Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1039: Both soft and hard tactics

"Let's go, let me go!" Zhu Wanling's face turned livid after Zhang Shun's words. He didn't care about the guards around Zhang Shun wearing iron armor and holding sharp swords, so he pushed Zhang Shun out.

"Sir, what do you mean by this?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked in shock, "Sir, you just asked me to practice benevolence and justice and not to kill people. Why do you want to annoy me when I have just learned a little bit?"

"How can you learn anything at all? You've already learned how to peel and cramp!" Zhu Wanling couldn't help but sneered, "I advise you not to kill people, but you have to kill them to the end!"

"I'm so deceived by lard. Just now I believed you were a good person!"

"Go away, go away, I never want to see you again."

Zhu Wanling was so angry that he almost wanted to hit someone if he hadn't seen the swords and guns dazzling on the left and right.

"Old sir, don't be angry, just listen to me!" Zhang Shun said quickly, "If what I said is clear, let's discuss it in detail; if it's not clear, I will turn away and leave without stopping. Do you agree? "

"Say!" Zhu Wanling said coldly.

"I wonder if you, sir, were born in Qin, and have ever seen the desert?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!" Zhu Wanling reached out and pushed him over.

"Okay, okay, let's not show off, okay?" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry, "In the desert, the sand has no roots and rises with the wind."

"So it can destroy vegetation and bury cities. How similar is it to today's refugees?"

"Oh?" Seeing that Zhang Shun didn't look like a troublemaker, Zhu Wanling had some patience.

"The sand flies without roots, and the people without roots become thieves!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but cut through the knot with a sharp knife and concluded, "Therefore, the strategy to control sand is to consolidate the sand; the strategy to govern the people is to consolidate the people, you think so no?"

"Oh? This talk about sand control is quite strange!" Zhu Wanling is also a smart person, but after hearing the words "consolidating the people", he felt a little suspicious.

"The strategy to control desertification lies in the vegetation, while the strategy to manage the people lies in the fields and houses." Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile, "I have a wife, children, and children, and there are five acres of fields outside. I work at sunrise and return at sunset. Although Zhangjiao and Huangchao And you can’t do the opposite!”

"There is no food for the mouth to eat, no food to cover the body, no clothes to cover the body, the father and brother are sleeping in a mess, and the children are exchanged for food. Although the Han Dynasty is high and the Tang Dynasty is still incapable of curing it, do you think it?"

"Then you're going to seize other people's fields?" Zhu Wanling couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and thought to himself: Is this guy a person who is "intelligent enough to refuse advice, and his words are enough to cover up his wrongdoings"?

"How did they get their fields? Don't you know better than me, sir?" Zhang Shun sneered when he heard this, "At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the number of acres of land was fixed. How did these acres end up in the hands of these people now?"

"Could it be that these farmyards have legs so they can't run?"

"In the world, there were Zhang Jiao and Huang Chao first, and then there were Han Gao and Tang Zong. Now Zhang Jiao and Huang Chao are born, but where are Han Gao and Tang Zong?"

"Instead of waiting for them to come and take it and kill it, why not let me come and take it and kill it!"

"Zhang Jiao and Huang Chao are responsible for it! Han Gao and Tang Zong are responsible for it! Their merits and crimes are one and the same, and I bear them on my own, so why not!"

Seize the land and grant it to the people?

Zhang Shun's words immediately made Zhu Wanling dizzy. It took him a while to grasp the key point.

As an erudite scholar in Qin, Zhu Wanling certainly knew about the military merit-granting system of Qin and Han Dynasties, the military system of Yuwen Taifu in the Western Wei Dynasty, and the guard system of Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty.

He understands it very well!

The young man who seemed to be laughing and joking in front of him was like a "smiling tiger", suddenly showing his ferocious fangs.

"Then how far does King Qin intend to go?" After a long silence, Zhu Wanling couldn't help but ask.

"Currently, we only plan to touch the former dynasty's guard post, clan and the property of the guilty ministers!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said slowly.



Zhu Wanling saluted and said: "When my master was here, I highly praised Mr. Lu's Luo School. It's a pity that after my master passed away, he never had time to visit!"

"Now Mr. Lu happens to be in Shaanxi. I will prepare gifts and go visit him tomorrow!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Zhang Shun just waved his sleeves and said, "Tomorrow Mr. Lu will welcome you all!"

"Farewell, no send!"

Not long after, several people walked out of the gate of Guanzhong Academy. Wang Qiying couldn't help but asked: "I've been waiting for you to pinch me, why don't you perform this time?"

"No need!" Zhang Shun sneered, turned to look at the plaque of Guanzhong Academy and said, "I want to see whether this Guanzhong Academy is a closed academy or a Guanzhong Academy!"

"You're in the right position? I want to see where your butts are going to sit. You're in the right position!"

"Is this really no problem?" Just after Zhang Shun left, three or five people from Yunzhitang suddenly came out and surrounded Zhu Wanling.

"Yunzhi Hall!" Zhu Wanling raised his head and looked at the plaque in the hall, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It's harder to deceive others than to deceive yourself!"

"Brother Wang, Brother Song, Brother Zhu and Brother Xi! We are all from Qin, and we should know the strategies for the rise and fall of Qin!"

"I underestimated him before, but he turned out to be such a hero!"

"Isn't he just a bandit who robs people's fields? Why should you be so cautious?" "Brother Zhu" couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"Brother Zhu, I can understand your mood, but don't be blinded by hatred!" Zhu Wanling couldn't help but comfort him.

"The land of Qin is small and the people are fierce. It has been the land of kings since ancient times! What the king can get is enough to conquer the world, and what the mediocre can get is enough to separate one side."

"Now the King of Qin is really like Cao Cao and Yu Wentai, so we must pay attention to it!"

"Do you overestimate him?" The white-haired "Brother Wang" asked hesitantly.

"Earth, in the whole world, is it the land of the king? On the shore of the land, is it the ministers of the king!" Zhu Wanling said with emotion, "Look, since he occupied Shaanxi, he first seized the land and then looked for talents. This is the way of an emperor. !”

"Lu Yushi's vision is indeed extraordinary, a thousand times better than mine!"

"It won't be too late to make further plans after I see Lu Yushi tomorrow!"

"Okay, we only need you to follow your lead!" "Brother Wang", "Brother Song", "Brother Zhu" and "Brother Xi" couldn't help but clasp their hands after hearing this.

The land of Qin was rich in military virtue, but its writing style was unsatisfactory.

Only Zhu Wanling is comparable to Lu Weiqi, but he is still a generation younger than him. It is inevitable that he lacks confidence.

Not to mention how the people at Guanzhong Academy discussed it, let us say that after Zhang Shun left the academy, he originally took Wang Qiying to play for a while before returning to the Prince of Qin's Mansion.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jinyi came over and reported: "King Shun turns out to be here, giving me a good meal!"

"'Chuang Jiang' Li Zicheng sent someone to send a Confucian scholar today, claiming to be a great talent and specially dedicated to King Shun!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he almost couldn't bring himself to mention it, "What are you offering to King Shun?" Why is it okay for you to send a beauty and call it "Jin Xian", but to send a Confucian scholar and call it "Jin Xian"?

But now that Zhang Shun was thirsty for talents, he couldn't help but quickly brought Wang Qiying, Wukong and others back to the Prince of Qin's Mansion to meet the "great talent".

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