Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1054 Fire Gun and Gun Knife

"King Shun sent so many troops?" Zhu Yiyi, the new magistrate of Lantian County, looked at the soldiers in front of him and said in disbelief.

Since the miners' riot the day before yesterday, Zhu Yiyi had no soldiers and generals, so he had to retreat to Hengling, north of Lantian County.

There is a place named "Han Gongdui". This place was originally the Han Gongdui Station in the Tang Dynasty. The terrain is quite high, thirty-five miles south of Lantian County.

Zhu Yiyi led the guards and more than 100 soldiers sent by Governor Zhang to buy iron materials and stationed here.

During the Guangde period of the Tang Dynasty, when the Tibetans attacked Chang'an, the famous general Guo Ziyi entered Shangzhou and sent troops from Wuguan to lead Changsun Quanxu to rule it. He stationed here to make a show of force to scare the Tibetan army.

Cui Di, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, also wrote a poem: "Looking at Qinchuan from Han Gongdui, Miao Miaoguan connects Shanxi."

But from these two points, we know that if this place is lost, there will be no peace in Xi'an.

Zhu Yiyi's knowledge can only be regarded as a middle-class talent. He has not been in Xi'an for a long time and at least understands the nearby terrain, so he retreated to the next best thing and stationed here to atone for his merits.

As a result, King Shun's reinforcements arrived very quickly, but there were only five hundred people.

"Zhizhi County must not underestimate my five hundred people. They are all carefully selected and trained day and night. Usually two or three thousand soldiers are scattered. How can they be my opponent?" Although Xu Quan himself lacked confidence, he still endured it. He couldn't help but comfort Zhu Yiyi.

"Not to mention that there is a large group of people following behind, what are you afraid of?"

"Is it really no problem?"

"No problem!"

"Okay, then I'll follow you to take back the county!" Although Zhu Yiyi was from a side clan, he had attended school and practiced guns, sticks, bows and arrows, so he had already twisted a soft bow and volunteered.

"This...isn't this good?" Xu Quan was afraid that if it didn't work out, it would be bad if he got this person involved again.

"What are you afraid of? Zhu is also a good man, how can he be afraid of death?" It turns out that Zhu Yiyi knew that he was from the former Ming Dynasty clan and was easily jealous of the King of Qin.

It happened that he lost Lantian County again, for fear that Zhang Shun would blame him. Seeing Xu Quan's confidence, he began to make up for his mistakes.

"Then...okay!" Seeing that Zhu Yiwei insisted on doing this, Xu Quan couldn't help but feel a little fond of him.

Hangongdui is fifty-five miles away from Xi'an City and thirty-five miles away from Lantian County.

Xu Quan led the 500 people to arrive at Han Gongdui in only half a day. Zhu Yiyi originally wanted them to spend the night repairing.

Xu Quan couldn't help but laugh and said: "Soldiers are very fast. How could the thief expect that I would arrive today? It was just the right time to catch him off guard!"

It turns out that Zhang Shun's new fire gun battalion was not only well-trained and able to overcome the reorganization effort on the road compared with the traditional troops with a mixture of hot and cold weapons, but also had much less weight, and could even carry baggage for a short distance march. Omitted altogether.

So Xu Quan looked at the sun in the west and expected to reach Lantian tonight.

So the two of them left their guards and the soldiers previously sent by Governor Zhang to purchase iron materials to garrison Han Gongdui to wait for Governor Zhang's "main force" to arrive, while Xu Quan and Zhu Yiwei led five hundred gunmen to Lantian County.

Xu Quan thought well, but he never expected that he and others would encounter the "rebels" who were waiting for them just two or three miles outside Lantian County.

"It's over, there's a traitor leaking the news!" Zhu Yiwei couldn't help but said in horror.

"I am very afraid of birds. If we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. The whole army will form an array!" Xu Quan gritted his teeth after hearing this. He couldn't leave, so he had to fight to the end!

Following Xu Quan's order, the Fire Gun Battalion, which was originally in a marching column, formed into five rows in front of Xu Quan and Zhu Yiyi like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Without waiting for Xu Quan's order, each of them took the lead bullets and put them in their mouths, then took out the fixed charge and poured it into the gun chamber, then put the lead bullets in and stabbed them firmly with the gun bar.

"General Wang, look." An old man on the opposite side couldn't help but said a little timidly when he saw the rebels' skillful movements.

"What are you afraid of? This thing just makes a noise, and when we come to fight, it will disperse in a rush!" "General Wang" who was riding a tall horse couldn't help but sneered.

"I've seen a lot in the border areas, what's there to be afraid of?"



"Okay then, I will entrust the life of Wang's son to the general!" The old man hesitated for a moment and nodded helplessly.

"Who allowed this succumbing thief to do something so cruel? My Wang family's family fortune of nearly three hundred years cannot be ruined in my hands!"

"Don't worry!" The general couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "Lantian, the court will not treat you badly in the future!"

"What's more, there are people in your family and in the court, who dares to take credit for your achievements!"

After saying this, he couldn't help but turn his head and shouted loudly: "Come on me! The thieves' blunderbuss can only make a sound, but they can't penetrate our armor at all!"

When the miners heard this, they hesitated for a moment, then rushed forward with a roar.

When Xu Quan saw it from the opposite side, he immediately felt relieved.

What do you think? It turns out that although this group of miners is brave, they are not trained and they are not in line. They only rely on their bravery.

"First row!" When the enemy was about eighty steps closer, Xu Quan couldn't help but ordered loudly.

Suddenly there was a deafening sound of gunfire, and seven or eight miners on the opposite side were knocked down on the spot.

"The front row withdraws, the rear row takes aim!" Xu Quan gave the order in an orderly manner.


Immediately, more than ten people were knocked to the ground on the spot, and the miners could not help but pause in their charging footsteps.

"Quick, rush for me, do you want to stand there and be a target?" "General Wang" yelled loudly, while his heart couldn't help but thump.

If others don’t know, doesn’t he still know?

I am afraid that only the cannon players trained by the "Western French Party" in Denglai could fire such a neat and rapid method.

However, haven't they already taken refuge in Houjin? How could it appear here again?

"Kill, hurry up and kill!"

"Let go!" Xu Quan continued to order with a cold face, and immediately fired another volley, harvesting more than ten lives.

Zhu Yiwei couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He looked at the shooter in front of him like a farmer harvesting wheat, ruthlessly harvesting the life in front of him, and couldn't help but feel frightened.

"General Xu Xu, the thief is coming soon!" He couldn't help but remind him.

Xu Quan ignored him and ordered loudly: "The first row takes aim, the second row and the third row get their blunderbuss ready to charge. The fourth row and the fifth batch get their blunderbuss ready to protect the two wings!"

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and you can almost see the fearful and nervous faces on the other side.

"Let go!" The last round of firecrackers sounded. Due to the close distance, at least thirty people on the opposite side were knocked down this time.

The first person finished arranging the cannons and ran from left to right to the back of the formation without looking.

The musketeers in the second and third rows, who had already loaded their muskets, couldn't help but follow Xu Quan's instructions and launched a countercharge against the enemy with the muskets in their hands.

"Kill!" The morale of the miners who had experienced four or five waves of gunfire was already on the verge of collapse. They originally thought they would gain the upper hand by rushing forward, but they never expected that the enemy on the opposite side would actually charge back.

Suddenly, their hearts trembled, they dropped their weapons and turned around to run.

"Straight bitches, stop for me, stop!" That "General Wang" killed several people in a row, but still couldn't stop the defeat.

"General Wang, aren't you leaving yet?" I was so frightened that I couldn't help but remind him while running.

"Let's go?" "General Wang" couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Then let's go!"

"Run!" Zhu Yiwei couldn't help but shouted loudly as he ran after Xu Quan happily.

"Work hard and take back Lantian City!"

Now the rebels have chased Li Xu, and Lantian City is vaguely in sight.

Xu Quan was also quite excited, thinking that this was the end of the matter.

Unexpectedly, a roar like rolling thunder sounded. He turned around and was shocked: "Cavalry, how can there be cavalry?"

"Array, quickly, form a hollow square array!"

It turned out that "General Wang" had not gone far just now. Instead, he returned to Lantian City and called for the only remaining member of the Wang family under his command.

"Success or failure depends on this one move!" He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "If you want to make up for your mistakes and restore the official to his original position, this is the only way!"

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