It's no wonder that Zhang Shun was confident. His subordinate Jiang He was originally an elite member of the "Eight King Kongs", and he could fight even when he encountered border troops. What's more, his opponent was just a bandit from the mainland who had never seen a weapon before?

Here Jiang He asked his soldiers to face the upper reaches of the Yellow River and formed a simple square formation. After a while, as expected, more than a hundred "Mangshan Bandits" appeared in a mess on the opposite side. They were all dressed in cloth, armed with long spears, short knives and other weapons, carrying a big flag, and rushed forward with strange screams.

Zhang Shun looked up and saw the word "李" crookedly written on the big flag. Under the banner with the character "李", a big man was standing, holding a long bow. He came forward and shouted: "I am an 'Eighteen Boy', a hero who robs the rich and gives to the poor! Following us are the popular drinkers. , against us, cut him in half and chop him into pieces!"

Jiang He heard the words and said with a smile: "Even if you are a hero, do you dare to come up to challenge me? Grandpa, I have a good sword and shield, and I specialize in killing heroes from all walks of life!"

The "eighteen-year-old boy" heard this and shouted: "Take my arrow!" He drew his long bow and shot an arrow. Jiang He raised his shield to block it, and with a "snatch" sound, the long arrow caught Jiang He's shield. Jiang He was about to rush forward and have a good fight.

At this time, I suddenly heard Zhang Shun laughing and saying: "Everyone, stop it for now! This is really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple, and one family cannot recognize the other! Isn't this Brother Yu Yu? Why did he become the 'Eighteen Child' robber!" "

The leader of the "Mangshan Bandits" turned out to be Li Jiyu from Kaifeng. When he heard someone calling him, he turned around and saw that it was Zhang Shun and others, and he couldn't help but look embarrassed. One of the three major embarrassments in life is meeting an old friend in a foreign country when you are down and out.

The last time Li Ji met Zhang Shun, he was still an ordinary person, but he was praised by Taoist Ma and Chen Jindou. Now I can see that he has extraordinary bearing and is surrounded by people, looking prosperous. Instead, he brought hundreds of disgraced thieves to meet others, and the gap was huge.

At this time, Zhang Shun was chatting with Li Jiyu and privately sent someone to invite Chen Jindou. Zhang Shun only knew about it when the two talked about their separation. It turns out that Li Jiyu was also an ambitious man. After hearing Chen Jindou's prophecy that "eighteen children will enter the capital", he secretly formed a group of miners and dead men, preparing to attack when the time came.

Unfortunately, this guy didn't know people well and once made friends with a Shaolin monk. Li Jiyu liked his martial arts skills, so he wanted to recruit him into his group and promised him the position of "general". As a result, the monk promised well, and then sold Li Jiyu and led the officers and soldiers to arrest him.

It turned out that the monk had evil thoughts after seeing his beautiful wife that day, and planned to kill Li Jiyu and get his wife into his hands. Fortunately, a friend, Jiang Fa, was a guest at Li Jiyu's home at that time. When he saw the Shaolin monk coming, he punched the Shaolin monk to death with three punches and rescued Li Jiyu and his wife.

When Li Ji saw this, he knew that there was no place for him in the world, so he called on the Zhuangke miners to revolt today. Although Li Jiyu had already dissipated all his family wealth, not many people responded to the beheading deal. Li Jiyu only gathered a hundred or so people to protest.

Li Jiyu was entrenched on Songshan Mountain and was attacked by Shaolin monks many times. Li Jiyu was a little unable to stand. I happened to hear that there was a flood in Mengjin, and how many people were affected and displaced. Therefore, Li Jiyu decisively took his team and moved to Mengjin Mang Mountain. He also recruited some refugees and barely had 200 troops.

But Mang Mountain is low and difficult to hide. When Li Jiyu was chased by the government, he robbed some boats and took advantage of the fact that there were people under his command who were familiar with the nature of water and wandered between Mang Mountain and the Yellow River. He only tried to encourage the river workers who built the river to revolt in order to realize the dream of "eighteen children entering the capital". In order to respond to the prophecy that "someone brings a long bow and shoots at dawn at night", he also specially made a long bow and always carried it with him.

Now this "fake destiny" meets the "true destiny" and is completely ashamed. Li Jiyu suddenly became angry and wanted to kill this Shun and take away his luck. Just when he was calculating the distance and trying to make a surprise attack, he heard someone shouting: "But Brother Li is here? I have known for a long time that you are going to join my lord. Are you really here with your troops?"

Li Jiyu looked up and saw that it was Chen Jindou whom he hadn't seen for several months. Chen Jindou was being let down from his horse. It turned out that when he heard the news, he found Wei Congyi and asked him to hurry up and bring him here.

Of course Li Jiyu didn't know that he had already walked through the gate of hell at this moment. Not far away, Xiao Qinhu was already holding a bow and an arrow. Whenever he made a move, he would seal his throat with an arrow. Not to mention that Wukong on the left beside Zhang Shun was already watching him with eager eyes, and Li Sanniang on the right, who seemed harmless, was already thinking about how to hit him on the head with a flail.

He just heard Chen Jindou "belittle" himself in this way, and he was a little angry and said: "Son of the Emperor, whoever has strong soldiers and horses will do it! How can it be God's will! This person only has two arms and two legs, and he doesn't have any more parts than Li. Can An make me convinced?"

Chen Jindou laughed when he heard this and said: "Don't force your fate to be useless. Brother Li, please look at this stone tablet with me. It has just been fished out of the Yellow River. All the river workers on the left and right can testify. We have just arrived, so we can't do anything false. Look. How is this word?"

After hearing this, Li Jiyu looked at the stone in confusion, but saw four prophecies written on it. He couldn't help but feel shocked, his hands trembled, and he looked at Zhang Shun in surprise: "This is really fished from the Yellow River." from?"

"It's guaranteed to be genuine!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "This river mud is still new. Look at the color, color and edges of the stone. They are all signs that it has been sleeping at the bottom of the river for countless years. It must not have been caused by recent manpower. "

Chen Jindou also followed up and said: "When you look at the 'wooden hanging curved ruler', it is the word 'Zhu'; 'when encountering Shun, stop', when combined, it means that Zhu meets Zhang Shun, and his luck ends here!"

"Then what's the meaning of 'purity turns into turbidity, soil overcomes it'?" Li Jiyu asked unwillingly.

"Although we can't understand the words 'pure and turn turbid', we can infer one or two things based on the words before and after. My master inherited the earth virtues of Emperor Shun, and the fire ashes left the earth, which is consistent with the contemporary Ming Dynasty! I heard that earth can control water, then' "Purifying and transforming turbidity" mostly refers to the virtue of water, which should be conquered by my master. This treatment should mean that people with the virtue of water are trying to win the world with my master. If they can't make it, they will die and their family will be ruined." At this time, Zhao Yu When the hairdresser encountered a professional problem of his own, he took the opportunity to interject and explain.

Hearing this, Li Jiyu was speechless and looked back at the ragged clothes of his subordinates. Looking at Zhang Shun's men, they were all well-dressed. Many of them were even dressed in silk. Even the soldiers were all wearing armor and holding sharp swords. It was incomparable to the poor appearance of Zhang Shun and others. Then he looked up to the sky and sighed: "How unfair is the heaven? Why are some people the proud sons of heaven, while others are the abandoned sons of heaven!"

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