Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1045 Mrs. Xiang

"Li Xiang gave birth to a son!"

Ma Yingniang couldn't help but said angrily.

"I...I know this?" Baoqin said with a blank look on his face.

"Among the first four, I'm the only one who hasn't!" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but said angrily.

"Then Princess, please forgive me and accept the change!" What should I do if I hold Qin? Holding Qin is also very difficult.

"I asked you to seduce King Shun, how did you do it for me?" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but her voice became colder.

"Ah?" Baoqin couldn't help but flinched and said, "Well...that princess, please give me some more time!"

"King Shun has been very busy lately. Although I didn't succeed, neither did the prude of serving as a secretary!"

It's better than the best, but it's better than the worst, right?

Ma Yingniang glared at Baoqin fiercely, and originally wanted to scold her.

After thinking about it for a while, I had to give up.

Li Xiang's coquettish hoof and Liu Rushi joined forces, and no one was their opponent.

Now that she has a son, it is even more difficult for the wind to prevail and the rain to prevail. Who can still be her opponent in the future?

"Where did the master go tonight?" At the same time, the red lady also asked Jian'er.

"Still at Mrs. Xiang's place!" Jian'er secretly glanced at Madam Hong and couldn't help but murmured.

"Mrs. Xiang? It really smells very good!" the red lady couldn't help but said quickly.

I think that after she followed Zhang Shun, she only doted on the harem.

How can country bumpkins and ugly women be their opponents?

As a result, after Li Xiang came, my dear, the number of times this guy came to my room became less and less.

"Tell me, wasn't there something wrong when I made the boss angry last time?" After thinking about it for a long time, the red lady couldn't help but hesitated.

Oh, my lady, where is this?

Jian'er couldn't help crying or laughing and said: "Madam, you are too worried. King Shun is not the kind of person who holds grudges."

"Then why didn't he come?" The red lady looked in the mirror and felt that she was still as beautiful as a fairy.

"Mrs. Xiang hasn't been feeling well these days. I just love her. After a few days when she gets tired of it, it's time for him to come over!" Jian'er could only comfort her.

At the same time, except for Li Sanniang and Zhu'er, who were struggling to take care of their three children, the other girls also expressed similar emotions.

How to deal with this coquettish hoof?

In fact, the matter is not that complicated. It is entirely because of Li Xiang's amazing beauty and the pressure caused by a smooth delivery that make the girls suspicious.

Zhang Shun did stay with Li Xiang these days, but it was just to help Liu Rushi take care of her.

It turns out that although the baby was born smoothly through "forceps", this did not have a negative impact on Li Xiang.

What made her even more devastated was that her biological son had four edges on his head. How would he see anyone in the future?

"It's okay. I told you that the child's skull is soft and he will be here in a few days!" Zhang Shun comforted her while applying medicine to her.

This made Li Xiang even more devastated. Although they were an old couple, they couldn't lose any privacy!

Just by looking at Liu Rushi's expression, Li Xiang knew how ugly she was now. Will her husband leave a shadow in his heart in the future?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shouted nervously: "Husband, husband, come here!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shun had just finished applying the medicine on her, and he couldn't help squatting in front of her and asked strangely.

"That... that, do you want it?" Li Xiang couldn't help but murmured.

"Ah? I don't want to!" Zhang Shun shook his head and thought: Just kidding, after all this time, don't you still want it?

"No, you want it!"

It's over, he really stopped lifting! Li Xiang couldn't help but lamented.

"Okay, I want it, but you can't do it?" Zhang Shun was baffled. Did he have a stronger desire just after giving birth?

"Husband, let me tell you, what do you think of my girl Yuanyuan?" Li Xiang couldn't help but whisper to Zhang Shun's ear, exhaling like a blue.

"It's not bad!" Zhang Shun couldn't figure out what she meant and couldn't help but said vaguely.

What Li Xiang calls "Yuanyuan" is a girl she bought at some time. She is not very old, but she is petite, cute, graceful and charming.

"It's an advantage for you!" Li Xiang rolled her eyes at him and said, "You have worked hard these days. You can go to the wing and ask for her body later!"

"Why is this?" Although Zhang Shun had some suspicions in his heart, he couldn't help being stunned. No matter how impatient he was, he had never been so impatient!

It's over, it's over, I won't lift it anymore!

The previous King Shun was like a cat that stole fish and never asked why.

Li Xiang thought she was going to suffer, so she quickly "seduce" and said, "Don't look at her young age, her figure and appearance are also top-notch!"

"There's another benefit you don't know about. She can sing and dance, which is three points better than me and Liu Rushi!"

My wife is pimping me, what should I do?

Then I had to reluctantly accept it!

Zhang Shun declined for a long time, and finally accepted Li Xiang's proposal helplessly under Liu Rushi's contemptuous eyes.

Zhang Shun arrived at the wing and saw that the little girl was not there, so he didn't bother to call her.

He couldn't help but yawned, walked to the bed and lay down on it.

To be honest, I have been taking care of Li Xiang and the child day and night these past few days. Zhang Shun also didn't sleep well and just wanted to fall asleep.

"Your Majesty." Before Zhang Shun could close his eyes, a timid voice came over.

"Ah? Yuanyuan, you are busy with your business, I want to lie down and sleep for a while!" Zhang Shun glanced at her. Firstly, he was not in the mood, and secondly, he disliked her for being a bit dry.

"Your Majesty, are you tired? How about I sing a song for you?" Yuanyuan said nervously.

"No, don't disturb Madam!" Zhang Shun shook his head and couldn't help but see her embarrassed look. Thinking of Li Xiang's words, he took the initiative and said, "How about you dance for me!"

"Okay then!" Yuanyuan looked at the clothes on her body and nodded with some embarrassment.

It turns out that dance in this era emphasized "long sleeves and good dancing". Yuanyuan was wearing ordinary clothes and could not perform as much as she wanted, so she was in a bit of trouble.

But now that it was over, Yuanyuan had no choice but to dance gently in the room.

But don't be too hasty when she jumps. Zhang Shun's eyes widened immediately.

It turns out that these round movements are smooth and flowing, and the body is as soft as if there are no bones. How can this be better than Li Xiang and Liu Rushi? This is simply ten points better than the two!

Although Li Xiang and Liu Rushi are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, their dancing skills are actually average.

However, fortunately, Zhang Shun didn't have much elegance to begin with, so he naturally didn't see any good in him.

There is a saying that "As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any!" When the round dance started, it was suddenly so different from Li Xiang and Liu Ru of the past. Even if Zhang Shun was blind, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Yuanyuan was a little cautious at first, but she started to feel more relaxed while dancing.

The originally thin summer shirt also fluttered with the dance, and the girl's skin was looming, showing off her youthful vitality.

Is she seducing me?

Only then did Zhang Shun react.

It turns out that this song and dance was originally used by men and women to court mates, just like the peacocks spreading their tails and the mandarin ducks playing in the water.

I don't know when, but Yuanyuan had already danced in front of Zhang Shun, while Zhang Shun was stunned.

She turned around beautifully, stretched her toes, stretched her arms, and lay back.

And when Zhang Shun subconsciously stretched out his hand, a fragrant breeze suddenly hit his face, and the beauty was picked up by him sideways.

Zhang Shunyi lowered his head and saw the beauty looking at him shyly. How could he hold back?

He couldn't help but twist around, put the beauty on the bed, and pounced on her!

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