Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1027 Cutting the Trouble with a Quick Sword

When giving kindness, you should be thin but generous; when giving power, you should be strict but broad.

Zhang Shun, who is now in a high position, naturally understands this truth, so he gave his father-in-law Wang Shiqin a beating with kindness and power, so that he could "persuad" Yulin General.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Shun is so confident.

That's because compared to other places, generals from Yulin are not that good.

However, its main problems are related to corruption, free payment and appropriation of military supplies. The farmland issue only involves one place in Yulinwei.

Therefore, Zhang took the opportunity to distribute food and "let bygones be bygones". In exchange for the two conditions, the generals agreed to re-count and verify the numbers of men, horses, ordnance.

And counting and checking the numbers of men, horses, ordnance, etc. is not something unique to the rebels.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty itself had sent governors to check and verify many times, and there was nothing surprising, so this was not unacceptable to the generals of Yulin.

Of course, the most important thing is:

"In the first year of Chongzhen, there was a great famine in Shaanxi, and the people of Yan and Gong gathered together to become bandits."

"In the second year of Chongzhen, there was a severe drought, and many people died of hunger in Yan'an Prefecture."

"In the third year of Chongzhen, the land of Qin was desolate. Bandits continued to appear, and almost half of them died, especially in Yan'an, Qing, and Ping."

"In the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, Yan was in a great famine for several years. In Yan'an, rice cost five qian, and four people lived in poverty. The two prefectures of Yan and Qing covered thousands of miles. There was no land without famine, and no one was without poverty."

"In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, many disasters occurred in the Yanqing area. There was no food for thousands of miles, and the land was almost deserted."

"In the seventh year of Chongzhen's reign, there was a severe drought in Yulin last year. There will be no rain this spring. A bucket of rice costs seven cents."

"In the eighth year of Chongzhen's reign, Yan'an was starving, so I had to pay eight cents for a bucket of rice and dig grass roots and bark for food."

In other words, except for the fact that there was no report in the sixth year of Chongzhen, the land of Yansui was hungry every year and there was no shortage of food everywhere.

What does "eight coins per bucket of rice" mean? That is, one stone of rice and wheat is worth eight taels of silver.

On the surface, the price offered by Zhang Shun was half that of Ming Dynasty, but in fact, the price offered by Zhang Shun was four times that of Ming Dynasty.

It's no wonder that Wang Shiqin, the father-in-law, couldn't help but be ecstatic when he heard this, and kowtowed to Zhang Shun regardless of his seniority.

Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw this, and quickly helped his father-in-law up with his own hands.

But even though Wang Shiqin was quite old, he didn't care that his head was bruised and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"No, I have to take it easy!" Wang Shiqin looked like he was having a heart attack and looked for a chair. With Zhang Shun's support, he finally sat down.

The whole person was dancing and dancing, looking like he had too much energy and nowhere to vent it.

Even if Zhang Shun asked him to call him father and mother, he probably wouldn't hesitate at all.

"King Shun, it's too high!" Seeing this, Hong Chengchou couldn't help but remind him in a low voice.

Nonsense, do I know if the price is higher?

Zhang Shun rolled his eyes at him. Apart from feeling distressed, he couldn't help but think about the series of disaster reports in Yansui Town he had seen before, and felt that he was too cold-blooded.

Starting from the seventh year of the Apocalypse, the drought in Yansui Town lasted for eight full years.

They didn't starve to death, even if the local people had strong vitality.

What's more, one stone of rice and wheat only weighs 120 kilograms, and the annual income is almost enough for a family of four. To some extent, it can be regarded as Zhang Shun's policy of using wages in lieu of relief.

After his father-in-law Wang Shiqin finally calmed down his excitement, Zhang Shun couldn't help but continue: "Immediately transfer the Northern Expedition General Lu Xiangsheng to guard Yansui, take charge of the inventory and verification of the number of people, horses, ordnance in Yansui Town, distribute food and salary according to the amount, and compile a book and report it." .”

"Order Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi to be the commander-in-chief of Yansui, responsible for the military defense of Yansui Town."

"Ding Qirui is appointed as the prefect of Yan'an, and Wei Zhiyou is appointed as the commander-in-chief of Yan'an. After the two of them have handled the transportation of military supplies, they will be stationed in Yan'an. They will be responsible for collecting summer grain, dealing with disasters, and exterminating thieves. There must be no mistakes."

Ding Qirui was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly thanked Zhang Shun.

Regardless of the fact that he has successively served as the magistrate of Taiyuan, the envoy of Shandong, the right political officer, and the Ningxia and Hexi military preparations, even if he was promoted to governor immediately, both his ability and qualifications were completely sufficient.

However, from the perspective of the rebels, Zhang Shun's men only actually control the three prefectures and one state, Henan Prefecture, Nanyang Prefecture, Xi'an Prefecture and Ruzhou.

Its military and political leaders were all direct descendants, so how could Ding Qirui not understand how much Zhang Shun valued him?

"General Zhaowu Cao Wenzhao was appointed to guard Ningxia, with Zheng Chongjian as his military advisor."

"General Chen Changzhen of Zhenxi is guarding Guyuan. All military and political affairs, big and small, have the right to kill first and report later!"

"Li Zicheng will lead five thousand soldiers and horses to garrison Qingyang Mansion, Zhang Tianlin will lead five thousand soldiers and horses to garrison Fengxiang Mansion, and Zhang Yingchang will garrison Lintao and continue to serve as the commander-in-chief of Lintao."

"Li Mou takes over from Cao Wenzhao and is stationed at Tongguan, and beware of a sneak attack by Wu Gang, the governor of Shanxi, there must be no mistake!"

After Zhang Shun issued this order, everyone was dumbfounded. Only Hong Chengchou couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Although Zhang Shunyi's operations are dazzling, in fact, a series of policies are all centered around Xi'an Prefecture and Yansui Town.

The former is the essence of Guanzhong, with land and grain, and deserves Zhang Shun's priority in cultivating it.

The latter is where Shaanxi's elite soldiers and famous generals are located. Therefore, as long as the Yansui generals are surrendered, most of Shaanxi will be captured by the rebels.

Guyuan is located in an important place on three sides, which makes it easy to handle the military affairs of Gansu and Ningxia as quickly as possible, so Zhang sent his most trusted Chen Changzhen to take charge.

The so-called power of "kill first and report later" actually gives him the power to put down the rebellion as soon as possible.

Qingyang and Fengxiang were important military areas entering Xi'an Prefecture, so Zhang Shun sent Zhang Tianlin and Li Zicheng to garrison there.

As for the two towns of Gansu and Lintao, it was all a surprise, so Zhang Shun didn't care about them for the time being.

No matter how everyone looked, after drafting the military order, Zhang sent a group of people out to follow the order, leaving Hong Chengchou, Zhang Bojing and Lu Weiqi alone.

Zhang Shun then opened his mouth and asked: "I want to rule Xi'an in a great way, but I don't know how you can teach me?"

In fact, Lu Weiqi is now the de facto magistrate of Xi'an. Hearing this, he couldn't help but said quickly: "The first thing is to collect food and grass first, and then talk about other things. Otherwise, the soldiers will have nothing to eat and there will be chaos!"

"Secondly, in the Qing Dynasty, the properties of the princes were inspected according to the laws and books, and their property, property and acres were registered and recorded. Then the property was brought into the inner palace according to the drawings, the land and acres were verified clearly, and grain was collected according to laws."

"Most of the other land properties of the guards are occupied by powerful families. They must first know their interests and then attack them with force before they can be thoroughly investigated."

"The third is transportation. The three towns and four towns in Shaanxi have always been poor and unable to make ends meet. Now that the rebel army has taken over, there are many wastes waiting to be revitalized and many disasters waiting to be rescued."

"Although there are many things going on, the real issue is only two things: soldiers and food."

"If there are soldiers and generals, there will be no chaos in Shaanxi; if there is food and pay, then there will be no fear in Shaanxi. When King Shun promotes capable ministers, and the officials above and below perform their duties, all of Shaanxi will be mine!"

Since the rebels occupied Xi'an, military and political affairs have been complicated and complicated.

While everything is important, some things are more important.

These proposals of Lu Weiqi generally continued Zhang Shun's previous ideas, with an outline and outline, talking about money and food first, and then Qingtun.

Once we have money and food in our hands, we have cleared and verified the cultivated land in Xi'an and the number of soldiers in Yansui, and then we can start to operate in other places.

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