“Boss, do you know that TM broke the law?” Zhang Yanran looked down at her heart and chest, blushing angrily.

She glared at Tang Yu with a red face, and said slightly angrily: “According to the manifestation of Xia Guo’s X harassment crime, you have been suspected of X harassing me and Xiaoli.

Xiao Lixiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and cast a meaningful look at Tang Yu, “Boss, you don’t want to be arrested because of X harassment, do you?”

This time, it was Tang Yu’s turn to be stunned.


This is X harassment.

Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with.

As a man, Tang Yu knew that he was a big man who could flex and stretch.

“Yanran, look at you, I’m just joking with you, there is absolutely no other meaning.” Tang Yu looked at the two women with a look of surprise.

Zhang Yanran was not really angry, but as a lawyer, he reminded him when he saw someone suspected of breaking the law.

Seeing that Tang Yu had a good attitude of admitting her mistake, she no longer pursued it.

As for Xiaoli, she didn’t care even more.

If she could, she wished her boss could harass her, not just verbally.

While talking, the three of them sat on the sofa and chatted idly.

“Boss, I’m very curious about you, the Internet says that whoever you follow, is this true?” Zhang Yanran poured a cup of tea for Tang Yu and asked casually.

Qiqi walked out of Zhang Yanran’s arms at this time and threw himself into Tang Yu’s arms.

Tang Yu picked Qiqi up, looked at Zhang Yanran, and didn’t answer the rhetorical question, “Do you believe it?”

Zhang Yanran subconsciously shook her head, “I don’t believe it.”

Xiaoli interjected, “I believe it.”

Zhang Yanran said, “If the boss really has this ability, it will be too terrifying.”

Xiaoli said, “Then how do you explain that the boss pays attention to so many people, why are they all gagging?” ”

Coincidence, is it all coincidence? I don’t believe it anyway.

When Zhang Yanran heard this, he also fell silent.

During this period, Tang Yu did not speak at all, and he also knew how to explain this phenomenon.

And himself, naturally, cannot admit that he has the ability to predict death, or even create death.

“I think the boss should be proficient in the art of physiognomy, right?” Zhang Yanran pondered for a while and said, “The art of physiognomy and feng shui has not yet been reasonably explained in science.

“As a lawyer, I also believe in their magic.”

“Listen to my father, when I was young, I was seriously ill, and I couldn’t cure it after searching for famous doctors in the world, and then I met your grandfather, and your grandfather just pinched his fingers and calculated that my family’s ancestral tomb feng shui was not good.”

“Later, after the grave was moved, my illness somehow healed, and my father’s career also prospered.”

After listening to Zhang Yanran’s words, Xiaoli’s eyes sparkled, and she looked at Tang Yu in surprise: “Boss, it turns out that you inherited your grandfather’s mantle!”

Tang Yu followed the train of thought of the two women, nodded, and admitted: “The art of feng shui and the art of physiognomy, my grandfather taught me a little, but I and him, it is still far behind.” Seeing

Tang Yu so modest, Xiaoli smiled and said, “Boss, you are modest!” If you don’t have a little accomplishment, how can you see the evil of people through their faces?

After that, Xiaoli took Tang Yu’s hand, approached him and asked, “Boss, look at my face, how old can I live?” ”

Xiaoli is COS Dolly at this time, a Xiaoli is very cute, so close, a girl’s fragrance will come in.

He coughed twice and said casually: “You, you, there is no problem living to ninety-nine, but you have to pay attention, manage your finances reasonably, don’t stick to it when you make money, don’t hide it when it’s time to enjoy it.” Hearing

that she could live to be 99 years old, Xiaoli was in a good mood.

I also think that I do have a special love for money, and the money I usually earn is saved by myself, but I usually save money.

He felt that what Tang Yu said was so reasonable, he understood himself.

At that moment, the eyes looking at Tang Yu became even brighter.

Zhang Yanran smiled in her heart, although she and Xiaoli got along for a short time, she also knew the nature of the other party.

What Tang Yu said, he can also see it.

However, seeing Xiaoli’s happy look, Zhang Yanran didn’t say much.

“Boss, I’m wondering, if a person really has superpowers, will he take other people’s lives at will?” Zhang Yanran’s expression suddenly became serious, staring into Tang Yu’s eyes and asking.

Tang Yu didn’t expect the other party to suddenly ask such a question, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was only a flash.

For this problem, he himself has actually thought about it on many song nights.

Especially the last time I used the “borrowed name” ability, I ended the life of the little sunspot early.

He thought deeply about this issue.

In the end, he came up with his own answer.

For normal people, he will never arbitrarily take away people’s lives.

After all, human life is the most awe-inspiring in the world.

However, for some people who are full of evil wolves in sheep’s clothing, he feels that it is nothing to deprive the other party’s life.

For example, if Xiao Heizi only provoked himself and never did something crazy, he would not end his life early.

But what did he do?

When he was a minor, he killed his neighbor’s sister because of his bestial desire.

Later, there were many evils, and this kind of person, although he escaped the responsibility of the law, let himself know his evil deeds.

He felt disgusting, and his heart was cruel, so he lay on the board.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

Of course, Tang Yu also knew that if he let people know that he was doing this, he might not understand his own approach and feel that he did not respect life.

In this regard, Tang Yu only wanted to say that the lives of well-dressed beasts were not worthy of respect.

Especially the clothed beasts that have committed great sins and are still alive and well.

He is very glad that he is only walnut in appearance now, and his thoughts are not completely walnut.

Otherwise, according to the nature of the walnut, there is no way that people’s lives will end early.

Although the other party is a well-dressed beast.

“Look at the people!” Tang Yu smiled and replied ambiguously.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone that Tang Yu placed on the table lit up.

He glanced at it and found that it was the dynamic prompt of the net celebrity Jiarun in Mianbei.

Click on it to see, the other party actually forwarded the latest news of Xia Guo.

The news is accompanied by a video, and the title given by Jiarun himself is eye-catching.

{The women of Xia Guo were mighty and beat men at will in the subway, and Yang Yan said that all men in Xia Guo should stand on the subway and are not allowed to sit. }Huh


The moment Tang Yu saw this title, Xiu’s eyebrows wrinkled into a defense!

Click on the video link, the content in the video, make him angry.

The reputation of the women of Xia Guo is ruined by this kind of woman in the news!


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