Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1061 The Way of Employing People

Ma Yingniang, despite her looks, her handwriting is not very good either.

After drafting the military order, she blushed with embarrassment and held it behind her back, not wanting Zhang Shun to see it.

"We are an old married couple, how can I still laugh at you?" Zhang Shun couldn't help coaxing, "Bring it here and let me see if the meaning is expressed clearly."

"Okay... okay, don't laugh!" Ma Yingniang warned fiercely.

"..." Zhang Shun took a look at it and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but he held it back.

"Didn't you do it on purpose? Didn't you do it on purpose?" Ma Yingniang was furious when she saw this, and tried to pull Zhang Shun away.

The two of them chatted for a long time and finally stopped.

Zhang Shun felt relieved when he saw that Ma Yingniang looked better.

The use of talents is divided into four aspects: identifying talents, cultivating talents, measuring talents and utilizing talents.

For example, Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu were both capable people at first, but more importantly, their temperaments were deeply appreciated by Zhang Shun, and the three of them became sworn brothers.

Zhang Shun originally thought that Chen Changzhen, who was more capable, would be more likely to grow into an outstanding general, but he never expected that Xiao Qinhu, who had developed a cautious, calm and decisive temperament through years of hunting in the mountains, would instead become Zhang Shun's first officer. Let the people.

It turns out that sometimes innate temperament is more important than acquired abilities. Acquired abilities can be cultivated, but innate temperament is difficult to change.

Zhang Shun, who realized this truth, turned around and looked at Chen Changzhen and Zhang Sanbai, and he immediately understood these two people at a glance.

The two of them were born as escorts in the martial arts world. They can both fight and handle interpersonal relationships. They are both military and political talents who can stabilize the situation at critical moments.

The other one was born in the business world. He is ruthless, tenacious and has the tact to scheming with others all the time. He is very suitable for offensive and tough battles.

Zhang Shun transferred Chen Changzhen to Guyuan this time to coordinate and handle military affairs in Gansu, Ningxia and other places. This is what he learned after reflection.

The reason why Zhang Sanbai was sent by him to serve as a food transporter was so that in addition to commanding operations, he could become familiar with the management of logistics and baggage, so as to lay the foundation for later commanding wars.

Unexpectedly, this guy has grown up very quickly, and he has already touched strategic issues in a daze.

Therefore, when Zhang Shun strictly ordered him to move without permission, he also specifically reminded him of the words "If the Ming Dynasty controls Xiangyang, I will control Nanyang; if the Ming Dynasty controls Yunyang, I will control Shangzhou."

This is a limit that both sides can accept for the time being, but geographically speaking, the Ming army can rely on the above two places to move north, while the rebel army can also rely on the other two places to move south.

Relying on their respective terrains, they maintained a balance of "deficiency in attack and excess in defense".

Similar situations are also true in Hanzhong and Shanxi.

The rebels got the key points they wanted, but they also left enough strategic points for officers and soldiers to attack.

Of course, both parties are actually not satisfied with this result, but everyone needs to "quiet" and accumulate the power to "destroy the balance" next time. This is the strategy.

It doesn't matter if Zhang Sanbai doesn't understand. You can let him understand slowly, or you can directly order him to prohibit him from doing this. This is the right way to utilize talents according to their abilities and cultivate talents.

If Yuan Chonghuan is like Chongzhen's fool, he shouted "Ping Liao in five years" and was ecstatically promoted to the governor of Ji Liao. He waited until Ping Liaoping arrived at the gate of Beijing and then pulled him out. Not only was it useless, but it actually led to the Liao Dynasty. Big bad.

Of course, Chongzhen was still young at the time and could easily be deceived.

Later on, I have a better memory, but I still have the problem of being "mean and unkind" and using talents to death.

At this moment, Hong Chengchou had arrived, and Ma Yingniang hurriedly retreated to the back room.

The two of them were polite, and then Zhang Shun said: "I would like to ask you, sir, to draft a military order for me, and prepare to send Li Jiyu from Dengfeng to lead his troops. What do you think, sir?"

Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou didn't know about the relationship between Li Jiyu and Zhang Shun, so he couldn't help asking: "Is there something fishy in it? How can such a good person be transferred back and forth?"

Zhang incidentally told Hong Chengchou about Li Jiyu's ambition in the past, and Hong Chengchou couldn't help but smile.

Nonsense, now Zhang Shun's land spans Qin and Henan, the place is thousands of miles away, and the crowd is hundreds of thousands. The world is shocked by it. How can a little Li's fate be able to shake him?

However, Chai Shihua learned from the past, Zhang Shun did not want to lose this general, and secondly, he was afraid that he would do it to him at a critical moment.

Just to be prepared, he was transferred out of his nest and kept under constant supervision.

"Yes, but for what reason?" Hong Chengchou twirled his beard and couldn't help but ask.

"That's right, didn't I set up a fire gun camp a few days ago?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but explain.

"When Xu Quan wrote me a reply a few days ago, he specifically mentioned that the Fire Gun Battalion is capable of fighting on foot, but is particularly afraid of cavalry."

"At the beginning, Wang Pu's men, with forty or fifty cavalry, almost broke through Xu Quan's phalanx of guns and swords."

"I was thinking about adding some pikemen to resist the cavalry charge."

"But my mother-in-law reminded me, saying, 'The horses of Liangzhou are rampant all over the world.' Now that the rebel army has occupied Gansu, Shaanxi and other places, and there are many good horses, why not form a cavalry to attack the cavalry with them."

"I intend to transfer this person over to form a cavalry for me, which can be regarded as destroying his foundation."

"Okay, okay, that's very good!" When Hong Chengchou heard this, he also found that Zhang Shun's method was really poisonous.

The foundation of Li Jiyu is nothing more than two points, one is his hometown of Dengfeng, and the other is the battalion of people who have worked hard under his command.

Zhang Shun not only transferred him from his hometown, but also took away his troops and horses, making him start over.

And due to the special nature of cavalry, it is extremely difficult for cavalry generals to make a difference.

In this way, Li Jiyu must have suppressed his thoughts and devoted his life to King Shun honestly.

"However, Li Jiyu has been transferred, what about the guards in Dengfeng?" Hong Chengchou asked again.

"I'm going to send Prime Minister Hui Deng to go there. I'll just leave He Renlong's battalion alone in Xi'an City. After a while, Xu Quan's Fire Gun Battalion will be completed, and a total of 8,000 people will be stationed there, which is enough!"

"It's done!" Hong Chengchou thought for a moment and felt that it should be foolproof, so he wrote down the military order and handed it to Zhang Shun for inspection.

After Zhang Shun confirmed that it was correct, he asked Wang Jinyi to send soldiers to Shangzhou and Dengfeng, Henan, together with Ma Yingniang's seal.

After Zhang Sanbai read Zhang Shun's military order, he had no choice but to lie there and take the board without mentioning it.

Although it was more than 700 miles from Xi'an to Dengfeng, the military order was delivered to Li Jiyu on the third day.

"In recognition of my meritorious service in the defense, you have specially assigned me to lead the reorganization of the troops under your command, and promoted me to the commander-in-chief of the cavalry battalion?" Li Jiyu couldn't help but murmured to himself after reading the military order.

"Congratulations, general, congratulations, general!" Chen Jindou couldn't help but congratulate him after hearing this.

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Jiyu couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Tell me the truth, what did you mean by 'eighteen children entering the capital' back then?"

"Oh, my brother, why don't you give up?" Chen Jindou couldn't help being frightened when he heard this, and couldn't help but whispered, "If you continue to do this, I'm afraid King Shun will help your mother-in-law give birth to a son! "

"Don't even think about it, what's your situation now, and what's the situation of King Shun?

"Okay, then I will follow your orders and go to Xi'an?" Li Jiyu cursed secretly and had no choice but to speak honestly.

"Yes, that's right!" Chen Jindou couldn't help but laugh, "Not to mention destiny or destiny, if it weren't for the love of King Shun, I'm afraid that 'General Zhenbei' Wang Sheng, 'General Zhendong' Zhang Ding, 'General Zhenxi' Shen Jingbang and 'General Zhongjun' Ji Zhiying wouldn't have taken refuge with me before, right?"

Li Jiyu was stunned when he heard this, and felt much more comfortable.

At that time, when he was helping the hero Ren Chen, his status was almost higher than that of Chen Jindou, who was a good talker.

Unexpectedly, Ren Chen and Zhou Ruli's heads had been dried long ago, and Ji Zhiying had already died.

Only Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding and Shen Jingbang took refuge under his command and eked out an ignoble existence.

Thinking of this, Li Jiyu couldn't help but nodded and said: "What Jin Dou said is true. I am arrogant. I will order the soldiers to pack up and leave as soon as possible."

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