Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 104 Seventy-six Old Friend (Part 2)

When Li Sanniang heard that Zhang Shun agreed to stay, she happily shouted: "Oh, Zhang Sheng, I know you can't bear to leave me!"

"Say it to me! Say it to me! How many times have I said it!" Zhang Shun put his hand on his forehead and said, the "I" of "I" has become a big country girl.

"Okay!" Li Sanniang, the "big country girl", curled her lips and muttered, "You are the only one who is poor and particular, and you don't care about me. Okay, okay, you don't care about me. You don't care about me! You don't care about me? You're not like me." You local girl, I guess you have been caught and chopped by the government. You are so rich that you have forgotten about it!"

"That's called 'Be rich and honorable, don't forget each other'!" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "It's a dog who lives alone, not a dog with dog meat!"

"Ah? Aren't they all dogs? What's the difference? Is it because your dog can't eat it, but my dog ​​can?" Li Sanniang asked doubtfully.

Zhang Shun felt that if he slapped his forehead again, his head would be smashed, so he had to put down his palm and said: "Love is what kind of dog it is! Not only did you scold me, but you also scolded yourself!"

"Why don't you call me a dog and a woman?" Li Sanniang didn't take it seriously, but felt proud of it. She bumped Zhang Shun with her shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't you think so, Zhang Sheng?"

Zhang Shunsheng is hopeless. I feel like this country girl not only can't tell the difference between a dog and a dog, she probably doesn't even know what "Zhang Sheng" means. She learned the word after listening to an excerpt from "The West Chamber" once. Regardless of how elegant she sounds on the surface, secretly she probably thinks that "Zhang Sheng" is the old Zhang family's raw dog meat.

Zhang Shun gave up arguing with her about this, and directly changed the subject and asked: "I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you so powerful? I was worried just now, but you knocked over five or six big men with 'bang bang bang' Already?"

"Isn't it awesome?" Li Sanniang proudly took out the stick in her hand and said to Zhang Shun, "Look at this, the flail used for threshing wheat at home. I modified it and replaced the thorn in the front with a thick wooden stick. Swing it. It’s no different from threshing wheat at home, one stick at a time, it’s very smooth!”

Zhang Shun took a look and saw that the wooden stick in Li Sanniang's hand was indeed a long wooden stick connected to a short wooden stick with a rope, no different from a farm tool flail. It's just that some farm tools, flails, are connected with wooden shafts, and the beating part is sometimes just a few wattle sticks bundled together.

Just looking at the shape reminded Zhang Shun of the nunchucks popular in later generations and flail weapons similar to meteor hammers in Western games. Although the shape of this one is different from those, the principle is similar. In fact, Zhang Shun didn't know that flails are also called flails. They existed very early in ancient China. The city defense weapons mentioned in "Mozi" also had flails.

In the Song Dynasty, it is said that Song Taizu's Panlong Stick was this thing. This is also called a whistle stick or a big broom in the north, and the one holding the shorter wooden stick is called a small broom. This little sweep later turned into the nunchaku of later generations.

This flail may also be called the Panlong Stick, and it is best at breaking shields and armor. Hitting it with a stick can bypass the blockage of a shield, and because of its huge impact, it can sweep a horse's legs down and break through armor. It was just that in the Ming Dynasty, with the rise of firearms, it became less popular.

Li Sanniang was originally a farmer. She had been doing farm work with her family since she was a child, and she loved using the flail the most. In addition, she has been naughty since she was a child and has great strength, so she often waves the flail like a flower. During the breaks of threshing wheat or during slack time, the leader likes to use a flail to knock frogs, sparrows and the like as snacks, in a big batch. Not to mention these big men, even a few soldiers would end up with broken bones and muscles if they were dealt a cruel blow by her.

Zhang Shun knew her very well, so he gave a thumbs up and shouted: "Cow!"

As expected, Li Sanniang burst out laughing. She smiled a little shyly and asked sheepishly, "Isn't it too inappropriate for me to do this?"

"It's okay! It's okay, I'm so modest!" Zhang Shun smiled and said, "We're going back to the river to have a look. Do you want to follow us?"

"Follow, of course I have to follow. I ran all the way here and found you with great difficulty, but I can't let you run away again!" Li Sanniang grabbed him and shouted, "Wherever you go from now on, I will go! In the water I'm not afraid of fire. You can't leave me alone. Now that I have abandoned my parents and sisters, I have no relatives left. If you dare to be ungrateful, I will beat you to death with a stick, and then beat me to death with a stick. Let's do that Mandarin ducks with the same fate!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Shun agreed, thinking: I can't let this historical drama of my life turn into a bloody eight o'clock romance drama!

Li Sanniang was happy to hear this, and when she looked around, she realized that there were so many people watching around her, and she suddenly felt embarrassed. She hurriedly hid behind Zhang Shun and whispered: "Please help me block it. I feel a little embarrassed when so many people are watching!"

Zhang Shun was even more cheeky. He laughed, blocked Li Sanniang behind him, and said to his subordinates, generals and soldiers: "Let's go, stop watching the show!"

On the contrary, it made the "melon-eating masses" around me feel a bit embarrassed.

When everyone arrived at the river, there were still a few ferries carrying passengers there. Zhang Shun and others stepped forward. When the boatmen saw Li Sanniang, they were so frightened that they dared to carry passengers. He quickly jumped on the boat, picked up the wormwood and tried to push it away from the shore to escape. Zhang Shun quickly shouted, "Brothers, don't be afraid. I'm here to return this girl's boat money. Secondly, I'm familiar with the 'River God' Huang Shoucai and wanted to come over and ask him if there's anything I can do to help." place?"

"Ah? Are you a friend of the 'River God'?" A boatman standing in an unnatural posture asked, "Even if we are a friend of the 'River God', how dare we accept your boat fare?"

"Ah, you're welcome! It's not easy for you to do business, take it!" Zhang Shun smiled and said politely, borrowed some money from Xiao Qinhu, strung it with a rope and threw it directly on the man's boat.

"Hey, hey, why do you throw it away when people don't want you? Why are you so stupid!" Li Sanniang saw Zhang Shun throwing the money away, stretched out his hand to catch it, but didn't catch it, so she couldn't help complaining, "You are such a spendthrift. , don’t you know how to save some money for yourself?”

"It's not easy for everyone, so why are you so stingy?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "I borrowed this little money from Brother Xiao. I am penniless, do you still want to follow me?"

"Is there no benefit to you being such a big boss now?" Li Sanniang asked in surprise.

"All the money I earned was distributed to everyone, and the remaining money went to the public. I came naked and left naked, and I didn't take away a single cloud." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"What are you doing? Are you going to act like a hooligan in broad daylight? Or are you going to take a bath in the river?" Li Sanniang asked even more surprised when she heard this.

Thanks to the fan "Little Cabbage Feeding the Elephant" and the fan "Book Friend 20190122220457191" for the reward. Thank you all for your support, the author is working hard to start the second update!

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