Weimin was retaliated by smuggled food and his photos were exposed on the public Internet, Li Weimin has been in a semi-retired state.

So in his spare time, Li Weimin has been more, so he has contacted his good brother Zhao Jialiang more often.

Some time ago, Zhao Jialiang even said that he was going to retire, and even said that when the two brothers retired, he could pay for a small island, so that they could live out their lives on this island, and he could also recognize his son Li Fei.

At that time, Li Weimin laughed and scolded Zhao Jialiang for being a capitalist, and he kept talking about buying an island.

However, during this period, Li Weimin had not contacted Zhao Jialiang again, and Zhao Jialiang immediately understood that Li Weimin might be organizing some actions again.


Out of concern, Zhao Jialiang contacted the boss above and asked about Li Weimin's situation.

You know, on the surface, Zhao Jialiang hid his identity because of his wife's death, withdrew from the system and went to Hong Kong Island.

But in fact, people like them cannot completely withdraw from the official. What's more, he has been an informant for Li Weimin for all these years.

Even his real name, Li Jianzhong, is still retained in another set of confidentiality level internal network.

And if Zhao Jialiang plans to return to the system, according to his merits over the years, his level will not be lower than Li Weimin after returning to the system.

With this relationship, he can naturally contact the boss above. However, the big boss he contacted did not tell him the relevant situation on the grounds of confidentiality.

At this point, how could he not know that his old friend was in trouble.

So, after weighing the pros and cons, he called the other party.


However, Li Weimin hesitated after hearing the words of his old friend.

You know, for Plan A itself, he naturally wanted his good brother who had been cooperating secretly for many years to help him.

In the past, many major smuggling cases that seemed impossible to succeed in the eyes of ordinary people, but as long as the two brothers joined forces, they could be successful.

However, out of his own selfishness, he did not want his good brother to be involved.


You know, some time ago, his good brother had already planned to retire.

And the other party's life can be said to be walking on thin ice. To a certain extent, the other party is also a miserable person. He was an orphan when he was young, and was selected by a special department and has been carrying out extremely dangerous tasks.

Later, he finally made it through and was able to transfer to a more promising position, but because he met the love of his life, he transferred to the dangerous profession of collecting smuggled food.

Later, his beloved woman was killed by smuggled food. Out of hatred for smuggled food, his old friend hid his real name and used the alias Zhao Jialiang to work with him to send smuggled food one by one.

In the process, his old friend's knot about smuggled food was almost untied, and he had already thought about retiring.

To be honest, it is very precious for people like them to live safely to retirement age.

Does he really want to drag his old friend into this vortex at this critical juncture?


At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Li Weimin's mind.


"Who are you listening to? Haven't I been traveling everywhere recently?" Li Weimin said with a smile: "I'm already half a year old.I'm retired now. You don't think I'm working on a case, do you? "

And Zhao Jialiang.

Hearing Li Weimin's laughter and scolding, his face became extremely serious.

He knew his good brother very well.

But when he heard what the other party said, he was not sincere.

And the other party's words obviously didn't want him to get involved.


The more he thought about it, the more serious Zhao Jialiang's face became, and he was secretly shocked in his heart.

Through the attitude of his old friend, he has determined that the case the other party is currently handling should be an extremely difficult case, but he really can't figure out what kind of case it is that makes his old friend, who is called the nemesis of crime, have such an attitude.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Zhao Jialiang's mind.

"That's great, I also plan to travel, tell me the location. "After countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhao Jialiang said so.


Hearing this, Li Weimin also fell silent.

The other party knew him very well, and he knew the other party the same way.

He knew that his words just now did not deceive the other party. In fact, he himself was not good at lying, especially to his own people.

"Weimin, you know my lifelong wish is to get rid of all those scum." Li Weimin was silent, but Zhao Jialiang spoke slowly.

He has always practiced this way, otherwise, it would be impossible to hide his identity and become a big moneymaker on the surface in order to better crack down on smuggled rice.


After saying this, Zhao Jialiang stopped talking.

Li Weimin was still silent.

"I will send you a document and a confidentiality agreement later. You know, sign the confidentiality agreement first, then read the document, and then tell me after reading whether you want to participate in my action this time. "After a long silence, Li Weimin spoke again.

Then, Li Weimin hung up the phone, quickly sorted out a copy of Plan A's relevant information, and then sent the information and a confidentiality agreement through an encrypted channel.

Ding Dong! Soon Li Weimin received feedback from the other party that the confidentiality agreement had been signed.

After taking a look at the feedback, Li Weimin did not speak, but looked at the phone and waited for the other party's call.


The relevant information of Plan A was sent together with the confidentiality agreement, and the content recorded on it was also concise.

It actually didn't take long to read the information, and a gold medal undercover like Zhao Jialiang who once worked in a special department had speed reading training.

However, time passed by...

According to the time, the other party should have finished reading it long ago.

But Li Weimin has not received the other party's call, which means...

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