Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1036: Point Mao

It took Sun Chuanting less than ten days to reach Taiyuan City from the capital to Taiyuan, which is 1,200 miles away.

However, as soon as he arrived at the governor's office in Taiyuan City, he got bad news.

It turned out that Wu Zong, the former governor of Shanxi, did not even give him a chance to hand over the affairs. Instead, he directly led the deputy commander-in-chief Hu Dawei and his subordinate Biaoying to Henan to take up his post.

He also said with a good name: "Today's military situation is urgent and the situation is difficult and dangerous. We cannot stick to the old ways. We cannot sit back and watch the situation get bad and stand still!"

Of course, Wu Zong's words sounded better than his songs. In fact, he was worried that Sun Chuanting, the new governor of Shanxi, would leave behind the fierce general Hu Dawei and the elite soldiers under Hu Dawei's command.

In fact, the so-called governor's camp is actually to keep Hu Dawei and his troops under his command, leaving only Shanxi commander Wang Zhong and Na Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting, the famous "Second Tiger General", had also heard of him. He originally thought that he would have a general available, but in the end, he was not even given the opportunity to retain this fierce general when he became governor Wu Di.

He always had a bad feeling in his heart when he looked at the plain-looking Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong in front of him.

"The Fu army has come a long way, please take a rest for now. Later, I and other civil and military colleagues in the city will take care of the Fu army!" Wang Zhong, the chief military officer of Shanxi Province, saw the new boss in front of him with a gloomy face, and he couldn't help but nodded and bowed to please him.

"No need!" Sun Chuanting waved his hand and said, "I am going to the camp now to check how the troops are prepared!"

"Ah? It's already so late," Wang Zhong couldn't help but stammered after hearing the words.

"Late? Is this also called late? You won't know what late means until the 'Shun Thief' comes over!" Sun Chuanting snorted coldly, got on his horse and said, "Let's go!"

"Yes, Fu Jun!" Wang Zhong suddenly sweated on his forehead, and had no choice but to mount his horse and lead Sun Chuanting away.

"How many men and horses are stationed outside now? How many armors and weapons are there?" Sun Chuanting asked casually while riding his horse.

"Going back to Fujun, there is only one battalion of men and horses stationed outside. We count 5,327 officers and soldiers, and 2,071 horses, mules and oxen. There are countless other armors, firecrackers, spears, projectiles, and gunpowder that still need to be counted. ." Wang Zhong quickly opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, I've written it down!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, Sun Chuanting and Wang Zhong arrived at the camp outside Taiyuan Mansion.

"Open the camp and let everyone go out for training. I want to train the troops and martial arts!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but sneered.

"Ah? Now? It's almost dark now!" Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, couldn't help but be surprised.

"It doesn't matter if it's dark, you can light a lamp or wait for dawn! I'm just afraid that if you don't pay attention, you won't be able to open your eyes and won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but sternly said.

"Open the camp gate, and the governor will sit here to count the troops and test the martial arts!"

"It's Fu Jun!" Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong's calves began to tremble.

Not long after, the drums for gathering officers and soldiers sounded, and the officers and soldiers in the camp walked out of the camp slowly and slowly.

"Fu Jun, this is the roster!" Wang Zhong stood and took two trembling steps forward and presented the roster to Sun Chuanting.

"According to military law, what should be done if the three-pronged instrument cannot be used?" Sun Chuanting took it and asked with a sneer.

"Follow the law and behead!" Wang Zhong almost peed his pants in fear.

"If we act according to the law, will I still have soldiers available?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but laughed angrily.

"Look at these people, do they look like there are 5,327 names? I'm afraid it's not three thousand, which is not enough!"

"Forgive me, Fujun. Forgive me, Fujun. Since the last general took office, the military has been so ruined. It is not my fault alone!" Wang Zhong quickly kowtowed.

"Get up, right or wrong is not decided by me alone. Let's find out the basics first before we talk!" Sun Chuanting hesitated. Now that he has no soldiers or generals, he can only stabilize this person first. Say it again.

"Okay, okay, that's great!" Wang Zhong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, quickly asked the soldiers to bring a chair, placed it next to Sun Chuanting himself, and said flatteringly, "Fujun, sit down, you sit down!"

"Okay!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but thrust his big thorn at that seat, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and say: "Zhang Darie, get out of the queue!"

As a result, I called three times in a row, but no one answered.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help but order Wang Zhong to bring in pen and ink, cross out this person with his own hands, and then continued: "Ma Sanxiang, get out of the queue!"

As a result, I called three more times, but still no one answered.

"Li Dachui, come out!" Sun Chuanting continued to read with a dark face.

"Here." Finally, someone came out of the queue, but he was hunched over. It turned out to be an old man over a hundred and fifty years old, with all white beard and hair.

"Archer?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing, "Then let's shoot five arrows and see!"

After hearing this, Li Dachui tremblingly picked up the bow and arrow. After pulling it for a long time, he finally pulled it halfway. However, he couldn't hold it anymore and the arrow fell three feet away with a "snap".

"Eliminate!" Sun Chuanting casually wrote down his ending on the roster and sneered, "You don't have to come tomorrow!"

"Sir, sir, I have an eighty-year-old mother above me, and below me..." When Li Dachui heard this, he was startled and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Get out!" Wang Zhong understood this time and ordered quickly.

He finally saw that the new governor Sun Chuanting was ready to do something big.

In the past, it was just a matter of calling everyone's names one by one. Now he did it together with the "Dianmao" belt to test his martial arts. It seemed that he was preparing to eliminate the old, weak and those who were free of money.

"Hu Bingge!"

From night to morning, from morning to night, until the next night, Sun Chuanting ordered and checked the complete camp.

"The total number of officers and soldiers in the whole battalion is 5,327, of which there are actually 3,203. There are only 1,954 young and strong men. The actual number of people who are skilled in martial arts is only 908. People!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help turning his head and said to Wang Zhong.

"The Fu army is wise, the Fu army is wise!" What should Wang Zhong do? Wang Zhong is also very desperate.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but sneered, "I didn't expect you to be a general!"

"You dared to go to Heluo with these few soldiers. How come you weren't caught and chopped up by the 'shun thieves'?"

"Ah, I don't dare, I don't dare, no, no!" Wang Zhong originally thought that Sun Chuanting was going to praise him, but later he realized something was wrong and he immediately panicked.

"Okay, don't be nagging, how is your martial arts?" I have eliminated so many officers and soldiers, it seems that you, the general soldier, need to be eliminated as well.

"It's okay, he's quite proficient at riding a horse and firing a gun!" Wang Zhong assured him by patting his chest after hearing this.

"Let me watch the show!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but snorted coldly. No wonder the "shun thief" was so powerful.

There were no officials, no soldiers. The good-looking battalion spent hundreds of taels of food and pay every day, but in the end only 900 people were selected for use.

If all the soldiers and horses in the world are like this, let alone Yang Sichang, who increased his pay by 2,628,000 taels and increased his troops by 120,000. Even if he increased his pay by tens of millions and increased his troops by one million, he might not be able to annihilate him. "Shun thief" right?

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