Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1025 Shaanxi loses money (Part 2)

What the father-in-law Wang Shiqin said was very confident and confident, and he had the arrogance of a later generation who "eats public food".

Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked curiously: "In that case, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there were more than 37,000 acres of farmland, more than 65,000 stones of grain collected, more than 43,000 bundles of fodder, and more than 1,000 taels of silver per mu. Where did it come from?”

"At that time, the captives could not cross the river, so the soldiers were able to farm and herd in the Tao. With the benefits of woodcutting, hunting, and hunting, the place was rich and prosperous, and they were able to dominate and control the country." Wang Shiqin couldn't help but explain with a smile.

"Since the 13th year of Hongzhi, all the gains have been lost due to the trapping of the captive chiefs. The fields in the town are looking at the yellow sand, and no grains are produced, so all the farming fields are useless!"

It turns out that the so-called Taonei in the Ming Dynasty naturally does not refer to the Hetao area in later generations.

Rather, it refers to the Aoerdusi area within a few bends of the Yellow River, which is also the Ordos area in later generations.

This place was originally a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and full of forests. It was still the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Later, when the global temperature became colder all day long, coupled with man-made destruction, the forest gradually degraded from forest to grassland, and then grassland degraded to desert.

Therefore, in the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, they could advance the defense line to the Yinshan Mountains north of the Yellow River, while the Ming Dynasty could only guard the Mu Us Desert and chew the sand.

But even though it was chewing sand, the environment in the early Ming Dynasty and the late Ming Dynasty were not exactly the same.

In the early Ming Dynasty, military virtue was abundant. Not to mention the entire Ao'erdusi, there were no nomads even near Tumut.

The officers and soldiers of Yansui Town can naturally look for areas with rich water and grass outside the defense line to cultivate and graze, but now we are in the Little Ice Age in history, and desertification is serious.

In addition, tens of thousands of Ordos households, one of the 60,000 households in Mongolia, have moved into the town. Naturally, Yansui Town cannot enjoy the smooth sailing as before and can only rely on the government's financial aid to survive.

"Is it gone at all?" Zhang Shun really didn't believe it.

After all, he also led an army to march along the border wall from Yulin to Ningxia. It was not like he had never seen cultivated land with his own eyes. How could he believe Wang Shiqin's lies?

"Actually, it can't be said that there is none." In the end, it was Hong Chengchou who came to the rescue for his father-in-law. "Qingyang, Yan'an and Suide also have about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan of cultivated land, and about 50,000 shi of grain are levied every year."

"It's just that the Yulin Guards' farmland has been almost completely abolished. Therefore, if General Wang said that Yulin does not cultivate or weave, it is true."

"And since the seventh year of the Apocalypse, there has been no rain in Yulin, Yansui and other places for seven or eight consecutive years. How can there be any surplus food available?"

"Okay!" Zhang Shun thought for a while and felt that even if he didn't give face to his father-in-law Wang Shiqin, he still had to give face to the Yulin generals.

If the scope was limited to the vicinity of the border wall of Yulin Town, it would not be worth the gain to offend the Yulin generals who held heavy troops for that small and barren farmland.

"Let's not mention this matter for now!" Zhang Shun made a quick decision and ignored the matter. Instead, he asked, "How much food and salary do the towns need every year?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but perked up and thought: Come on, this is obviously going to be a re-division of the scope of interests!

Hong Chengchou pondered for a long time, and then said seriously: "The original number of officers and soldiers in Gansu Town was 91,571, and the current number of officers and soldiers is 46,091.

"The original number of horses was twenty-nine thousand three hundred and eighteen, but now the number of horses and mules is twenty-one thousand six hundred and sixty."

"The original grain harvest was about 600,000 shi, the democratic movement was about 250,000 shi, and the Beijing transport was 60,000 taels of silver."

"The current harvest is 230,000 shi, and the various colors are worth 450,000 taels of silver!"

"Wait, wait!" Zhang Shun quickly stopped Hong Chengchou after hearing this, and couldn't help asking, "What do you mean, do I pay for the 450,000 taels?"

"It used to be from the Ming Dynasty!" Hong Chengchou said with a bitter smile.

Good guy, why are you trying to cheat me?

I said, why do you guys fall so fast? Your relationship has already been planned to eat my way and drink my way!

"Okay, keep going, keep going!" Zhang Shun looked lifeless.

Is it enough for military and civilian use as promised before?

In addition to food and drink, you also want money from me!

"The original quota of Guyuan Town is more than 126,000 people, and the current amount is about 90,000; the original amount is 32,000 mules, horses and oxen, and the current amount is 33,000 mules, horses and oxen."

"The original grain harvest was 320,000 dan, the democratic movement was about 40,000 dan, and the various silver coins were about 200,000 dan and 400,000 dan, and the current amount is almost the same!"

Zhang Shun had no expression on his face and thought to himself: There are not to mention 126,000 people in Guyuan Town, even if there are really 90,000 soldiers and horses.

I'm afraid that my ashes have been thrown into the Chan River by Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides. Where can there be all these things?

"The original number of Ningxia town officers and soldiers is 71,693, and the current number is 27,934." Hong Chengchou did not dare to look at Zhang Shun's expression, so he could only continue with a dull head. .

"The original amount of horses is 22,000 horses, and the current amount is more than 14,600 horses."

"The original amount for grain harvesting is 100,000 shi, for democratic movement 200,000 shi, and for Beijing transportation 40,000 taels of silver."

"The current amount of grain collected is nearly 150,000 dan, and the various colors can be exchanged for 228,449 taels of silver!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Shun was noncommittal.

Hong Chengchou turned his head and glanced at Wang Shiqin, the father-in-law of the King of Qin, who looked unhappy, and had no choice but to continue: "The original number of officers and soldiers in Yansui Town was 80,000, and the current number is more than 53,000."

"The original amount of horses was 45,000 yuan, and the current amount is more than 32,000 yuan."

"The original amount for grain harvesting is 65,000 shi, for democratic movement 280,000 shi, and for Beijing transportation 100,000 taels of silver."

"The current amount of grain harvesting is 56,000 dan, the pro-democracy movement is nearly 100,000 dan, and the various colors can be exchanged for 673,740 taels of silver!"

"Okay, I understand!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and said, "If I calculated correctly, it means that I should pay the four towns more than 1.75 million taels of silver and ten grains every year. Thirty thousand stones, right?”

When Hong Chengchou and others heard this, sweat broke out on their foreheads, they took out an abacus and began to calculate.

"What the hell, I robbed a feudal prince's palace for only two million, and yet I was called a 'thief' by the court!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laughed angrily, "How can you still be called a 'thief' if you rob a feudal prince's palace every year? For officers and soldiers?"

"Good son-in-law, these are actually book figures. You owe me, and I owe you as I should!" Wang Shiqin couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Actually, a discount is not impossible!"

"It's just that the officers and soldiers are newly attached. Even if you make a show, you still have to appease them, right?"

Zhang Shunli ignored him and couldn't help but said to himself: "Back then I was just a farmer in Henan. One person had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry."

"When Song Xiance and Liu Yinggui follow me, there will be a shortage. You can also go to Li Baihu's house to catch the autumn wind."

"As a result, I rebelled when I really couldn't survive. As a result, apart from fighting every day, I also spent all day worrying about food and drink for the large number of people under my command."

"After worrying about this and that, I finally robbed Fu Fan, Chong Fan and Tang Fan. I lived a good life for two days and captured the huge Shaanxi."

"But you told me that not only did I not make any money, but I also owe a lot of debt?"

"We need to fill in a bottomless pit of debt of 1.75 million taels of silver every year!"

Similar to a bottomless pit like Shaanxi, Chongzhen said that he still has two in his hands, one is called Xuanda and the other is Jiliao.

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