Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1018 Capturing Ningxia

"Put out the food quickly, put out the food quickly, we want to eat, we want to eat!"

The rebel soldiers kept making noise outside, and the right-hand general who was guarding the Ningxia East Road couldn't help but tremble with fear when he heard the noise, and hurriedly went to find the order to clean up the Ningxia Hedong soldiers' food road.

He said to him: "Hurry up and put some food in. If it causes a mutiny, the disaster will be small, but the wealth and life will be big!"

"Why don't we give them fifty stones first!" The Bingliangdao was also a little scared. He couldn't help but agreed quickly after hearing this, but he warned again and again just in case.

"However, they cannot be allowed into the city to avoid causing chaos!"

"Don't worry, this is no problem!" The general smiled when he heard this, and went out to negotiate with Mr. Yu outside the city.

Fifty stones? Sending beggars away!

Then Yu Chongxiao was also the head of the town, so who was the boss to be trifled with?

Originally, he listened to Zhang Shun's idea, but felt that the method was too much. Since he and others were not the former commander-in-chief, he was naturally a little hesitant.

Now that I heard what the general said, an unknown fire suddenly rose up.

He couldn't help but sneered: "Fifty stone is fifty stone, I'll do it!"

Yu Chongxiao's words sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue to the general, and he suddenly felt a little frightened.

He hurriedly said a soft word and ran back to the city: "Mr. Yu didn't say anything, but I am a defensive general and I don't care about money and food. I have to check and make friends personally. "

The Bing Liang Dao didn't want to go, but this was indeed his responsibility and he couldn't shirk it.

In desperation, he had to find thirty or fifty cars, loaded them up and pulled them out.

As soon as they saw the right guard gate of Ningxia, the generals immediately put their hearts in their hearts.

Fifty stones of grain and grass were only enough to feed the rebel army's six thousand cavalry for a day, so how much effort did it take?

After a short while, the food was delivered to the rebels in full, and the military ration man smiled and said: "President Yu, this is your duty in a humble position, please don't take it offence!"

"Now that the food and grass inspection has been completed, please sign and pledge it!"

This food and grass has a certain number every time it comes in and out, so naturally it must be written clearly.

Unexpectedly, Yu Chongxiao took a look and handed the handover documents to the staff next to him. He reached out and grabbed the collar of the soldier's food channel and cursed angrily: "What a thief, I only received fifty dan of food and grass from you, but you actually What’s the point of asking me to draw a document with a deposit of five thousand dan?”

"What five thousand stones? Mr. Yu, are you mistaken?" Bing Liangdao was confused.

"Then open your eyes wide and take a look! You are a bird, no wonder you resisted me when I asked for some food and grass. It turned out that you had already taken advantage of me, but you came to take advantage of this town!" Yu Chongxiao reached out and asked to come back to hand over the documents. , and then handed it to Bingliangdao’s face for him to see.

When the Bing Liang Dao looked at it, he saw that the original words fifty dan had become five thousand dan. It's just that the capitalized numbers haven't had time to be changed.

"You, you, you are blackmailing me." Bingliang said, still waiting for an explanation.

Yu Chongxiao had already taken out a knife and stabbed him in the heart.

The guy struggled and whimpered twice before dying.

Yu Chongxiao drew the knife, and Bing Liangdao's blood spurted out, all on the documents he had just handed over.

Yu Chongxiao cursed "bad luck" and then led his soldiers into the city in a swaggering manner.

The general was just glad that he had escaped disaster, but he heard the soldiers yelling: "Oh no, kill people, General Yu Zhen has rebelled, Yu Chongxiao has rebelled!"

He couldn't help being shocked, and quickly led his guards to run out, only to bump into the murderous Yu Chongxiao.

"President Yu Yu, don't do anything to me! All grievances have their own owners, and all debts have their own owners. Don't look for me." The general was so frightened that he didn't dare to resist.

"Hmph!" Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but snorted, "If the general guarding the town is not sitting down, what's the point of rebellion?"

"Look at this guy's paperwork. We originally received fifty dan of food and grass, but he dared to write five thousand dan. What a courageous person!"

"Now that this guy has been killed by this town, the imperial court will argue with me!"

"Now that the military situation is urgent, I can't take care of much. Just open the granary and let me get another five hundred shi of grain. I'll leave a handwritten note for you!"

"Huh? No objection!" The general was extremely happy now.

He quickly responded to every request. Not only did he promptly pay 500 shi of grain, but he also delivered some salt, clean water, oxen and carriages for the baggage, and other things.

"Hey, King Shun, your tricks are really good!" The rebels got ten days of food in vain, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"It's nothing!" Zhang Shun shook his head and smiled.

It turned out that his method was very simple, which was to falsely accuse the military ration channel of corruption, and the physical quantity handed over did not match the handover documents, so he found an excuse to kill him.

This method seems simple, giving the defensive players the illusion that Yu Chongxiao is still solving the problem within the rules.

So maybe he is writing a report at this moment, impeaching Yu Chongxiao for being arrogant and domineering, killing soldiers and grain roads in vain, and robbing grain and grass.

Little did he know that by the time his boss received the paperwork, the day lily would be cold.

While the rebels were cheering for the solution of food and grass, there was one person who was also worried about food and wages.

This person is none other than Wang Ji, the censor of Youqiandu and the governor of Ningxia, who is in charge of military affairs and is the target of the rebel army this time.

"Quickly, get out of here! I want pay but no pay, and I want food but no food. Are you going to starve to death without waiting?" The whistling sound outside the house was like thunder, scaring everyone to look at each other in horror.

"Fujun, please get out of the way! These arrogant and powerful generals outside are menacing, and they are coming with bad intentions!" A staff member and bodyguard had already advised him.

"No, I won't leave, I have to go out to meet them!" Wang Ji couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"I have always enforced the law like a mountain and been as honest as water. Where did this money go? I would also like to ask!"


"No need to say any more, I have made up my mind!" Wang Ji flicked his official robe and straightened his clothes after hearing this.

Then he stood up, opened the door of the house, and shouted loudly: "I am the imperial censor of Youqiandu and the governor of Ningxia, who is in charge of military affairs. I have always been as clean as water and have no money left."

"How much food and salary are you short of? You can report it in full. After I check it, I will definitely report it to the court and pay it in full!"

"Everyone, don't believe this bird man. When he takes a breath, he will definitely mobilize a large army to encircle and suppress him. I will die without a burial place!" As soon as Wang Ji finished speaking, someone had already shouted loudly.

"Since ancient times, how many good outcomes have come to soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who ask for pay?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned. They immediately rushed up and killed everyone, old and young, no matter how high or low.

It was a pity that Wang Ji was so talented, but he didn't use it for ten times. He was chopped into several pieces and fell into a pool of blood.

"Rebellion, rebellion!" The officials in the mansion were already frightened and ran away. As a result, they had just taken three or five steps and were overtaken by someone with a sword.

When Zhang Shun led 6,000 cavalry across the Yellow River and arrived in Ningxia City, the rebellion in the city continued.

The rebels and the civilians, the officers and soldiers, and the rebels were still killing each other. There was no telling how many corpses there were piled up on the streets for a while.

"What's going on here?" Everyone originally made up a plan to defraud the city, but it turned out to be useless.

"Yu Chongxiao and Zuo Guangxian, you two each lead a thousand elite cavalry to enter the city from the second south gate; Li Zicheng and Zhang Tianlin, you two each lead a thousand elite cavalry to enter the city from the second north gate." Zhang Shun reacted much faster than the others. I couldn't help but be overjoyed when I saw this.

God and God can't take it, but they are to blame!

He couldn't help but give an order loudly: "Gao Guiying, Wang Qiying, you two each lead your troops and follow me into the city through the east gate."

"Let the people live in their homes and the soldiers in their camps. If anyone dares to disobey and makes noise everywhere, he will be captured if he can, and he will be killed if he can't!"

"Anyone who invades randomly and disturbs the people will be killed without mercy!"

"We must restore order in Ningxia City as soon as possible without any mistakes!"

It turns out that this Ningxia town was occupied by rebels during the "Kaibai Rebellion" in the past.

The rebels not only burned, killed, and looted the city, but also took all the goods and women in the city and offered them to the tribes in order to attract the aid of the Mongolian tribes.

In order to end the battlefield as quickly as possible, the counter-rebellion officers and soldiers also diverted water to attack the city, destroying a large amount of farmland, causing Ningxia Town to decline even more.

Later, the wars in Liaodong and Yansui made the imperial government's finances even worse. The "not very important" town of Ningxia could not help but become more seriously owed in wages.

According to original history, when there was a drought in February of the ninth year of Chongzhen, the soldiers had a rebellion and killed Wang Ji, who was the governor of Ningxia at the time.

It was only because Zhang Shun led the rebel army to defeat the officers and soldiers and occupied Xi'an Mansion.

As a result, Ningxia Town was even more unable to make ends meet. Before the ninth year of Chongzhen's reign, the soldiers were starving.

It happened that Zu Dabi had a trick that caused more than ten thousand elite soldiers to wander outside. The hungry soldiers in Ningxia City were even more emboldened, which is why today's chaos occurred.

It was the combination of these many factors that allowed Zhang Shun to easily defeat the city of Ningxia.

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