Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 101: Giving up the position of leader (Part 2)

This "Purple Golden Liang" originally had poor political standards, but when he talked about his personal experience, he burst into tears and went to great lengths. Even the Qixi Taoist frowned, fearing that his words would convince everyone and ruin his plan.

I never thought that this guy was still a fool, but the change of words made everyone sigh in relief. Just listen to him continue:

"Fucking thief, that Song Tongyin went back on his word and cost the lives of his brothers. If you don't take revenge for this, you are not a gentleman. Sooner or later, I will deal with Song Tongyin and make him look good. I heard that the big officials are in charge of the small officials, and the emperor is in charge. Sir. As long as the emperor can't stand it, sooner or later the emperor will take care of this donkey ball."

This "Purple Golden Liang" got excited and actually went off topic while talking. When "Lao Huihui" saw this guy rambling, he shook the steel knife in his hand and shouted angrily: "If you keep rambling and don't give me an explanation, we'll deal with you first, you donkey ball!" "

"Zijinliang" finally realized at this time that he accidentally went off topic, so he had to laugh and said: "You thief, you are just thinking about cursing others, and you forgot the topic."

It doesn't matter that this ridicule has completely disturbed the atmosphere that "Purple Golden Liang" had just brewed. This "Purple Gold Liang" didn't know it, but continued: "I did this wrongly, and I am ashamed of all our brothers. I don't think I can be the leader of the alliance anymore, so be it, I will give it to the capable ones. It’s penny.”

When "Lao Huihui" heard this, he couldn't believe his ears. Did he succeed?

As a result, the "Purple Golden Liang" continued: "Although that little brother Optimus Prime is young, he has been a hero since ancient times. In the battle at Taniguchi, he used less to hit more, and used thousands to defeat tens of thousands. He defeated Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin's formation with great achievements. Mo Dayan. I think he is very capable and can lead everyone to live a better life. So I decided to give up the position of leader of the alliance to the little brother 'Optimus Prime'. From now on, the little brother 'Optimus Prime' will be He is the third in charge, and everyone will look up to him."

"Although I, 'Purple Gold Liang', have abdicated, I still have the love of my brothers. If you need me, 'Purple Gold Liang' for anything, please let me know and I, 'Purple Gold Liang', will do my best."

"No! I don't agree." The "Purple Golden Liang" was still chattering, but he had already annoyed the "Lao Huihui" who was looking forward to the stars and the moon. It turned out that "Lao Huihui" wanted to seize the position of leader of the alliance, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he fell into the hands of "Optimus Prime". He couldn't help but said angrily, "When will it be the turn of our leader of Shaanxi to be the leader of Henan?" Do you want dolls to do it?”

"This" "Purple Golden Liang" was not quick-witted and was immediately stunned by the question. When Zhang Shun saw that something was wrong, he laughed quickly and interjected: "'Lao Hui Hui' is wrong. People in the world do things for the world. You, 'Lao Hui Hui', are originally from Yansui. How did you come to Shanxi? How? Come here to Henan? I, 'Optimus Prime', am not a local, so I'm running around everywhere? Why? I'm just asking for a living!"

"Although our birthplaces are different, there is no distinction between north and south in official strangulation. Who is Tongyin of the Song Dynasty? He is from Shandong; who is Zhang Daojun? He is from Shanxi! Brothers, look! We haven't united yet. But the government has already united."

"Now the government is strong and the rebel army is weak. If we are weak and the enemy is strong, we are trying to support it. How can we divide you Shaanxi and we Henan? This is too narrow-minded! I heard that those who have a county in mind should As the lord of a county; those who have a country in mind should be the lord of a country, and those who have a world in mind should be the king of the world! Can such a narrow-minded person as 'Lao Hui Hui' covet the position of leader of the alliance?"

"I, 'Optimus Prime', am young and have no talent or virtue. How dare I take on such an important task? I am new here and have no qualifications. How can I serve the people of the thirty-six battalions? From my perspective, the second master is wise, wise and powerful, and serves everyone Take responsibility. For the long-term sake of our brothers, we are willing to bear the infamy and have the courage to try to recruit people, in order to find a way out for everyone. How can we not only not be grateful to him, but also demand harsh words from him?"

"What's more, the position of alliance leader was originally elected by the leaders of the thirty-sixth battalion. How can it be awarded privately? If everyone really has a candidate, but it is recommended to the leader of the thirty-sixth battalion, who the alliance leader is will be selected by everyone. !”

Zhang Shun's words were reasonable and well-founded, and he immediately compared the "Purple Gold Liang" and "Lao Hui Hui". Although all the officers and men were vulgar and ignorant, they could still be distinguished from each other. Immediately, someone shouted from below: "I think the young man is good, like a scholar, and much more promising than the 'Purple Gold Liang' and 'Lao Hui Hui'. We might as well elect him as our alliance leader."

"Lao Huihui" turned red after hearing this, and shouted angrily at the crowd: "Shut up!"

As a result, someone else muttered: "This doesn't make sense, and it makes me angry!"

Make "Lao Huihui" mad to death. However, such vulgar soldiers had such a disobedient character that "Lao Huihui" could not do anything to them. He had to pretend that he could not hear them and suppressed his anger and asked: "Where are you going?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun smiled smartly and said, "I don't think so. The position of alliance leader can only be occupied by talented and virtuous people."

"Lao Huihui" was furious when he heard this. This guy had both sides, but it was difficult to keep everything in check. If the position of alliance leader is really transferred from the hands of "Purple Gold Liang" to "Optimus Prime", wouldn't it mean that he would be even shorter than this guy in the future?

With no other choice, "Lao Hui Hui" had to calm down his arrogance and reluctantly said to "Zijin Liang": "Second in charge, this time it is me, Lao Hui Hui Meng Lang. I will apologize to you, but you can forgive me. I collected my troops and went to occupy Nawen County. We will meet again in the future if we are destined! As for your recruitment, it is my 'Lao Huihui' who has the final say. I will have to give an explanation to the brothers of the 36th Battalion in the future. !”

Before he finished speaking, "Lao Huihui" turned around and walked away. But he never thought that his matter would be in the hands of his family. If he knew about this, I don't know if he would regret that he took a gift in vain that day.

Let's talk about the "Purple Golden Liang" seeing "Optimus Prime" showing off his power and scaring away "Lao Huihui". He was extremely happy and quickly pulled Zhang Shun and said: "Now there are only you and me in this city. We can do whatever we want. Brother, you have Whatever you ask for, I will obey you, brother!"

Zhang Shun smiled in his heart. He didn't want to stay here to see the virtues of thieves and bandits in "Purple Gold Liang", but he said: "Second Master, you are so polite. Most of my soldiers are from Mengjin. I have been feeling homesick recently, so I would like to stop by and take a look." .So I would like to ask you to allow me to attack Nameng County."

When "Zijinliang" heard that Zhang Shun did not compete with him for Jiyuan County, he happily agreed to Zhang Shun's request and rewarded Zhang Shun with some gold and silver coins. Zhang Shun didn't care much, handed it over to the baggage camp, and left Jiyuan with his army.

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