There is a huge and complex urn city system at the east gate of Yulin Town. Even though Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, personally led Zhang Shun's horse and held the reins, and the "generals" Li Zicheng, Wukong, Wang Jinyi and others guarded him, Zhang Shun still endured it. A chill couldn't help but surged into my heart.

If this thousand-pound gate falls, no matter what Zhang Shun does, I am afraid that today will be his death anniversary next year.

Just when Zhang Shun was in shock and doubt, he saw a man walking towards him, wearing a tattered Taoist robe. If he wasn't Song Xiance, who could he be?

Zhang Shun was about to speak, but Zuo Guangxian was the first to introduce: "This is 'Taoist Zhang', no one can compare to Zuo today!"

He couldn't help but laugh and cry, why the hell do I need you to introduce me?

But now that he had met Song Xiance, it must have been his handiwork, and Zhang Shun finally felt at ease.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, I have admired your name for a long time, and you are so polite!" That "Taoist Zhang" was amused in his heart, and he also pretended to see him.

The two exchanged polite words and couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Daozhang Zhang" then smiled and said: "The Lieutenant General of Yulin City has heard of King Shun's name a long time ago and has come to pay his respects. I hope King Shun will grant me his permission!"

"Daozhang Zhang" said while winking at Zhang Shun.

Well, an ugly daughter-in-law has to meet her parents-in-law, so my new wife must have arrived.

Zhang Shun endured the pain in his head and couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's fine, Yulin City is not my only Yulin City."

"Now that the war has just ended, I just need to rely on everyone to work together to help me guard and manage."

"Daozhang Zhang" thanked him quickly, and soon dozens of people wearing armor and holding sharp blades came menacingly.

Before Zhang Shun could speak, the leader couldn't help but shouted: "That thief, don't come forward!"

"I am Wang Shiguo, Prince Shaobao of the Ming Dynasty and former chief military officer of the Xuanfu. I have something to say to King Shun."

"The world is in turmoil, what's the crime for the people? Now that Yulin has fallen, how can the rebels be massacred?"

"Today, we, the Seventh Clan of Yulin, stand in front of our disciples to plead for the people!"

"If not, the common man's anger will cause blood to splash five steps!"

Zhang Shun was stunned. Where is the promised wife? Why are you starting to fight and kill again?

"Everyone has agreed upon it, please cooperate with King Shun!" "Daozhang Zhang" explained quickly and embarrassedly.

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, who had some doubts at first, suddenly turned dark.

Even though everyone wants to surrender, am I the only one who wants to catch up and become a "rebel"? Others have already thought of a "way out"!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and get angry when he heard this, so he had to respond: "If you have anything to say, please tell me! I am not an unreasonable person. If what you say is reasonable, I will obey you!"

"Okay, since King Shun said so, we have a merciless request!"

"Please also ask King Shun to take back Cheng's orders and give Yulin City a way to live. It would not be a pity for me to wait for death!"

"If King Shun insists on massacring Yulin City, we would rather use our arms as chariots to stop your atrocities!"

"This fucking performance is so embarrassing!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but complain to "Daozhang Zhang".

"No way, everyone is not familiar with it the first time!" "Daozhang Zhang" couldn't help but explain.

God is so "not familiar with me the first time", do they still want to do it "the second time" or "the third time"?

Zhang Shun thought for a while, couldn't help but quickly got off his horse, and couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect that there is such a righteous man in the world!"

"The king has raised an army for the sake of the people, how can it be for the purpose of massacre?"

"Today Yulin City is also a city of righteous men. It has been guarding the border for hundreds of years and is respected by people. How can I, the king, slaughter this city of righteous men for my own selfish interests?"

"Now I have made an appointment for you all. When the rebel army enters the city, they will not kill or torture, they will not steal if they don't have money, and they will not steal or rob."

"We will make the people of Yulin live as usual and the market business as before, just like yesterday. Anyone who violates this will be punished with such arrows!"

After speaking, Zhang took out an arrow, broke it on the spot, and then raised it high above his head to show everyone!

"Okay, he is indeed a good man!" Wang Shiguo and others couldn't help but applaud, "In this way, we can thank King Shun for his grace on behalf of the tens of thousands of people in Yulin!"

"Wait a minute, I think you are all righteous soldiers, and the army led by this king is also a righteous army, so it is true!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but say.

"In this case, why not follow this king and make great achievements, and you will be able to accomplish great things in the future!"

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" After hearing the words, the generals couldn't help but knelt down and said, "As the saying goes, a man will die for a man who knows himself, and a woman will look like a man who pleases her!"

"We are all vulgar people in the mountains. King Shun does not think that we are despicable and treat virtuous corporals, so we have no reason to refuse!"

"However, I am here for the Ming Dynasty, and you are for the Qin Dynasty. As the saying goes: A loyal minister will not serve two masters, and a loyal woman will not marry two husbands!"

"I have been favored by the emperor for two hundred years, but now I sit back and watch the fall of Yulin but can do nothing. I have long been ashamed. How can I change my family?"

"If King Shun thinks highly of us and wants to eat, drink, fight and call each other brothers in his spare time, there is no harm in coming!"

"If King Shun comes here on official business, don't blame me for being closed-door to you. Please give King Shun a careful thought!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing loudly after hearing this, "As expected, they are all loyal and righteous people, but I am too greedy!"

"In this case, I, the king, will fulfill your loyalty and will not force this matter any more!"

By this time, the people in Yulin City had already been stunned.

Since ancient times, loyal ministers and righteous men have been respected by the world. It would be better to see the loyal ministers of Yulin City and the righteous men of King Shun meet each other today. Everyone cherishes each other, and it will be a story that will be passed down through the ages.

As a result, many people stuck their heads out from windows, behind door panels, and in alleys, and cheered!

When Zhang Shun saw it, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Folks, don't be afraid!"

"The rebels are raising troops. They are originally for the common people. They do not kill or torture. They are soldiers of benevolence and righteousness! Now I have made an appointment with all the righteous soldiers. Everything in Yulin City remains as before. You can just go out and watch the fun!"

Many people were hesitant after hearing this, but a few boldly came out.

As expected, everyone saw that the rebel army was in good order and had not harmed any common people.

Suddenly, everyone rushed to tell each other, and the deserted Yulin City gradually became lively again.

Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin, Du Wenhuan, Xiao Si, Zhang Daochang and other generals who originally stopped Zhang Shun and others knew well the principle of "thieves come like a comb, and soldiers come like a grate".

I had never seen anything like this before, and I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

So, everyone simply gathered around Zhang Shun and chatted and laughed with him all the way to the governor's mansion.

It’s not like Zhang Shun didn’t sneak a few glances on the way, but he didn’t see his “new wife” there, so he had no choice but to give up.

As a result, not far away, everyone saw Zhang Bojing, the governor of Yansui, and Yu Chongxiao, the commander-in-chief of Yansui, rushing towards him surrounded by a group of soldiers.

"Oh, what a coincidence, you two!" Wang Shiguo saw him and couldn't help but waved, "Why are you so late? King Shun has been in the city for a long time!"

"You guys!" Zhang Bojing, the governor of Yansui, saw the commotion in front of him and was about to send people to drive them away when he unexpectedly heard these words.

He couldn't help but said in shock and anger: "'Successful thief'? How did you enter the city! That's right, that's it! How can you dare to be a thief when you have been favored by the emperor in this life!"

"What did Fujun say? This is the Yansui government office in Yulin City. As a member of the imperial court, you are responsible for guarding the territory. Now that you have lost the city, how can you blame others?" Wang Shiqin couldn't help but said after seeing this.

"You..." Zhang Bojing couldn't help but feel so angry that he almost fainted.

"President Yu, why don't you lead your troops to attack? If we can capture and kill this thief today, will Yulin City be saved?"

"Fujun, what do you say? Didn't you order King Shun to be put into the city?" Yu Chongxiao was stunned when he heard this and asked strangely.

"Ah? So that's it!" Everyone suddenly realized after hearing this, "No wonder such a huge Yulin City surrendered without a fight. It turns out that Zhang Fujun made the decision!"

"I'm not, I didn't, Yu Chongxiao, don't slander me!" Zhang Bojing's eyes darkened when he heard this, and he fainted on the ground.

"Come here, please take Zhang Fujun down to rest first. He is too excited!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ordered quickly when he saw this.

Then, he couldn't help but smile in a low voice to "Daozhang Zhang": "This man of letters is really different from the veteran martial artist. Look at this Bo Jing acting in this scene, it's really flawless."

“If ‘Taoist Zhang’ hadn’t told him in advance, it would have been almost impossible for me to tell the truth from the lie!”

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