Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1047 Ten wins and one defeat

"Informing the King of Khan, the envoy of the King of Qin, Zhang Taoist, has arrived in Shenyang after traveling thousands of miles under the escort of Mergendai Qingbeile!" Baoyi Fan Wencheng couldn't help but say respectfully.

"Oh? Let him come in, I want to see him!" Huang Taiji couldn't help but said with interest, "I want to ask what kind of person this guy is. He has even deceived me!"

"Yes, I take the order!" Fan Wencheng responded quickly.

It turns out that since Zhang Shun came into contact with Houjin Dorgon, he had the idea of ​​sending an envoy to Houjin.

As a saying goes in the past life, every embassy is a "den of spies."

After Zhang Shun and Jin sent envoys, they actually had no good intentions. They just took the opportunity to spy on the other party's intelligence.

Of course, Huang Taiji and Dorgon were not completely unaware, but the distance between the two forces was three thousand miles, and there was no direct conflict for a while, so they had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Not long after, "Taoist Zhang" walked in with square steps under the guidance of Fan Wencheng, bowed his hands to Huang Taiji and said, "I have seen Jin Guohan!"

Huang Taiji was unhappy when he saw it and couldn't help but sneered: "Who are you? Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

"The old Taoist priest's lay name is Zhang, which is the same as the Jade Emperor. He won't kneel to the barbarians!" Song Xiance couldn't help but sneer.

"How dare you!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but became furious when he heard this, and he opened his mouth and cursed, "How dare you insult my lord, Shuzi!"

"This is your lord, not my lord, so how can you say that you are insulting me?" Song Xiance couldn't help but laughed, "Since ancient times, the king, the king, and the ministers, I bow to my king, and you kneel to your lord, so why bother?"

"You" Fan Wencheng heard the joking tone in his mouth and couldn't help but feel ashamed and annoyed.

"What a sharp-tongued old Taoist priest!" Huang Taiji frowned and asked, "Aren't you afraid that King Khan will kill you?"

"It is easy to kill a soldier, but it is difficult to destroy a Ming Dynasty!" Song Xiance said with a smile.

Now whether Huang Taiji dares to kill him or not has nothing to do with his temperament, but with Huang Taiji's ambition.

Don't look at Hou Jin punching North Korea and kicking Mongolia now.

In fact, although they won consecutive battles, they suffered a lot of losses in their own strength. Moreover, North Korea, which was originally conquered, was still in trouble, repeatedly jumping between Ming and Jin, and was in need of a fight.

So no matter how the two sides have their own agendas, at least the alliance is a foregone conclusion.

"With such a rebellious person by his side, King Shun must be weak and almost like a puppet. I wonder if he is?" Huang Taiji thought for a while and couldn't help but probe.

"King Khan is wrong. King Shun is magnanimous and generous, and people are happy to die. We are all convinced. How can we have second thoughts?" Song Xiance said with a smile.

"Oh? In your opinion, how am I like King Shun?" Huang Taiji couldn't help but say with bad intentions.

"King Khan has ten victories, King Shun has only one victory!" Song Xiance hesitated and said bluntly.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Huang Taiji was very interested when he heard this and asked quickly.

"King Khan was born in Baylor, and King Shun was born in a farmer, so this one wins!" Song Xiance said seriously.

"King Khan suppresses all his brothers and dominates the south. This is the victory!"

"King Khan has five sons, but King Shun has only two. This heir is the winner!"

"King Khan sat on a land thousands of miles away, extending to Jinzhou in the south, Heilongjiang in the north, Korea in the east, and Aoerdusi in the west; while King Shun only lived in most of Shaanxi and a small part of Henan, so this place is great."

"King Khan conquered Korea in the east, defeated Chahar and Tumote in the west, conquered Sauron in the north, and plundered the Ming Dynasty in the south. This is a military victory!"

"King Khan is proficient in Nüzhi, Han and Mongolian writings, and is masterful in both writing and martial arts. King Shun is ignorant of learning and skills, and makes people laugh and be generous. This writing is the best!"

"The soldiers under King Khan are like wolves and tigers, brave and unafraid of death; the soldiers under King Shun hesitate to patrol and are afraid in the face of battle. This army is victorious!"

"Under the command of King Khan, Mergen represented Qing Dorgon, Yue Tuo, Ajige, and Duduo. The Han generals Kong Youde, Geng Jingzhong, and Shang Kexi were experienced in hundreds of battles and had outstanding achievements. They were all outstanding people; they were not like King Shun. Many of my subordinates have been promoted among the refugees and surrendered generals, and they may struggle to understand a basket of characters, or it is difficult to distinguish between loyalty and rebellion, so this general will win!"

"King Khan only has a few concubines around him, and most of them are not known for their beauty. But when King Shun became prosperous, he chose countless beautiful people. Now there are more than 20 people who are most favored. This is the result of determination to win!"

"King Khan conquered the south and the north, and his reputation spread all over the world. His achievements were so great that the world trembled with fear. But King Shun just took advantage of the situation and stole the land of Shaanxi. This is such a mighty victory!"

"Okay, that's good!" Huang Taiji couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing this. This old Taoist priest was very good at talking, and every sentence he spoke spoke to his heart.

Huang Taiji couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Fan Wencheng and thought to himself: You guys should learn from this. In the past, you could only shout "Master Shengming" and "Thank you Lord for your kindness". I was tired of hearing this over and over again.

Look at King Shun's subordinates, they all boasted about me.

Nima! Fan Wencheng couldn't help but nodded and bowed to Huang Taiji, while glaring at "Taoist Zhang" angrily.

Straight bitch, you guys have said all the good things, how can we still flatter each other in the future?

"You are very good!" Huang Taiji turned to Song Xiance, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Since I have this ten victories, I am a thousand times better than King Shun!"

"Why don't you take refuge with me, the King of Khan, so that you can be your wife and your son, and achieve great success?"

This flattery is so good, it is ten times better than my subordinates. Why don't you become my slave too?

"Although King Khan has ten victories, there is still one thing that is not as good as King Shun. I forgive you for not daring to obey your orders!" Song Xiance quickly raised his hands after hearing this.

"Oh? I am now curious. Which one is inferior to King Shun?" Huang Taiji is not a fool. Of course he knows the principle of rising first and then suppressing. It is estimated that this little dog can't spit out any ivory from his mouth.

It's just that he is very curious in his heart, why am I so good, how can I be so inferior to others, so that you can be so loyal to him?

"Please, King Khan, please forgive the foreign envoy for being disrespectful!" Song Xiance hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but take a vaccination first.

"Okay, okay, this King Khan is magnanimous and forgives you!" Huang Taiji couldn't help but waved his hand and said, "If you have anything to say, this King Khan is all ears!"

"Even though King Khan is gifted with miraculous talents, wise and mighty, magnanimous and magnanimous, uses troops like a god, and is powerful all over the world, there is still one thing that is not as good as King Shun!" Song Xiance couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "That is, destiny is not as good as human beings after all. , It’s useless to say nothing!”

"Seeking death!" Upon hearing this, Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng became furious.

In particular, Fan Wencheng, the coat-dresser, grabbed Song Xiance's clothes and fought him tooth and nail.

"Let him go!" Huang Taiji's originally dark face turned even darker, "The reign of my father, the Khan, is my destiny, so how come my destiny is not as good as that of others!"

"Please tell me clearly, otherwise you won't blame me for being ruthless with the sword!"

"King Khan, please calm down. I learned some fortune-telling skills when I was young and gained a little bit!" Song Xiance couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I see that King Khan's face looks like a dragon and a phoenix. This is the so-called Han Emperor Gaozu Long's quasi-dragon face. Tang Dynasty Taizong's dragon posture and sun horns are the same!"

"But my face has turned black, and it's such a sad day!"

"What a thief, how dare you curse my master!" Hearing this, Fan Wencheng quickly expressed his loyalty and was about to step forward and beat the old Taoist priest.

"Stop!" Huang Taiji frowned and shouted sternly to stop Fan Wencheng.

Originally, Huang Taiji only listened to the words of "Taoist Zhang" as absurd words. However, when he heard the words "the face is black, the sky will not miss the year", he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart.

It turns out that this guy weighs only less than King Fu, and he is also a "lucky person". Even when going on an expedition, he needs to choose two war horses to take turns riding.

In addition, once the weather is dry, he will have nosebleeds and need to be served in a bowl.

He didn't know how many famous doctors he had consulted, but to no avail.

Then it became a heart disease and had to be kept secret by hundreds of officials.

He never expected to be exposed by this foreign "Taoist Zhang" today. Huang Taiji immediately couldn't help but re-examine this person.

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