Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1029 Notorious

"Ah~ah~" screams came from the mouth of an old man who was over fifty years old, and a circle of people gathered around and pointed.

"Do you admit it? Give it up or not!" It turned out that at this moment, there were two big men holding down the old man, one on the left and the other on the right, and the other two big men were pinching his shins with all their strength behind him.

"Ah, you thief, I won't admit it even to death!" The old man screamed twice more, still looking tough.

"Folks, please comment! These hundreds of acres of land were passed down from my ancestors and have been cultivated for several generations. How can it be used as a farm for the health station?"

"The thief is indeed a thief, you are going to beat him into submission!"

"Humph, it's useless to argue with reason!" Liu Zongmin stood up, grinned, and said with a sinister smile, "I remember it clearly in the fish scale book. If you are really reasonable, just show me the land deed!"

"How dare you act rogue without a land deed? Do you think King Shun is giving you too much face?"

"To tell you the truth, King Shun is reasonable, but we are not!"

"According to our wishes, we will directly chop down your whole family. You can take whatever you want when the time comes. How can you waste so much effort!"

"Since you are stubborn and will fight to the end, then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"I think your daughter and wife are quite tender. It would be a pity to kill them. Why don't you keep them here and let everyone have a taste?"

"No, it's impossible!" the old man said in disbelief, "King Shun is benevolent and would never issue such a cruel order."

"You can't do this, you can't do this!"

"He must have been deceived by you villains. I want to file a complaint. I want to see King Shun. I want to file a complaint!"

"Sue? You can sue at will!" Liu Zongmin couldn't help but laugh.

"Indeed, you are right, King Shun does not want this!" Liu Zongmin sneered upon hearing this, "But brothers have to eat food. If there is no food to eat, do they have to rebel?"

"So there is no way. He can't solve the problem of food and salary, so we can help him solve it."

"If we can't solve it by helping him, then we have to solve it ourselves!"

"Clamp, you all clamped hard for me, haven't you had enough to eat?"

"If you pinch off the legs, you still have the arms; if you pinch off the arms, don't you still have the head?"

"Quickly clamp him to death, just in time to enjoy his daughter and wife!"

"No, don't pinch me. I admit it. Can't I admit it?" The old man burst into tears and was very miserable.

"Wouldn't it be enough to do this earlier?" Liu Zongmin laughed, with a somewhat unfinished expression on his face.

"Look, your daughter and wife have been saved, as well as the house and property. You just vomited out a bit of what you swallowed before. Why do you feel bad?"

"Come on, sign and hand over the zili." Zhang Bojing never expected that the King of Qin would send such a group of cruel people to him. The wealthy gentry who originally thought it would be very difficult to deal with, actually succumbed to the cudgel. .

"Your family occupies a total of thirty-eight hectares and twenty-five acres. The upper field occupies thirty-one hectares and fifteen acres, and the middle field occupies seven hectares and ten acres."

"The locations are all drawn in the atlas. Can you check if they are correct?"

"That's right!" The old man's legs were so pinched that he couldn't stand up. He could only crawl over, browsed both sides, and wrote his name with trembling hands and put his fingerprints on it.

"This is too tragic. Mr. Huang is also here today?" the onlookers said with complicated expressions.

"What kind of misery is this? Last year I saw Niu Er who stole his things was caught by his nursing home. He was hung up and beaten until his legs were broken. He died before he could survive the winter!" someone heard this and sneered.

"This means that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It doesn't mean that the time has not yet come for not repaying!"

"Can that be the same? Niu Er is stealing other people's things!" Someone argued after hearing this.

"What did Niu Er steal? Just a chicken! He stole thirty-eight hectares of fertile land before his legs were broken. It was worth it! If someone gave me thirty-eight hectares of fertile land, I would accept it even if my legs were broken off!" "

"Just you? You don't even take a pee and take a picture. Not to mention thirty-eight hectares, even if you pinch off your legs, there won't be even one hectare!"

"It's gone, it's gone. This Mr. Huang is so cowardly. We haven't had enough of watching it yet. Where is our backbone? Why do we just admit it?"

Seeing the people leaving, Liu Zongmin excitedly walked up to Li Zicheng and said, "Brother, don't tell me, it's so fun!"

"Is it enjoyable?" Li Zicheng's face turned a little abnormally red, and he said with a smile, "I have already agreed with King Shun that we will take the blame!"

"When this is over, we will be sent to Yan'an to eat dirt!"

"Ah? Can you still go back?" Liu Zongmin couldn't help but said happily, "That's really a revenge, a grudge!"

"Especially that old man Ai, I have to dig out his shit!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't spread the word, otherwise you won't be able to go back!" Li Zicheng was startled when he heard this, and quickly looked around to see if there was no one around, and then he felt relieved.

Not to mention how happy Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin, Li Guo and the others were, but Zhang Shun was now one of the top two in the Qin Palace.

It turns out that as soon as the clearing of farmland and the clamping stick method came out, documents of "imperial complaint" from all over Xi'an suddenly flew into the Prince of Qin's palace like snowflakes.

Zhang Shun was also very patient and actually replied to them one by one.

It's just that this reply certainly couldn't have been written by him himself.

However, the rebel army was extremely short of manpower, and all the available men were sent out by Zhang Shun. How could there be so many people to help him?

So Zhang came up with the idea of ​​"block printing" by the way, wrote several templates himself, and found craftsmen to carve them into blocks.

Then he borrowed two beauties, Baoqin and Shishu, from Ma Yingniang and Li Sanniang to "reply" for him.

"Zhang Shiqi, a gentleman from Chang'an County, accused Li Zicheng of cruel methods and lynching without authorization!" Baoqin took a brief look and quickly reported the report.

"Use No. 5, No. 8 and No. 11!" Zhang Shun responded casually without any sympathy.

"Dian Shi of Lintong County was pinched by Li Guojia, his head was damaged, and his brains burst and died. His son Wang Liang cried in blood and wrote a letter, asking to be punished for the crime of neglecting human life." The waiter reported in an expressionless report.

"Use No. 3, No. 9 and No. 14, plus a gift for No. 2 as a token of appreciation!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, showing no mercy at all.

Holding the piano and serving books means that you are from a noble family, and your butt naturally sits on the side of the gentry and the powerful.

In addition, most of the information they saw was one-sided, and they suddenly felt a bit sad.

Originally, the two of them wanted to open their mouths to persuade him, but they looked at his words and found that Zhang Shun was not angry but happy, so they swallowed the words back.

Just kidding, even if you are proud of being favored, you must first be "favoured".

The two of them were called over by Zhang Shun. They were a little worried at first, but they ended up worrying for a long time in vain.

It turned out that this guy didn't treat them as human beings at all, but instead treated them as free labor.

Not only did his hands and face become covered with ink, but his entire body also smelled like ink. He was really unbecoming of a human being.

While the three of them were busy, unexpectedly, there was a "bang" and someone suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

Zhang Shun was startled, and when he turned around, it was Gao Guiying.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing and scolding, "You are still the royal concubine after all, why can't you be dignified and steady? Instead, you scared me!"

"Dad, it's not good!" Gao Guiying ignored his teasing and said quickly, "This time our Qin Prince's Palace has a bad reputation. Even the people who buy food outside are pointing fingers and secretly poking our spines, which scared me so much that I didn't buy any food. Just ran back!"

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